Hello and welcome to Hano academy!

I am headmasterAble Rutherford The VI.
And I am proud to say that Hano academy is back in business, and classes will be gain soon!

Hano academy is a school for Humans, Vampires, Angels and Demons.
Those that join now will be giving 500$.

That money is for what ever you wish or need for you rooms, missions, extra classes, Field trips and such.
But of course you are giving those thing depending on your status with out using any of your money too.^^

Mission are events that must be taken care of.
There not to be taken lightly! The higher status you Obtain the harder your missions will be.^^

But not all mission are for ever one. As I said before, this school is for Humans. Vampires, Angels and Demons.
Even so if you truly wish to go on a certain mission that is not for your race, you may make a request and the teachers and I will over look it.-_^
Field trip are for all that wish to come and have a good time! Hopefully...
Some are payed for and some you will have to pay.

Now for your rooms, I am sorry to say but do to my horrid writing there....Well.... Rather tiny...So tiny that I don't now how I will make you all get room mates!...So please don't get mad at your room mate for steeping on your bed to leave the room.... But! If you two save enough money you may be able to get a bigger room. It is 3.050$. Boy, those constrain workers are so pricey! And again, if your status is high I will pay one for you. Let's just hope I don't lose my wallet again or flush it down the toilet....

Money is untanned by missions.
There are other ways of obtaining it but you'll just have to figure out...

Members~ Name- Level- Money

Darkittylove-Clovis .V. Seliongrave

Support Kira -Shimei Aoitsuki/Raphael et Sinclair-35 (1.000)
Sacred Moon
Macaiah-Miruki Iroku2-(1.000)
Black kitty doll-Neo Dimetrin-1(1.000)
SojiRem Eliot Hackheart-7 (1.000)
Kill Sasuke -Jezabelle Oread-38 (1.000)
AtticusPersona -Shori Benitsuki/Brenin-7 (1.000)
Elix3r-Skylar Dreylah-10 (1.000)
Duo Maxwell02-Ocean Tide-3 (1.000)
cheriblosomchibi-Meridan Uzuke-12 (1.000)
Dark Smile-Makoto Megami- 7 (500)
Ancient One-Rei Kiba-8 (500)
Shin Shadow-Shadow Daemon-1(500)
Kawaiihoneybunny0-Fuwa Fuwa Tsuroiro-1(500)
Wolfdemonchild9 -Sammie Hikari 1-(500)
Sumirechan-Aura Nightshade2-(500)
Junkodeer- (500)

Teachers for your use~
Grim Reaper-Magic, Valla Valkyrie-PE,Flyt,assist weaponry, Hana Flor-Cook, Summoning, Roku Shinigami-Shape Shifting, Berit-Mecha, The Docter

Class Schedules, etc & Rooms, Classes

I will be around always, so if you need anything I'll be glad to help!^^

(Updates Every Monday)

Winds of Change

Skylar watched Shimei arrogantly tell off the human. He almost wanted to laugh. Shimei was more like a cat than a vampire and if she had a tail it would give her away every time. Now that Skylar had down Shimeis’ flaw he would continue to investigate the others as they arrived. Lucky for Sky vampires liked to talk… Arrogance is a gift from your enemy.

The human seemed to be in no danger what so ever and this made Sky feel relieved only for the simple fact that they would avoid Ocean. He thought to himself, always watching others actions, that Shori was quite the introvert… seemingly a smarter move then Shimei.” Know thy Enemy” was what Skylar always taught Ocean…

Sky watched as Shimei gave her last words to the human and took off with Shori towards the tree line. He noticed that they were heading right for him. He didn’t want to teleport out of the way because when using magic or abilities is causes ripples in the ultra-grid*. He decided at last minute to lower himself far enough into the brush to be camouflaged. He held his breath as they passed overhead. They must have been too caught up in the moment to notice him. Most vampires can’t even smell Angels let alone a Fallen Angel unless they know what they’re looking for and most Angels have their own smells that are so unique that it’s unrecognizable.

Most Angels tend to smell of sweet things, depending on their domain**. It can be quite hard to pick up on unless you are near them and for humans it’s almost impossible. Fallen Angels are even harder to smell and only have a distinct smell to their true love.

Sky decided to check up on the human that was left in the vampires wake. He emerged from the tree line and slowly walked towards the young man with caution as not to startle him. Skylar tried to seem as harmless as possible and made his presence know to the new student. “I see you’re still alive…”

*The Ultra-grid is another name for the layer of energy that is spread across the earth. Whenever anything uses magic or some kind of energy ability it causes the Ultra-grid to ripple like the surface of still water.

**A Domain is the emotion that the Angel/Demon stands for.

A Game of Tag...

I stared at the Moon, knowing that it was a full one tonight, i laughed a little on the inside, i knew this would have a direct effect on my Mei. It was the only reason why she had been acting like this as of late."Of all times for a full moon..." i thought to myself. But i just sighed this was a event i couldn't do a thing about.

We set off in an unknown direction, i walked with my hands in my pockets, as usual, i was looking at the trees, staring at the buildings, thinking about how i was condemned here for the time being. I sighed...

"Wha's wrong Sho?" Mei had asked.

"Have you ever just pitied the unfortunate souls in this world who dont hold vampiric blood in them. Humans are so weak, physically speaking, some hold strong wills, but not many. Their life spans are that of less then a hundred years. Measly one tenth of ours at best. Angels, souls that are dedicated to but simple ideals set in their life by that of higher powers, nothing more then slaves to a man with no form. Demons, creatures bound by their sins, spending a eternity feeling the same scars burn, sting, and eat away at them. Alas, nothing we can do about it though. But..." i said looking at Mei.

"If we could....why even try" i chuckled to myself

Just as i had finished saying this, Mei had taken off in front of me. Turned around and said, "This palce is boring and your not helping! Lets play a game!"

I laughed, and looked at Mei with a smile on my face, this is the Mei that i see, the one that conceals herself from the world. As far as everyone else sees she is just a stubborn anti-social noble vampire. I however, get the privilege of seeing this Mei. The Mei that enjoys life, laughs, and enjoys just playing, perhaps it was because i was the first one to bring out her true smile, and her true emotions. This is the Mei that i know, that i have the privilege of knowing.

This was my Beloved Mei.

"Ok then what shall we play?" i said already getting read to run, i knew what she was about to say before she did.

"TAG! and your it!" she said sticking out her tongue, as her silhouette disappeared into the shadows of the small forest that neighbored the academy.

"Crap..." i said as she jumped into the trees. She has gotten amazingly faster over the past years.
"...but i am still quicker..." I thought outloud...

I dashed to the closest tree, jumped from branch to branch, sensing her movement, attempting to be one step ahead. After almost a minute i knew her next area she was going to.

"So" i said out loud enough for her to hear me.

She had jumped up into a rather tall oak tree, landed on a branch and looked down to see if i was following her. "What does the winner get..." i said sitting in a branch behind her...

She turned around giggling, maybe knowing i was there just waiting to ask her.

"How about a midnight snack..." she said in a lower voice.

"Well thats fine but guess what ...your it..." i had said, jumping straight up into the darkness as Mei had turned her head slightly...

Only to find that i had snuck a moon flower in the back of her shirt, but of course, it was her favorite flower. I laughed in the air as i saw her expression...i hit the ground, running, thinking she is getting faster, but i still have a advantage, but then i had the brief thought. Mei does act like a cat and like to play with her prey...maybe she was letting me think i had a advantage....but looking back i think of all the days we played this centuries ago, I always win. Simple as that.

I had run to the front of a building. "Eh...why not..." I thought out-loud. I turned around only to see her figure soaring across the sky, holding on to her dear cat plushie. "Thats her alright..." i said looking at the indistinguishable bright red eyes...

I darted inside the building. Running down a hall, running up the walls that lead to the higher floors, I had heard the door open behind me...i smiled. "She is getting better at this..." I thought to myself...

I had taken a stone i grabbed in the forest. Threw it down the hall in the opposite end and yelled "Ouch!"

Quickly i had dug one hand into the stones that created the roof in the hall...and just hung out....

i saw her figure dash across the floor below me...i laughed, landed soared past her and said "Hey there..."

she looked at me semi-suprised...then laughed...

"Whats so funny..." i said as the back of my head connected with a wall...Alas...i had found why she laughed...she knew i wasnt paying attention...to a degree...

I rolled in a room just to avoid getting tagged...she punced on me, like a cat.

"I win..." she said...
"Oh really..." i said puling two more moon flowers out of the back of her shirt...that i had placed when i dashed past her...

She looked at me suprised, and smiled, and said "Well i STILL have you!"
"Look where we are..." i mumbeled...

We were in my dorm room. "Maybe i planned this....maybe i knew that wall was there...maybe i wanted you to have a good snack...Maybe i...Maybe..." i saw her fangs slowly coming out...

"Well, Enjoy your victory snack..." i said turning my head to the side...

"Bon appetit" i said closing my eyes...

The Cat and the Mouse

I watched the mortal as he scanned the letter...as he walked...he seemed to hesitate as I lurked behind him stealthily.

"You don't have to do that, I know you are there." He spoke...I did not move. "Fine, we can play this all night then, its up to you." He shrugged.

Still...I did not come out. This was fun. I smirked as I watched him irritably shove the letter into his pocket and throw his bag over his shoulder. I edged in a little closer, knowing I was bugging him.

"I said come out! I'm not in the mood!" He shouted after such a short time.

I decided to end it...his foul look was a mood-killer...slowly I stepped out of the shadows. "No Hide-and-Seek for you huh?" I asked playfully.

He turned to face me...and I could hear him mumble a single word, "Vamp." My eyes narrowed a bit...that wasn't very polite...not at all.
"Yep, and you're a human..." I stated with a slight distaste. He turned his face to the side...and seemed to be completely and perfectly calm and stable...but I could feel it. His heart was pounding...so fast it threatened to burst from his chest. I could hear his blood pumping at an increased speed...smell his fear...no matter how hard he tried to hide it. I watched him closely...this was fun...like toying with a mouse. He slid his hands into his pockets very slowly, leaning back a little.

"Sorry to say, I really don't have time to deal with your kind...And I'd rather not have to kill right before school." He stated sliding the bag from his shoulder.

I was slightly confused...who had said ANYTHING about killing? "You kill?" I asked...if only to confirm whether he was a hunter or not.

"When I have to..." He responded. A good answer...after all...it's what we all did. He suddenly looked straight at me. "If you come within a hundred feet of me, I'll kill, But dang the paperwork I would have to do afterwards. Paperwork is worse than actually dying I would have to say..."

He commented so nonchalantly...acting as though he had experience in killing. I eyed him intensely wondering if it was all just that...an "act". As he watched me closely...I suddenly realized what this was. It WAS a mouse...cornered by a cat. He was speaking this way, only because he thought...he thought......

I started laughing...so loudly it echoed through the whole courtyard. I had to stop myself...to catch my breath...and then I spoke, to clarify. He was giving me a new expression...one filled with confusion of my behavior. "You think...that I want to...EAT YOU?!"

He was silent. But his face confirmed it...as though I could have no other purpose for singling him out...and cornering him.

"Foolish human...don't be so arrogant! As though I would sink so low as to drink from something so distasteful!" I scorned him. I could tell he was surprised...so I decided to impound if only just a little more. "I am a Noble vampire. I am NOT your "run of the mill" breed. I need ALOT more to please MY palette dear. A vampires thirst is only quenched by the blood of their 'loved one'. They can feed and feed and feed forever...it will keep them alive...but it will never be enough...not until they find their soul-mate. And once they have...they needn't EVER drink from anything else again." I smiled. "I am just so fortunate...that I HAVE found my 'one and only'. Therefore...I could care less for the blood or affairs of you lowly humans. I will not provoke or attack you...unless you attack me...or something I hold dear."

He seemed to lower his guard a bit...after realizing I hadn't come for his life...perhaps I put him at ease. I felt something...someone was watching...I didn't like it. Therefore...it was time to take my leave.

I appeared RIGHT BESIDE Eliot using just a bit of my speed. My mouth beside his ear I whispered..."My name is Shimei. I was only hoping to get a look at that letter of yours...but perhaps another time eh?"

A fierce wind blew all around...and then I was gone. I vaulted to the second story of the building before me, and ran a little way away from the scene. A slight chill ran through me thinking about who was watching...but I really didn't wanna let it bother me. Shori appeared beside me.

"Are you through already Mei?" He asked quietly.

I walked up behind him, and placed my head against his back sighing hard. "Now I'm bored Shori...he was no fun....no fun at all..."

Shori turned around and looked me deep in the eyes. "Don't worry Mei. Look. The moon has almost risen. I'm sure we can have MUCH more fun elsewhere...don't you?" Smiling with that devious grin of his, he managed to peak my interest and led me off...who knows where.


Silent Stalker

Skylar could hear Shimei's footsteps drawing closer. He suspected her to ask a million and one questions but he heard the steps come to a sudden halt. He guessed that Shori had stopped her and that they had decided to venture elsewhere. He had barely heard the chatter between them when he took the hallway exit.

Skylar continued his slow pace down a few flights of stairs to get to the ground level. The sound of each step echoing as he took them one by one. Sky wondered to himself if Ocean had found his way to the academy yet. Usually, he would never have left without Ocean by his side but Sky wanted to be sure the grounds were to his liking or rather safe enough that he wouldn't have to be watching over the young boy at every step. Despite Skys' age he still got a knot in his stomach every time he had to leave Ocean alone. It wasn't even that long ago that Sky had rescued Ocean from his own father... luckily Ocean forgave Sky for what he felt he had to do.

Sky pushed open the door to the exit on the bottom floor and a crisp gush of wind blew past him. He took in a deep breath to get a scent of the surrounding area to be sure if it was safe. Hano Academy was still new territory to Skylar and he was particularly cautious when in areas he had never been before. He took in all of the complexities the wind provided him and deciphered one scent from the next slowly, his brain working twice as fast as usual. Iron and rotting flesh... “Must be Vampires and.. a human?” He spoke to himself quietly. Skylars' indigo eyes searched the grounds visible in his radius for the suspects. He hoped to God that Ocean wasn't in trouble.

Skylar turned the corner with a silent quickness, prepared to summon his glaive is need be. He followed the scent as close as possible without being noticed. Sky hid himself in the tree line motionless and observed. He fought back a sigh when he saw that the human was not his Ocean.

School Notes

I continued reading the letter over again making sure that it wasn't some kind of sick joke. But as I read through it for the billionth time, I began to believe in them. As I was walking, I caught a glimpse of someone following me.

"You don't have to do that you know," I started. "I know you are there."

I waited but no one came out.

"Fine we can play this all night then," I shrugged. "It's up to you."

I slipped the letter into my pocket, re-shouldered the bag I was carrying, and continued walking. The air smelled like grass and something dying. I bit at my nail a bit and then looked down at my hand. It formed into a fist as I trudged fowards.

"I said come out," I ordered. "I'm not in a mood."

"No hide and seek for you?" a voice asked. I turned around. To see a woman about a hundred yards away.

"Vamp," I said. The one word said it all.

"Yep, and you're a human," the woman answered.

I turned my head a bit to the side. I didn't look it but my heart had started racing. I kept my face calm and a cool air around me, but there is always that initial fear one has when faced with what one would consider a predator.

My hand went indiscriminately into my pockets and I somewhat leaned back.

"Sorry to say I really don't have time to deal with your kind," I started. "And I'd rather not have to kill right before school."

I smirked a bit sliding the bag off my shoulder.

"You kill?" the vampire said looking at me.

I shrugged. "When I have to," I answered.

A pang went through my stomach when I said it. I didn't like the idea that I was still queasy after so long of it, but I kept my face straight and calm as if I were wearing a mask.

"If you come within a hundred feet of me I'll kill," I answered. "But dang the paperwork I would have to do afterwords." I ran my fingers through my hair a bit. "Paper work is worse than actually dying I would have to say....."

The vampire just stared at me, so I waited for something to happen.