interview with a garu

so like, i'm inverviewing myself yeah? it's like the polish rule.

so what is your name/ are your names?
on here i'm mostly called garu, sometimes moon. irl i'm called by my real name and abreviations of it. you wanna know my real name? hey, it's not like people read my posts so like, yeah i'll tell you. it's Annabel. i'm called bellaru by my big sister, anna by my brother, bella by my mum, annie by my , ''hey you'' by my younger sister, annabewwa by my youngest sister that can talk.

how many siblings do you have?
i have one brother, two sisters and two half sisters.
my older brother shall be known as gii. my older sister shall be known as veggie-b. my younger sister shall be known as wa-wa and my half sisters are the sprogs.

do you have any pets?
i have a dog named paddy, sometimes called pads, wugu, shugu or cugu (wouldyou, shouldyou and couldyou), paddington or padsworth. i have a puppy named dobby, we share her with my mum's friend so she spends half her time at my house, half her time at their house (she beats up paddy so she goes off with them for a while so he can recover and she can have super mega attention). dobby is sometimes called dobs, didgu (didyou), stinky, runty, poo-bum. she likes to headbut me. in the face. in my teeth. on my brace.
i have a parakeet named charles darwin, also known as charlie and darwin, he's a bit of an idiot and a bit of a GENIUS. he can untie his cage and get out and fly around the room.

what are your favourite things?
i love yaoi, mostly hetalia yaoi. i love history, i always have. i love cats and dogs and pretty much all animals. I ADORE RACCOONS! i like chocolatey foods, sunshine, heat, swimming pools (i can't swim. LOL), doing art, sleeping, pancakes, any forms of sliced pig, ice cream, gargoyles, emo boys with hair like ''buisness at the back, smooooth at the front'', hetalia, rozen maiden, pretzels, alice no heart no kuni, devil may cry games, cycling, ice skating, summer time, the beach, russian culture, attempting to learn german, gory films. CHOCOLATE POP TARTS!

what do you hate?
rudeness, people not getting my jokes, people thinking i'm being rude when i'm just joking, fish eaters, spiders, ghost films that are freaky ass, racists, bullies, chavs, trolls, idiots, bitches, douchebags, mushrooms, onions, forgetting things, being picked on for knowing stuff about history and geography of europe, running out of stuff, my hair being so freaking spazzy, my skin colour (it's so out of whack. my younger sister is mediterainian looking, my older sister is white as and i'm white with a red complexion fullstop!), having to do lots of homework, being woken up by gii.

what do you believe in?
i'm a wiccan, i believe in ghosts, after-life, re-incarnation, magick, the power of nature, mediumship ect, ect.
if i had to be a type of christian i would be a slightly more mellowed jehovah's witness. i get where they're coming from but they're a bit sort of ''let us convert you'' and that rubs me the wrong way slightly.
i'm a bit of a marxist socialist/communsist. also i like some of bapu (ghandi)'s ideas

what annoys you?
people forcing their beliefs on me, being forced to change in order to make people happy, being stereotyped, people being mean about my fringe which i love, being forced into buying stuff for people when they can buy it themselves, scroungers, people who are on benefits and don't need it. lotsa other things like being ignored when i'm trying to say something important and bad spelling.

what types of music do you like?
i'm not really into indie music, some is ok but they all sound similar to me. i like nu-metal, pop punk, some emo and skater, i like some dubstep, i like eurodance, i like euro-nu-metal and i like some classic rock.

favourite colour(s)?
red shades, crimson, vermillion, maroon ect.
purple shades, indigo, violet, lavender, ect.
dark blues and blacks.

i am not emo, i look slightly emo to the untrained eye. GET IT RIGHT
