This is a world dedicated the one...the only...


soo yeah. enjoy X3


come on people we need more posters! if you know some stuff about the band just message me and ask and I'll add you on so you can post it up for everyone! dont be shy!




I don't have any new interviews yet because I'm still scouring (sp?) the internet in search of something. But here's a video to distract you from the abscence of Aoiness.

Sorry ^^;

I'm having trouble finding an interview or some facts about Aoi so while I'm searching, I'm gonna post up this video k?

Uru fangirls!!!!!!!!!**************

sorry but there isn't an interview of uruha >.< i'm sorry so instead i'll just post this video of him and i hope you enjoy it!!


Ok, so I can get on today and tomorrow so ima post some stuff ^^ ok so i found this video a couple days ago and i just love it! my favorite part is at 0:53 until about 0:58 i think. but yeah its so funny -yell- -drums- -yell- -drums- -yell- -drums- -super high pitched scream- lol ok oh and i think ima start a new contest thing where i post two pics together, one of a jrocker and one of a cosplayer and you have to guess the cosplayer. whoever gets it right first, wins a ecard of any gazette or jrock member they want and with a saying or something of anything they want as well. im not sure though so if you think its a good idea or have suggestions about how to make it better message me please ^^ wells, here ya goes:
