Everyone Love to Write Diary!!

This my world where i will write inn... what everyone write in a personal diary of course!! ... Here i'll write things which happens to me around each week... or when ever i had time, any thing interesting, amazing, surprise, a secret, about my fav. anime or manga, any thing which happens to me or i like to SHARE !!!

Remember !!!

  • My real name is Noor Fatima.
  • I am Proud to be a muslim.
  • i am studying Biotechnology :D
  • I am in love with a manga chara Ichiya From manga Forbbiden Wedding :)
  • I love anime manga!!!
  • My leisure time is spent here at otaku.. i am alwayz busy :(
  • i thank every member who visits my Personal Diary ,From deepest part of my HEART
  • remember one last thing This is a personal diary so keep things to yourself.. no rumors please * Just Kidding :P *

Also stay cool Live life to Fullest!! Work Hard! Coz Lazziness Kills!! , Love others around you, feel their pain and happiness * Helping others is Great Virtue* And smile !

My Deviant art Link


*Exam Time

ExaMs 11.12.12

Exams are near very near.... this friday
Just studying all the time.. my routine is like.... wake up in morning!!! after breakfast... hit the books!!!
then just study study study study study study study study study study study study study study study study study study study..... and sooo on till lunch time.... then its time for my tuition... travel in bus reach the institution... and study *SO tiring*

then coming back home...and *Tea Time ......... then again studying ...................................................................................................

Unfortunate Times.... :.(


wELL AS i mentioned earlier ....i am a medical student ... My 1st year result came out ,i was expecting an awsome result but .....as we all know.... CORRUPTION!! main Key of all Sins....i hate it.. to see all else students enjoying their high result.... while i made soo much efforts...and knew i did sooooo well to get high score... but un fairity ,un just done to me...

I got Broke , i felt i had nothing left to get in the university now.... :( But everyone cheered me on.... but it didnt effect me at all...... coz my mind is getting so disturbed.... i cant even concentrate right... then again my mom dad cheered me up... My Almighty Allah! as taken me Higher till NOW!! He will not let go of me...But i am the one who shouldn't give up hope... i have to work hard again and pray...

And all the tears i shed when i am alone .....no ones seeing it but only Allah... I have to Trust HIM! and Move on...Datx the way of Muslim ....
