We're pulling the wool over our own eyes.
And we're happier that way.

Everything and Anything goes here. I'm just dabbling it out as I come across it.


Hallo, Koda here. ;D
Things I want drawn 'cause Ima creeper:
1) A Flying Pig
2) A picture of Amadeo an Sean-Sean together, somehow. :3
3) Nnoitra from Bleach :D
4) A giant eye :DD
5) Axel and Roxas from Kingdom Hearts :DD

My three fave anime/manga:
1) Bleach
2) Deathnote
3) Kyo Kara Maoh


Fourteen months and seven days ago, a sad, lonley garage band scientist decided to create a friend out of the gauged-out hearts of twenty Troubadours, the bloodied minds of thirteen Vagabonds, and a whole lotta punk rock chords. Thusly, a confused, little wanna-be crossdresser who considered herself a mediocre artist emerged from the blood and dust, immediately snatching up a sketchbook and writing pad, ready to face the world. The garage band lead singer/mad scientist rejoiced...but was suddenly struck by illuminating lightning that was so beautiful that his creation, whom in his final moments he had named 'Dakota', could not save him, but simply watched as he turned to a sad pile of ashen glory.
Dakota was mildly amused, the morbid little b*tch, and happily made a zen garden from his remnants. The End.
