WTF am I Playing - Episode 27 - A Good Children's Show, Lil Gator Wants To Play and Gert Lush Garden

It's been a while so let's fix that with some new titles.

Little known fact that Bluey is named after the worlds oldest dog who was also from Australia. The children's show that became the first choice for millennial parents now has her own game and is written like a four part episode of the show as best fictional Dad, Bandit finds a treasure map of a time capsule during a regular family playtime session, the game is clearly for young children as it barely qualifies as difficult but more than makes up with writing that adults can relate to such as the noisy toy you conveniently lost.
B-Tier Game

Lil Gator Game

If you've ever been the younger sibling in a family, this game is for you. A few years after visiting the park as a toddler with his older sister, Lil Gator returns as a ten year old with his now college aged sister in an effort to bring back the fun times of fantasy play, Lil Gator gathers new and old friends to make the ultimate quest which Lil Gator hopes to convince his sister to come play again. Another easy title that may as well be called baby's first Zelda as it plays and parodies the fantasy juggernaut as all your enemies are cardboard cutouts nor can you get damage from anything, the game itself is surprisingly solid, it's a good sign for children if games for them can be made this well.
A-Tier Game

Botany Manor
The term Gert Lush is going to be lost on my non British audience, set in 1890 at a country manor in Somerset, botanist Arabella sets out to grow several flowers all the while piecing together her story through puzzles in a very well made Country Manor, probably the nicest looking game in quite some time. Not much else to say, it's a first person puzzle game, their shelf life is painfully short.
A-Tier Game
