WTF am I Playing - Episode 26 - Murderous Potatoes, Pinball Mecha Cats and Tidy-Up Simulator

In the quest for something new, you sometimes have to go through the discount shelf.


The flavour of the month among my regular gaming group, Brotato is a Vampire Survivors clone with simplistic visuals familiar to players of Binding of Isaac, build up your potato through waves of enemies to defeat the final boss, while the mechanics makes it one of the more functional clones of Vampire Survivors, it's visuals, restricted arena and odd achievements layout, makes it some what dull to look at and play which for an average of half an hour per session can get pretty tedious. There's only so far being minimalist can take you.
C-Tier Game.

Go Mecha Ball
Playing as a group of cats, (why is it always cats?) They find a mecha suit and embark on a journey to defeat the robot uprising, shooting guns and rolling around like a rampant pinball, this roguelike is one of the most creative I've seen in quite some time, and considering how sick I am of the genre, it's impressive that this title held my attention beyond it's first playthrough, it's because I genuinely enjoy pinball and the frantic action keeps me on my controller.
A-Tier Game.

A Little To The Left
A simple puzzle game of organizing typical household objects into patterns, shapes and colours, going in full force is not recommended as you will only give yourself brain damage by not seeing the oh so simple solutions right in front of you, for something that wouldn't even be thought of as a game a few years ago, Little to the Left gave me a proper lesson in how to properly de-stress, it's surprising how easy it is to forget to think logically when the typical gamer is trained to juggle ten different tasks in your average triple-A epic, I do feel like a better gamer for playing this.
A-Tier Game.
