it's not that good... >_>'''
plus that, I think you're better! You can do all sorts of poses, shading, and folds in clothing and stuff way better than I can... I stink^^'
Maybe we're both just good at different aspects of it
And yes. I'm confused. X3
*huggles denisuma*
Chibi Grimmjow
Otaku Legend | Posted 10/18/09 | Reply
it's not that good... >_>'''
plus that, I think you're better! You can do all sorts of poses, shading, and folds in clothing and stuff way better than I can... I stink^^'
Maybe we're both just good at different aspects of it
And yes. I'm confused. X3
*huggles denisuma*
Senior Otaku+ | Posted 10/18/09 | Reply
Can't wait to see the finished product :D