Over protective parent(s)

So as many of you know, i do not get on with my dad and my mother runs my house like a nazi police state.

anyway, this rant will be about my mother being a control freak.

Is it unreasonable for my mother to be negative about me going to a mixed gender sleepover tomorrow? I certainly think so, considering there will only be two boys there, and one is gay.

Her immediate response to me asking was "NO."
even though i said that the guy who's house it will be at is gay, she still said no, since his parents wont be in.
Even though they will, as will his younger sister. Not that she believes me, she says she will ask them tomorrow.
Uh, mum, i'm not 11 and you don't know these people.

And she assumes there will be alcohol. No doubt if i'm allowed to go, she'll smell my breath in the morning. All she'll smell is bacon, since the guy dude person who's house it will be at is making bacon for breakfast.
Apparently we might have a BBQ in the snow, so i'll miss out on that. There's gonna be 5 girls if i go, and only two boys.

She assumes i'm going to go and slut up the place, get drunk and pregnant...


Anyway, what do you guys think?
Is she being a bit over the top and unreasonable about this?
