Ghost Story: A Plea for Help

The first is always in the morning. I usually wake up a minute before my alarm goes off, 7:29. As soon as the numbers change, instead of reading 7:30, the display shows a row of dashes, --:--. Then, instead of the usual beep-beep-beep, I hear a baby crying. When I switch the alarm off, the time goes back to normal, 7:30, but the crying keeps going until I get out of bed, then it sort of…strangles away.

Read the rest here.

The Life and Death of Anastasia Darkrose: Sickroom

I recently finished Hallowdale, my longest ghost story to date. I am continuing that narrative with a prequel of sorts. For those who read the story, I am sure there were some unanswered questions, and this prequel will shed some light on the Darkrose family's tragic past:

The Life and Death of Anastasia Darkrose: Sickroom

Ghost Story: Trick or Treat

Finally got around to writing a new ghost story. Here's the excerpt:

From within the house there came a sensation of movement—the hint of a shrouded face, but nothing more—and one of those gloved hands, with a languorous caressing motion, deposited a generous helping of black-wrappered candies into my sack. Without a word, the slender fingers retreated, disappearing into the gloom, and the door was quietly shut.

You can read the whole thing here:
