Lux: What did a falling tree land on your or something Gale??? That's no reason to be afraid of them just have Ivax yell "Timber" or something next time.....Haha strike huh....sounds interesting I want to see that I feel for your tail Gale....
Gale: eh..TALL trees there is a diference between a tree and a TALL tree, escpecially falling ones. *sigh*...besides, I barely lived in the forest. Even as a child, I only went into the forest to play.
Ivax: Hello!? He was talking to me! *grrrrr* He NEVER lets me do no stuff like that! He even answeres MY questions! That's it, I'm on strike! I want my own body!
Gale: If you really want to take the quizes instead, be my guest. I don't really like them anyways...-_-
Sinbad of Sindria (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 04/03/10 | Reply
Lux: *reads some answers* Dude, Ivax, Gale has some issues.....half the time you aren't even included where were your answers??? O_o Gale I think you need to change how forgetful you are and what the heck man? Why are you afraid of forests or tall trees? You are a GIRAFFE!!!!
Team Plasma N
Sinbad of Sindria (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 04/03/10 | Reply
Lux: STRIKE! STRIKE! STRIKE! STRIKE! *holds up sign and repeats with Ivax*
Last edited by Iruka Sensei at 5:16:35 PM EDT on April 3, 2010.
Senior Otaku+ | Posted 04/03/10 | Reply
@Team Plasma N:
Gale: I'd rather not talk about it... *shivers*
Ivax: STRIKE!STRIKE!STRIKE!STRIKE! *keeps repeating*
Gale: ^-^U
Team Plasma N
Sinbad of Sindria (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 04/03/10 | Reply
Lux: What did a falling tree land on your or something Gale??? That's no reason to be afraid of them just have Ivax yell "Timber" or something next time.....Haha strike huh....sounds interesting I want to see that I feel for your tail Gale....
Senior Otaku+ | Posted 04/03/10 | Reply
@Team Plasma N:
Gale: eh..TALL trees there is a diference between a tree and a TALL tree, escpecially falling ones. *sigh*...besides, I barely lived in the forest. Even as a child, I only went into the forest to play.
Ivax: Hello!? He was talking to me! *grrrrr* He NEVER lets me do no stuff like that! He even answeres MY questions! That's it, I'm on strike! I want my own body!
Gale: If you really want to take the quizes instead, be my guest. I don't really like them anyways...-_-
Team Plasma N
Sinbad of Sindria (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 04/03/10 | Reply
Lux: *reads some answers* Dude, Ivax, Gale has some issues.....half the time you aren't even included where were your answers??? O_o Gale I think you need to change how forgetful you are and what the heck man? Why are you afraid of forests or tall trees? You are a GIRAFFE!!!!