Hello and welcome to Hano academy!

I am headmasterAble Rutherford The VI.
And I am proud to say that Hano academy is back in business, and classes will be gain soon!

Hano academy is a school for Humans, Vampires, Angels and Demons.
Those that join now will be giving 500$.

That money is for what ever you wish or need for you rooms, missions, extra classes, Field trips and such.
But of course you are giving those thing depending on your status with out using any of your money too.^^

Mission are events that must be taken care of.
There not to be taken lightly! The higher status you Obtain the harder your missions will be.^^

But not all mission are for ever one. As I said before, this school is for Humans. Vampires, Angels and Demons.
Even so if you truly wish to go on a certain mission that is not for your race, you may make a request and the teachers and I will over look it.-_^
Field trip are for all that wish to come and have a good time! Hopefully...
Some are payed for and some you will have to pay.

Now for your rooms, I am sorry to say but do to my horrid writing there....Well.... Rather tiny...So tiny that I don't now how I will make you all get room mates!...So please don't get mad at your room mate for steeping on your bed to leave the room.... But! If you two save enough money you may be able to get a bigger room. It is 3.050$. Boy, those constrain workers are so pricey! And again, if your status is high I will pay one for you. Let's just hope I don't lose my wallet again or flush it down the toilet....

Money is untanned by missions.
There are other ways of obtaining it but you'll just have to figure out...

Members~ Name- Level- Money

Darkittylove-Clovis .V. Seliongrave

Support Kira -Shimei Aoitsuki/Raphael et Sinclair-35 (1.000)
Sacred Moon
Macaiah-Miruki Iroku2-(1.000)
Black kitty doll-Neo Dimetrin-1(1.000)
SojiRem Eliot Hackheart-7 (1.000)
Kill Sasuke -Jezabelle Oread-38 (1.000)
AtticusPersona -Shori Benitsuki/Brenin-7 (1.000)
Elix3r-Skylar Dreylah-10 (1.000)
Duo Maxwell02-Ocean Tide-3 (1.000)
cheriblosomchibi-Meridan Uzuke-12 (1.000)
Dark Smile-Makoto Megami- 7 (500)
Ancient One-Rei Kiba-8 (500)
Shin Shadow-Shadow Daemon-1(500)
Kawaiihoneybunny0-Fuwa Fuwa Tsuroiro-1(500)
Wolfdemonchild9 -Sammie Hikari 1-(500)
Sumirechan-Aura Nightshade2-(500)
Junkodeer- (500)

Teachers for your use~
Grim Reaper-Magic, Valla Valkyrie-PE,Flyt,assist weaponry, Hana Flor-Cook, Summoning, Roku Shinigami-Shape Shifting, Berit-Mecha, The Docter

Class Schedules, etc & Rooms, Classes

I will be around always, so if you need anything I'll be glad to help!^^

(Updates Every Monday)

Man in White...

It took me several minutes to calm myself. I was in absolutely no mood for the next class, but since there were no teachers currently on stand-by to take my place, I would have to deal with it. This was only the first day after all, it couldn't be helped. The bell rang, signaling the start of class, and only then did I make my way to my classroom. I walked in, to a bunch of demons. Disgusting, despicable life-forms. They who loved the thought of bloodshed and death...who more often than not caused it! Very few of this race were redeemable. At least in my eyes...

"Good Evening. I am your homeroom teacher Raphael et Sinclair." I began my introduction. "I will not tolerate..." Just before I could continue, I felt something heading straight at me. Reaching my hand up, I caught a very small metal ball bearing. It had been coming at me with great speed...the inside of my palm feeling the impact. "This is World History, NOT Weaponry and Defense, Mr, Megami."

The Demon laughed. He was lounging in the very rear of the room...and casting me quite the look. "Yeah, I can see that." He commented. " It's nothing...TOO Personal, just thought maybe you forgot the part where you 'apologize' for being late. Or what? Didn't wanna show up to teach a group of Demons? It's understandable...but come on...isn't this school all about EQUALITY...or some nonsense like that?"

This was exactly the type of student I didn't need to see right now. I could feel my rage only intensifying...the entire room began to get brighter...and then I knew it was time for me to get out. I put my fingers to my mouth and let out a deafening whistle. Shortly after, Grim appeared in my doorway.


"I need you to take over this class for me." I stated on my way out. "Following...I have something urgent to discuss with you. However at this moment I need some time to compose myself. I'll be fine for my next class...just not now."

Grim gave me a suspicious look, but did not question me. He nodded and stepped behind the podium as I exited.

Storming down the hall, I couldn't get over how thoroughly angered I had become over the incident in my quarters. I had to inform Grim, but I didn't really believe we need alert Able to it just yet. Not until I was absolutely certain HE had returned. I would let Able enjoy this academy he'd worked so hard to reopen...if only for a couple days more.

It was growing very dark now. Soon the vampires would be walking the grounds, waiting for their turn in the classrooms. I could feel them all very well. Every student within my net...all scurrying around...getting to know each other and the layout of the school. It didn't seem like there was anything off...which only made me all the more curious as to WHO had damaged my room in such a way. The area I was in was completely void. There wasn't a single energy signature within a 20 foot radius of my current position. I let out a deep sigh of relief. And then I saw it...a gleam of white before me.

Lifting my eyes...I almost couldn't believe them. There was a figure at the end of the hall. What I could only assume as a man, he wore a Victorian-style suit--all white...complete with a top hat. In his right hand I could make out a very detailed cane, which he swung back and forth as he stood there...no doubt staring at me...from behind a full-faced Venetian Mask. The Design on it was intricate...and yet I was still left in awe by him.

The most unnerving thing of all...he wasn't on my energy grid. Even at this moment...it was as though there was naught standing before me. It was unexplainable. My net would allow Nothing inside without my knowledge...and yet...

This got me thinking...my room...I had sensed no one there...

"You there!" I spoke walking forward quickly. "What is your business here?!"

He started to walk backwards slowly...almost completely unfazed by me. And then I heard him...

"Blame blame blame...such a dangerous game.
What you should really fear draws VERY near...
Be warned oh man of light...you are in for quite a fight..."

I seemed to only blink...and he was gone...just as mysteriously as he had appeared. I stood there in silence...unable to comprehend just what had happened. Someone had gotten through my net...and the way in which he spoke only seemed to raise my suspicion. Was that a warning? Or...a threat....

Kira: *squeals* OOOOH FINALLY!!! Get ready ppls...the mysterious figure has appeared on the scene!! Is he a FRIEND...a FOE?!! >:}
Raphael: Miss Kira...I would appreciate you NOT discuss-
Kira: Oh Raph...don't worry. Just becuz he got in without you knowing...you don't have to feel bad.
Raphael: *speechless* ./////.' .......ahem....yes well....
Kira: It's alright!!! *big smile* He's embarassed. LOL

A vampire can cook??!!!

With a smirk on my face i continued walking, i could just feel the questioning face that Sebastian was pulling towards my back. He remained silent however as he lead me through the classrooms while the Demons still continued their lessons. We arrived at a classroom where an Angel stood, one wing black the other white, i was slightly entrigued but contiued walking.

"That was Raphael et Sinclair, he shall be your main teacher... He also teaches World History."
"Facinating.... An angel in a room of demons, who ever thinks that such a plan would go well is... well, need i say anything about the logic of such a person."
"That would be our Headmaster... Headmaster Able."
"How are you able to remeber all the facts of this school?"
"Simple my dear Cousin. Simple."

We continued walking until we were stopped by a woman as she rushed through the halls and corridors.
"AHH, Miss Oread... and Mr. Oread... correct?"
"That is I."
"You are requested to a meeting being held by the Headmaster Tomorrow, Miss Oread."
"What is this meeting about, may i ask?"
"Attned the meeting and you shall know."
"What about me?" Sebastian asked to the lady
"Your attendance is not required."
"Understood. Thank-you. I shall ensure Jezabelle gets there on time.

Sebastian watched as the woman passed, his face almost down-trodden as he came back to face me.
"Are you....."
"That was the receptionist. She was very kind when i wished to gather information on our classes and the little information that was availible on our teachers."
"Sebastian... Did you wish to go on this mission?"
"No, cousin That is not the meaning of my depression. I wished to keep an eye on you; and ensure that you did not miss classes."
"So you believe this mission will affect my grades?"
"Possibly cousin."

"Do not worry cousin. I shall take my 'food' along with me. Our curse will not be revealed while i am on this mission."
"I know cousin. I know."

My head turned and i looked into a classroom were a Man was teaching the demons something about combat... Just what we needed; demons with desent fighting skills.... Unconciously i twirled my umbrella and looked to the night sky. My first lesson was to begin shortly.... Ever so shortly....
After the whole incident with Jezabelle i nearly forgot my punishment... That damn pure, she almost made my punishment worse... I slamed into the kitchen, nearly breaking the door i slipped and went sliding on the floor under the tables and then slammed to a stop with my head colliding with the giant oven.

"About time Mr.... Ahhh, what's your last name son?"
"It's just James Miss.... No need for a last name."
"Well, the demons will be hungry soon. You had better get a hurry along."

I stood there for a second... This teacher was soo SMALL... Finally getting some focus i rushed to the fridge and wretched it open to see a bunch of different meats, veges and what-not. I grabbed out some mince and a leg of.... some kindda meat and started to cook the Demons dinner.... and the humans dinner.... what should i try and cook for the angels?

Slaving under the stove i couldn't wait for the next night... when i actually had somethign planned for dinner.
"What about vegetarians?" the teacher asked. i looked up from my cooking pulling a weird face.
"What ABOUT vegetarians?"
"You have no food that does not contain meat." i looked at all my dishes and then grabbing a lettuce leaf out from the burgers and a bun i slapped then together.
"There... Vegetarian BURGER.... Lettuce burger!!" i held the bun and lettuce leaf up for her to inspect. She looked at for a second then scoffed at it. Flying off i was left in the kitchen..... Cooking for loads of people without any help.... what a GREAT punishment!!

I just CAN'T wait for tommorow..... FUN!!! (sarcasm alert)
Jezabelle and James

(sorry ANYONE.... but James needed a punishment and i wasn't sure WHO or WHAT was cooking.... so that's why he's cooking by himself..... but you can change that and pretend that the fairy is being funny and making him THINK that he's gotta cook for everyone... hehe. BTW he is actually a GOOD cook... believe it or not, lol)


He just stood there staring at me...a look of utter disgust on his face. I couldn't be more disgusted either. From the smell of him, he had to be Neko...aside from the unmistakable ears atop his head.

"Chh...you're kidding..." I mumbled grabbing my bag. Such a weak demon glaring at me that way...the impudence almost makes me want to name him number 3 today.

"Why the hell did I come to this school...dammit." I heard him growl, his eyes still not leaving me. I could hear as he tightened the grip of his fists.

Instead of bringing my bag, I threw it next to the small dresser in the corner. A sadistic grin began to grow on my face as I approached my new "roomy" on the way out. He opened his mouth, no doubt to spout his disgust...but I cut him off. "Hey listen up, Number 3,...mess with my things...I rip out your guts and feed em to ya. Trust me...I'm not any more enthused by shacking up with a weakling like you than you obviously feel about this school...but I tell ya what...I'll let you live for awhile." I smiled and walked out. "At least until I get bored of you..."

It had taken quite a bit for me NOT to rip out his eyes right there for the way he'd glared at me. I hadn't had a nice pair of tasty eyeballs for awhile...hmm...maybe later. I'd give him a chance to redeem himself.

I sighed. "Man, this is gonna be hell. If the answer wasn't here...I'd just kill everyone, call this a fling and be done with it all. That IS...if I didn't have this accursed LIMIT! I'm down by 2 already today..." I whined. "Wait...my first period class is with who...some crack Angel. Oh HELL NO...."

Walking into the classroom a couple minutes early, there were very few demons already there. I made my way to the rear of the room, spooked a smaller demon out of the chair I wanted, and slammed down into my seat. Leaning back rudely, I threw my feet up onto the desk in front of me, and crossed my arms behind my head. I snarled at the few demons who dared to stare at me...even IF it was just their curiosity...and then I waited.

"Come on in Mr. Angel...let's see how tough you are..." I snickered. "I'd love to see the inner workings of your wings...was always curious about that..."

Dark: Wow Makoto...you're in a cheery mood.
Makoto: I'm irritated...deal with it or I'll crush you *-*
Dark: Okay -_-' Anyway, Sorry I haven't posted in a while ppl...things are getting kinda....hectic for me >.>


In the meeting everyone but Hana decided to let the student participate in this mission. And so I did I. Now I just needed to chose who would be sent there for it.

All the teachers left to there duties and I proceeded to my office as I thought of who to send. My chain of thought didn't last very long as I came to a conclusion. Yes I think they would do well on this mission.

I made it to my office and when I was going to tell my assisted the names of the ones I had chosen she tolled me that a student had been waiting for me.
I tolled her to send him in then and that I would give her the names after this was done. I sat down on my char, crossed my
fingers in front of me and waited till the student came in. The door then slammed open startling me a bit and I noticed it was Rei Kiba.

"Oh, Rei. Hello!" I said as I smiled. "What brings you here today¨

"I want a private tutor." He said sharply.

"Oh? But before we get to that please, tell me how was your day?" I then asked him.Then wondered why did he want a private tutor? Dose he not like it here? Rei had been though hard times... Maybe he just needed some getting used to.

"Uneventful.incompetent,uneducational,frustrating,insane,unwanted. Need I continue you wolf in sheeps clothing?" He said answering my question.

I was a bit sad he didn't trust me... Calling me "a wolf in sheep's clothing" just show that. I took a deep breath
and said,

"I see so that's why you demanded that request."

"It wasn't even my decision to come to this disgusting school anyways." he then said. "Especially how you people treated my families death."

Then I remembered..."Ah yes, your families murder..." I said then began to look for his file and look though it. Murdered in a fire... Some thing I wished so hard for it never to happen to any one ever.

"Well I am sure it was tragic for you... But you must understand that they want you to move on and forget about the past." I tolled him knowing it was not possible.

In raged by what I had just tolled him, he slammed my desk with his hands so hard I had felt my desk almost break. and then
just as fast as he became in raged he yelled at me,


When he said that I could fell his pain. He wouldn't forget the past just as I never will ether...I had asked him to calm down, he didn'´t and said something I was not expecting.

"I'LL CALM DOWN WHEN EVERYONE KNOWS THE PAIN I WENT THROUGH HAVING TO WATCH MY FAMILY SUFFER IN THAT FIRE!" Then he tough a vase I had and smashed it through a window. "I'll put up with this school for now but the first person to cross me will die." He said and slammed the door behind him.

Rei...I do feel your pain more then you know. I lend back on my char and placed my hands on my face. I could feel tries coming as I remembered that day long ago... The day I watched my family burn alive and I nor Raphael could do anything to stop it. I wished to forget that event but never...Forget them...Even though death, which I knew was soon to come. I could feel my illness become worse with every passing day. Suddenly I found myself wondering in my own thought. I laughed a bit then got up and begain to clean the glass on the floor when my assistant came in.

"You wanted tell me some thing Headmaster? Oh...My what happened here?" She asked.

"Oh, it's nothing. I just...Never mind. Yes I need to that you the names."

"The names of those that will go no the mission, corret?"


She then took out a small note book from her pock and a pen to write them down. Ready for anything as always I see, I thought.

"Now get me Clovis .V. Seliongrave, Eliot Hackheart, Jezabelle Oread, James, Makoto Megami, Meridan, Miruki Iroku, Neo Dimetrinn, Ocean Tide, Rai Wilder, Rei Kiba, Shimei Aoitsuki, Shori Benitsuki and finaly Skylar Dreylah."

She looked at me wondering why those few and all of different races.

"No need to wonder." I said. "Have them at the meet room tomorrow. They will leave in two days."

Headmaster Able~
Every one is going now!

Sorry if I haven't written anything lately I've been busy...


It had already my first day and I was becoming quickly sick of the fake masks the students and teachers were wearing in this pit of high clas snobs.I started to wonder why I even bothered coming here in the first place until I remembered the conversation the principal at my old school had with me.He had told me Hano Academy would be a great place to be with my grades the way they were.Honestly I would have rather liked my idea of dropping myself off of the building when he said that.Unfortunately I was too late to stop him from sending in my transfer so here I am at the school of the deceitful.

"So how was your first day?"asked the headmaster.

"Uneventful.incompetent,uneducational,frustrating,insane,unwanted."I said,"Need I continue you wolf in sheeps clothing?"

I had demanded to speak to The Headmaster in order to get a private tutor for all of my subjects that way I would not have to sit through another minute of being with those stuck high clas snobs.

"I see so thats why you demanded that request."He said.

"It wasn't even my decision to come to this disgusting school anyways."I said,"Especially how you people treated my families death."

"Ah yes your families murder."he said skimming through my file,"This must be the reason for your distrust of the school."

"It certainly is."I said turning to the window,"I never wanted to come to any school in the first place but I didn't want to disappoint my family."

"Well I am sure it was tragic for you but you must understand that they want you to move on and forget about the past."He said with that gentle yet somehow disturbing smile.

A shock of rage went through my body and unleashed when I slammed my hands on the desk.


"Mr. Kiba calm down please."pleaded the Headmaster.


I was so furious that I picked up a vase and smashed it through a window.

"I'll put up with this school for now but the first person to cross me will die."I said turning to the door.

As I left I slammed the door behind me.I began muttering under my breath about the incompetence of the staff at the Academy.I thought it couldn't get any worse then this until I saw who my room mate was.

I need help with the room mate part kitty since you never gave me the one.