This is my way of coping with the loss of my pokemon T________T
Come! Discuss the crazy things that have happened to you on your video games. What glitches can you warn us of? What glitches are inexplicable? Anything you think is out of the ordinary.... This is where to post it! If anyone wishes to post, lemmie know!

Glitch ALERT!

This glitch was provided by: moonsailor .... and supported by viewers like YOU! XD

On the game: Harry Potter and the Sorceror's Stone for the Game Boy Color, you may find yourself in a bad position if you recover the potion ingrediants for Snape in the incorrect order. Yes, you need the snake fangs, boomslang skin, etc, but if you do not retrieve the boomslang skin before the others, off of a portrait in Snape's office,then you won't be able to pass that part of the game and go to Potions Class! Which really sucks, unless you don't ever want too, of course XD.

If you find yourself in this pickle, check the bushes on the school grounds. That is the one place you can find the misplaced boomslang!

Moral of the story: Go ahead, experiment, do whatever you want out of order, just remember that afterwords your game may be: Out of Order

