We're pulling the wool over our own eyes.
And we're happier that way.

Everything and Anything goes here. I'm just dabbling it out as I come across it.

Taggededed. :3

What do you have:
[x] Mother
[X] Father
[X] Step-Father
[] Step-Mother
[X] Step Sister
[X] Step Brother
[x] Brother
[ ] Brother In Law
[X] Sister
[ ] Sister In Law
[] Half Sister
[] Half Brother
[] Nephew
[] Niece
[X] Boyfriend/Girlfriend
[] Mobile Phone (not 'my own' ;A;)
[ ] Own Bathroom
[ ] Own Room
[x] Have/had a swimming pool
[ ] Have/had a hot tub
[ ] Guest room
[X] Living room
[ ] Own computer
[ ] Own TV
[ ] Flat TV
[ ] There is some big carpet at your house
Total: 10
[ ] Full size/queen bed
[ ] More than 8 pairs of shoes
[X] MP3 Player/ipod
[ ] PS2/3
[X] Nintendo, DS, or PSP (DS)
[x] Gameboy/Advance
[ ] Gamecube
[ ] Xbox/Xbox 360
[x] Wii
[ ] Your own laptop
[ ] Basketball net/hoop
[ ] Air hockey table
[ ] Pool table
[ ] Ping pong table
[ ] football table
[ ] sport gear
Total so far: 14
[ ] Night Stand
[X] Stereo in bedroom
[ ] surround system
[ ] DVD player in bedroom/portable
Total so far: 15
[ ] Go shopping at least once a week
[ ] Expensive cologne/perfume
[ ] Camera on phone
Total so far: 16
[ ] Go cart/car/quad
[X] Guitar/drums/bass (Guitar, man! >])
[x] Piano/keyboard
[x] Any other instrument (Trumpet FTW! ;D)
[ ] Been on a cruise
[ ] Traveled out of the country
[ ] Had a personal trainer
[ ] Expensive Jewelry
[ ] Met a celeb
Total so far: 19
[x] Straightener/curling iron (both)
[ ] Have been to the batting cage (D8 I can’t play baseball!)
[ ] Have $100 on you right now in your pocket/wallet
[ ] Credit card or ATM card or debit card or bank card
[X] Have a TV in your room
[X] Mirror in your room
[X] Window in your room
[ ] Been to Paris
[ ] Been to Rome
[ ] Been to Australia
[ ] Been to Switzerland
[ ] Been to Dubai
[ ] Been to Germany
[ ] Been to a place in 7 wonders
Total so far: 23
[X] Parents have a car
[ ] Have owned or own a jet ski/boat
[ ] Had/Have camped
[ ] Been to 3+ states/countries/provinces
[ ] 80+ buddies on facebook/myspace/TheOtaku
Total so far: 24
[ ] Have a home cooked meal almost everyday (Tch, no, man! xD We're too poor!)
[ ] Been in a limo
[ ] Been in a helicopter
[X] Own a camera
[ ] Have been to Disneyland/World more than 2 times
Total: 25
Post as:
1-25 = Ghetto! (tag 5 people)
26-40 = Average teen! (tag 10 people)
41-50 = Spoiled teen! (tag 15 people)
51+ = Upper class snob! (tag 20 people)

...^^; Ghetto.

I tag: Naruto Uzamaki12, YamiHita, HideYourFace, hellokatty, phantomgirl21

Tagged by Poochy! x3

Eye Color: Hazel/Brown-ish

Hair Color: Mousey Brown

Height: 5'5?

Favorite Color: Sapphire Blue <3

Screen Name: Uhh...chiyuki52, ChiyukiChan, WishUponYourStar, SadLittleTsubaki, TsubakiNakatsukasa, aaaaand OtakuLoser. :3

Favorite Show: Scrubs, Bleach(gonna watch in like, an hour), Degrassi, and other ones that i can't think of. ^^;

Your Car: N/A

Your Hometown: Well, TECHNICALLY, it's just a DISTRICT instead of a town now....>-> So I don't have one.

Your Present Town: Look above

Your First Crush's Name: -////-...Paydon.

Your Grade: 8th~!


Sat on your rooftop? Yeppers...once. x3

Kissed someone in the rain? Nah

Danced in a public place? Too uncoordinated, my friend. ;_;

Smiled for no reason? Yea!

Laughed so hard you cried? Almost! xD

Peed your pants after age 8? No. O-o

Written a song? Yup! xD

Sang to someone for no reason? YES! EVERY DAY! XDD I sing the first song from the Rocky Horror Picture Show that comes into my head to the first person I see.

Performed on a stage? Emm… OH yeah :P For a play I was in when I was younger ^^

Talked to someone you don't know? Lol XD Well obviously! I didn’t know any of
you peoples online at first but I still talked ta ya! (And probably annoyed
half of ya too XDDD)

Gone out of your way to befriend someone? Yup! Only if they seem nice, tho.

Made out in a theater? Uh, no.

Been in love? Not quite


Say HI to you? Uhhhh....Cleo I think.

Tell you, I love you? I dunno, my boyfriend?

Kiss you? No one. XD

Hug you? My weirdo sister! XD

Tell you BYE? My step-dad. ^^

Write you a note? Cleo, in Science clsss. >_>

Take your photo? My step-dad! XD

Buy you something? Momnherb, when I bought my Shounen Jump today. (My mom and step-dad, but since they always do things together, I call 'em Momnherb. Like Samneric from Lord of the Flies! XD)

Write a poem about you? No one. ^^

Touch you? My dog. O.e...


Time you cried? Probably about four years ago, about a week before my parents divorced. :D

Time you laughed? Uh...an hour or two ago. xD

Song you've sang? I sang This Is The End (For You My Friend) by Anti Flag ALL DAY TODAY! XD

Time you've looked at the clock? Just nao. :O

Drink you've had? Water at dinnah. XP

Book you've read? My new Shounen Jump. XD

Food you've eaten? ...I dunno. O-o

Shoes you've worn? Some tennis shoes I painted

Store you've been in? FYE, today. xD

Thing you've said? "NO! I WASN'T FRIGGIN LISTENING TO YER FRIGGIN PIANO PLAYING!!"...I'm such a nice big sister. But he wouldn't stop buggin me about it and he acts like he's all that. >->


Write with both hands? No. DX

Whistle? No. XD

Roll your tongue in a circle? Yup. ^^

Cross your eyes? Totally!

Touch your tongue to your nose? T-T I wish. DX

Dance? Nope! xD

Stay up a whole night without sleep? Yep. ^^

Speak a different language? I can speek limited Japanese and Spanish

Impersonate someone? Um...no. ;_;

Make a card pyramid? No. I can't. xD


If I were a ...millionare, I wouldn't be here right now. XD

I wish ...I could just move in with Momnherb and never talk to my dad again.

So many people don't know that ...I'm actually a really depressed person. ^^; No one I know ever cares enough to find out.

I am ...sleepy.

My heart is ...working?...I hope. O_O

Tag five people:



*points in a random direction* LOOK, A DISTRACTION! :O
