my life at the moment

SO yeah...I still have my job at Food Lion even though my manager is making me mad. I've gotten better at playing my guitar and over the summer succeeded in beating "Through the Fire and Flames" on expert....Started school again...and hate most of my classes, except Journalism....I get to work on the first newspaper and the first yearbook at my school...(yeah I'm going to a brand new school!!!!), Sunday I can go and take the test for my driver's license....FINALLY!!!, and it's my senior year but with that exciting news comes bad news. My great-aunt died, I almost lost one of my uncles, I sprained my ankle I don't know how many times, and I now have to do a senior project. But Through all of this moment, I'm pretty content. Just a little tired, but i can manage. well gotta do some marketing work. Peace

