"... Miss Jezabelle." i hated to admit it but i was begining to warm to this noble. I noted to myself that i must see the nurse when i got back to the academy. My brain might be suffering from a minor concusion from the knoocking about i recieved from that monster... whatever it was...
Smirking back at her i picked up my bag and placed it on my back.
"Just try to keep up... That IS... IF you can." i sped off. I was about 100m away before she was even able to get her backpack on her bag. To my surprise however she caught up with myself, and unlike most that i had done this small dissapering act with she wasn't out of breath. I always found it pathetic when even at this slow speed they were puffed and wheezing at me.
"I must admit, not bad Noble...sorry, Shimei" i said running backwards.
"Oh I can do better pureblood...I mean, Jezabelle" She said a cocky smirk on her face.
"I would expect so. You having a slight injury, keeping up with me and not being exauhsted.... But I can do better also. However the time is not for racing but for getting to our destination." with that i gave her a slight nod of my head and continued on. a small silence engulfed us until Shimei ended it.
"Do you know a guy named Alex? he rescued me... and i wanted to say thank-you."
"Why would you ask me? How could I know of him?"
"It's just...." she paused for a short while, i looked over at her and she looked back pointing at my thigh, "He had the same Knife as you."
I placed my hand on my knife gently.
"This knife?"
"Yes, his was exactly like it."
"You DO take notice of everything in your surroundings don't you?"
"Yes, But their exactly the same you can't deny that." I stayed quiet, in the distance i could see the top of the mountian, soon we would be able to go downhill, much easier in my opinion.
"The tops in the distance, better get ready to go downhill."
"Are you trying to avoid my answer?" another pause was between us and i looked down at my feet.
"This is Sebastian knife, i borrow it from time to time.... I would not know about it's origins, so whether or not it had others like it i would be anaware if it." i lied through my teeth, at least about the not knowing it's origins. This WAS Sebastians knife, but i knew the story behind it just as Sebastian and Alexander knew it.
An elder walked through the door. Tall and lean, pale at the moon and Flaxen hair past his shoulders. He bent down, his thin arm outstrecthed to pick up my painting with claw like nails stracthing the wood on the underside he observed the painting at a distance like an art critic evaluating a peice of work from an unknown painter.
"Putrid." he said simply, discarding the painting like a peice by Andy Warhol should have been. My amazing painting of flowers and angels, like that of a master, was nothing more then garbage.
"Your harp. Pick it up." he said forcefully motioning his clawed nails to my instrument. I got up gracefully and balacing the large instrument on my small shoulders played. He seemed content with my music ability and nodded to the beat. Barking instructions for me to keep my time and rhythm. A knock from the door interrupted him and i stopped my playing. A scowl on his face showed his disapporvement of the interuption, however another elder entered.
She was almost identical to him however she stood taller, no hunch in her back
"A guest for Mistress Oread has arrived."
"Tell them to wait, she is busy." He barked back at her, One of his eyes began to close, a sign of his anger. Even at a tender age of 28 (4 years old) i knew the signs.
"It is..... Alexander...."
"Who is Alexander? I have no knowledge of an Alexander that is important enough to...." She came up to him and whispered in his ear, a sign of understanding came into his eyes then a confusing anger.
"You heard the woman, FOLLOW HER child." he said forcefully. I quickly got up from my chair and followed.
I walked behind Elder not knowing of my fate... As i walked i past several rooma containing other children, some my age, other older. Sebastian came to the door of his room before i was even up to it. He stood there watching me and as i past followed. The elder hissed in his direction and Sebastian stopped by the staircase as i and she descended.
At the bottom of the stairs stood a hadsome man, his blonde hair the colour of gold yet it was wild and not neat like our own, he stood tall, beeming with muscles. He curled his lip at seeing me, an attempt at a smile, and pulled at the leash which was attached to a young puppy. I smiled at the puppy but remained behind my elder.
"Samuel, you may leave now. I will handle the young ones." Elder said.
"Sorry dutchess, but the Alphas said i was to watch over him... and thats what i'm gonna do." The puppy was chewing on the leash, trying to bat at a bat that was flying around.
"Tell your elders i am capab..."
"Hush it tight ***, i wouldn't be here if i didn't have to be. Now let the princess play and then i can get out of here... like both you and me want to happen." My elder sneered at him and walked to the louge room.
"They shall play here. Refreashments?"
"Don't mind if i do." With that the gentleman took a flask from his coat and a gulp from the flask. Letting the puppies leash go he sat down on one of the chairs, dirt falling off his coat, the undersides of his feet black. he took one look at me staring and motioned with his flask in his hand.
"Go, play... Have fun.... enjoy." shaking his head he went back to the flask. A quick look and a nod from elder and i walked after the puppy, trying to coax it out from under the chair.
"Here puppy." the puppy sniffed my hand, then continued chewing on it's leash.
"For..... sake....." Said the handsome man under his breath. He pulled the leash and the puppy whimpered as it came out from the chair.
"Don't hurt the poor thing." i said looking at the man with a frown
"I'm not a poor thing, i can take care of myself." i turned around to see a boy, about my age staring at me. A smudge of mud was on his cheek and an identical leash to that of the puppy was around his neck.
"Who are you?" i asked backing away from the stranger. He looked like a younger version of the guy sitting in the chair, just his eyes blue instead of brown.
"I'm Alex. Who are you?"
"Jezabelle." he tilted his head and looked at me. edging closer he sniffed at my hair.
"Jeza.... you smell nice."
"My names JezaBELLE."
"I like Jeza better, it's prettier... more like you." i smiled and pushed him.
From there we became friends, i had never had a friend... apart from Sebastian but i finally had a friend Alex. Every time we met, he would insist that i call him Alex instead of Alexander, and everytime he would come in his wolf form... bound through the door, lick my cheek then run around, his wagging tail in the air. I would follow him and eventually he met Sebastian. After a period of them trying to eat each other they became friends... and thats how Sebastian got a solid silver knife from Alex. A silver knife that ment they were now men.
Serval years later Alex came again, but unlike other times, he didn't come as a wolf, he came as a human. And walked through the doors. A knife clung to his waist. We were no longer children, that was his news and he ment it.
I shook my head and looked forward. Continuing on I reached the top of the moutained and stopped slightly and looked down. Picking a flower from a nearby tree i placed it in my hair and then continued running down the moutain. As i came down i could see the sun begining to come from over the top of the moutian.
Going faster i continued to look behind me, observing the sun as it follow Shimei and myself. We both quickened our paces. Eventually the suns path slowed as it got higher over the horizon. We reached the bottom of the moutain, barley with enough time to escape into the inerds of the caves that would have been the exit to the labyrith of tunnels underneth the moutian.
Taking a few breaths i sat down, took off my backpack and sat on a nearby rock.
"Almost there.... Just a little longer and we are there."
"How far over the plains till the village do you think?"
"A quick jog." I said smiling at her and resting against the wall. "But a nap would be nice."
Before i could get my eyes closed for long, i heard a scream. An ear peircing femine scream from the moutain labyrith. As i walked further into the cave i noticed three exits, the sound came to the right, i tried looking down it as the sound came closer, i leaned further into the tunnel to the right.
It dissapered. Sharp silence was heard. Until. Someone ran into me from behind. I flew into the tunnel i was leaning towards. Lieing face down on the floor i heard the screaming continue. I covered the mouth of the one that was screaming... the one that had ran into me from behind. finally getting up i looked into the vampire's eyes.
"Stop screaming James."
"I wasn't screaming." came his cracking voice, panick ricken in it.
"Yeah.. you were....."
"SHIMEI." i looked behind me and James sprawled on the floor. Yay the lovey doves are back together.
"Man i hate the dark." came James's voice from beside me.
"Your a vampire James, act like it."
"Not until someone turns on the lights."
"My PSP ran out of batteries.... i'm allowed to be scared, and afraid... if IT can run out of batteries... ANYTHING can happen."
he then became somewhat eratic. I grabbed him by the cuff of his collar and led him to the entrance.
"Happy now?"
"No... but i'm not scared of the monsters in the dark anymore..."
"We are the monsters that lerk in the dark." i said leaning in and exposing my fangs.
"...... You know... your REALLY scary when you do that."
"Good. Makes dealing with you easier." i bagan to walk away to sit down and get some rest. leaning against the rock wall i dozed off.
WIll post about James and Shori's 'adventure' later 
I was getting ready for the meeting when suddenly I found myself in Sindri's office "Now how did I get here?..." Sindri opened the door and came in. He didn't see me as he did, all he was looking at was his charts.
"Hello Sindri!!!" I yelled.
He jumped back a bit, he calmed down when he noticed it was me. I didn't know he would get that scared by me of all people.
"You scared me Able." He said lowering his hand form his chest. "what brings you here to my office Able? Your feeling bad? And I thought I tolled you to go rest, not to walk around as if nothing."
"Oh Sindri. Don't worry I'm fine. Every one worries too much about me. And I don't have to feel sick or anything to see you." I said with a smile.
"Yes I guess so. But really, are you feeling well?"
"Well now that you mention it I do have a little headache."
He grabbed my shoulders, turn me towards the door and said as he pushed me "Then go rest! You never seem to do as I tell you do you Able? "
"Some times I do."
"Ha! Well then this time I'll make you and make sure you sleep. And Grim will help."
"Alright alright. I'm going. Hahaha!"I smiled at him then he let go of me and walked beside me.
As we walked my headache, once so small begain to grow and quickly. Even tho Sindri was right by me side, I wished not to bother him with it. We kept walking and talking as we got to me room...But almost half way there...I could not go on. I suddenly felt dizzy, my vision got very bury and I felt my heart racing as if it where to explode. Bumping form wall, Sindri turned and ran to me. As he did I begain to shut down, I tried to stay awake but in the end I could not win.
"Able?! Are you alright?! ABLE!!!!" That was the last thing I heard...
When I awoke I found myself in my room in bed. I looked around to find no one in my room but a note on the pillow beside me. I grabbed my glasses form the night stand and slowly put the on. I still felt a bit dizzy and weak form before. Taking my time to open it I began to read it out loud to myself.
"Dear Albe,
It seems your condition is growing lately, you haven't fainted
for a long time and I fear for you. Not only me but the others
that know also. I will not tell Sinclar or Reaper just yet what
happen exactly but I will tel them not to let you do unnecessary
things and you need rest. Now please do as I say this time
and rest. Take care.
I realized what he had wrote down truly is happening...My time here might very well end soon... Folding the letter and placing it on in the drawer in the nightstand I thought to myself, "What would happen if I do leave...?" Suddenly the door opened and Grim slowly came in and walked to me.
"I bought you something." He said as he toke some chocolate form his pocket and gave it to me. "It usually helps and I know you like them."
"Thank you Grim!"
"Now hurry up and rest, You have things to do. Your not leaving the room till you do and I'll be here to make sure you don't. So hurry up." Then he walk to the corner and leaned on the wall. I placed the chocolate near me and just let my self sink into my bed.
"You know, you can be a bit bossy some times Grim. But I'll rest just to get things going around here."
Not long after I heard Raphael come in. I looked up at him, happy he came.I would have got up to greet him but I couldn't seem to even move my legs the siltiest bit. He glared at Grim before getting to me. They are good friends but Raphael never did like Grim always keeping me busy for so long. He then looked at me and ask if I had gone to see Sindri. I tolled him I did but thought I needed to do things around the school and tried to get up but he pushed me back down.
"If Sindri says you need rest, then you should do that." He tolled me with a strict voice."There's no need to worry Able, have you forgotten? I swore to help you make this school a success, and thus I shall. The meeting is over now, all that remains are preparation and departure."
He was right... I should trust in what he said and rest. But before he was able to say anything else I sat down and said,"Yes, about that. Hana is to accompany you and Brenin. She can provide extra support, and her size is helpful as well, don't you think?" He greed to that part and now to the ask what he wouldn't normally do. I took a bit to say it.
"Also...the mission is not to DESTROY him...please Raphael, you mustn't kill the demon...just capture him and take him back to Hell's gate." He tried not to show it but I know he wasn't too happy about what I had asked him to do.
He tolled me not to worry, I looked at him then laid back down to rest and slowly fell a sleep. I awoke again some time later and it seemed Grim had left too. So I got up got changed, ready and walked to the to my office. The students all seemed well as I walked by the school grounds and so I was happy. When I got to the main office my assistant gave me a note.
"what's this?" I asked.
"We have a new student name Sammie Hikari." She said. "She's a demon. Wolf demon to be exact. She look nice."
"Ahhh, I see. The I shall personally welcome miss Hikari to the Academy myself." And so I went to look for her.
You may go for there Wolf if you want. ^-^
"Pureblood..." I muttered...there was a HORRID taste in my mouth.
"Noble." She countered. Tilting her head to the side and staring at me.
I looked around...trying to gauge my location. I was on the OTHER side of the canyon...a rope lay on the ground. She had brought me with her...but...
"Pureblood...why? Why didn't you just leave me there...that makes no sense..." I found myself muttering.
She sighed deeply and stood up. "I COULD have left you to be eaten by that monster... THING if you would have prefered, but I presumed that you would have rathered to keep your LIFE intact..."
"I'm sorry OKAY!" I interrupted. "I know alright!"
She looked slightly surprised.
"I...don't DO well with purebloods. It's nothing's just when it comes to mind is closed." I admitted. "They think they can have WHATEVER they want! Without a care to anyone else's feelings!" I paused and looked at her. "I think...I may have been a little cruel to you. I realize that anger is misplaced...for that I apologize. I'll--I'll try harder to treat you with genuine respect. But I warn you Pu....Lady Oread...if you abuse my kindness...I shall never trust you again."
She turned to the side. "Jezabelle." She stated.
"You don't HAVE to call me Lady Oread...Jezabelle is fine."
I was slightly surprised, but a small smile formed on my face. "I'm Shimei. Maybe one of these days, I'll let you call me Mei...but not just yet." I stuck my tongue at her playfully. I stood up. "We need to get moving...since we're headed over the mountains...we have to clear them before dawn. Unless YOU want to get a nice tan...Miss Jezabelle." I smirked.
I walked ahead of James. He was following and had stopped trying to make small talk. After was incredibly hard to hold a conversation with him. I think he was just messing with me though. Finally giving in to the silence though...I made another attempt.
"You were thinking the same as me I see." I commented.
He was quiet a moment. "That Angelina looks hot even AFTER she's had twins... yeah..."
"No...Taking the caves. This way, we can slow our pace, and travel during the day with ease." I explained. "You DID consider that...didn't you?"
Again...quiet a moment. "Oh of course!" He agreed...though his tone was eyes narrowed. "Travel by day, Oh yeah!"
Again...I took to walking in silence. I don't know what it was about that answer...but something told me he'd just accidentally stumbled in here...and was just going with it. "Whatever..." I sighed. My thoughts returned to Mei...I hoped she was alright...
Name: Sammie Hikari
Gender: female
Age: 13
Height: 5'0
Race: wolf demon
Birthplace: unknown (can not remember)
Hair Color: black with a light purple streak
Hair Style: either in a ponytail or braid with a black ribbon
Eye Color: left is sky blue right is turquoise
Personality: shy, quiet, hyper half the time
You'll figure the rest out later
I gradually got up to the bridge, it's edges were rough and it was an old and decreped thing, i was about to step onto it when i head something behind me, My hand going to my throwing darts instantly i turned around and began to advance on the figure before me.
"WAIT!!" Came the voice of a girl, i could see her arms raised in protest of my actions..
"Cat that you?" I asked to the shadowed figure trying to walk forward..
"Pureblood..." she muttered. "Keep your distance...." then nothing more, she collapsed as a heap on the floor.... i looked over my shoulder to the rabbit that was poking it's head out of my back.
"And i thought YOU were pathetic."
Rolling my eyes i walked towards her, it was Shimei alright, no doubt about that. I rolled her over onto her back and forcefully opened one of her eyes and checked general vitals..... poisen i do believe... nothing too strong and she'd most likely wake up in a little.
Sighing i sat down and took off my bag. I took out the rabbit and inspected it's foot. Just a sprain, nothing too horrendous, after giving it a few berries to munch on and rubbing some organicly grown and all natural healing balms on it's foot i let it go. A pureblood like me couldn't be seen caring for such an animal, such a poor defenceless animal. Which reminded me.... what should i do with the one infront of me now?
I left my bag next to Shimei and tested the bridge. It could barley take anyones weight let alone both of ours. The best way to get across would be to..... fly.... but that would require tools i do not possess. However... Physics denotes that with enough speed, low air resistance and a slight incline before projection any mass is able to 'jump' such a span......
Looking to either side of the bridge i found ... an 'incline' that would most likely help in my attempt to jump this gorge.....
Sitting down i worked out that in order for me to jump this gorge with the weight of shimei on my back, my backpack and hers... would require me to travel at a speed of..... 100 km/h (62.5 miles/ hour) which is roughly 27 metres per second (90 feet per second.... i think... sorry but i'm noo good with changing into the different measuremets) after a few moments i realised that even with a high wind resistance... which didn't seem eveident today i would be able to manage roughly 300 metres (1000 feet)
Easy... After a few short run-ups to get my muscles warmed up I fitted my backpack onto my front and tried to lift Shemei onto my back so i could carry her. I tied her hands together infront of me so she wouldn't fall off and of course tying her waist on as well...
my run-up area was clear, i was ready to go.... gathering my speed i got up, i feared i wasn't going to go fast enough. Shiemei i could feel slipping from my restraints. Was i going fast enough? Would this be enough.
I Jumped. The wind rushed underneath. The canyon's edge gradually getting closer. But my fears caught ahold of me... this wasn't only my life but someone elses i was risking. I should have thought this through more. My speed might not be enough to save me.... or is it?
My feet landed on the ground, i countinued to run as i landed and stopped against a tree. Breathing deeply i was estatic, i had done the Oread clan proud. Smiling i re-adjusted Shiemei and contuinued at more of a jog towards the moutains (still pretty fast, lol) They closed in quite quickly and i decided over in stead of under. I would rather steep treaks to jump over then winding passages to get lost in. My wondered.... i wonder which way Sebastian would have went?
Going up the moutian i eventually stopped on a ledge to gather my breath once again and check on my patient. A slight fever, most likely from being moved around too much but overall she was going steady.... i rummaged through my bag and found a general 'pick-me-up' that in the past i had found worked well against general poisens... If you were strong enough to initially fight it... this just made it quicker to recover. Shoving it down Shimei mouth she woke with a gasp and clutched her throat.
"haven't used that on Vampires before..... so i guess the elders WERE right." i said under my breath as Shimei looked at me.
"Noble." i said tilting my head to one side. Personally i wanted to continue moving, and if little princess wanted a break she could go on her own from now on.
"Hey! Who's in there?!" someone called from the entrance. i jumped in my skin, who the hell is that!!! i moved a little so i could see who it was, keeping to the shadows i saw it was one of the guys i'd seen at school... at least i hoped it was... i cleared my throat. And popped out my fangs, he wasn't a threat... at least not like that demon... what WAS his deal? Trying to steal my woman... only a VAMPIRE can steal my betrothed.
"Who wants to know?!" i asked
"James?! That IS you right??"
".........Yeah............... and who are you?" i asked walking out from the shadows with my psp still in hand...the starting jingle from MARIO was playing.. hehe i always liked that song...
"Shori... remember... from the meeting."
"you were there?"
"Yes i was... i was with Shemei."
"Who's he? Is he that scary demon that keeps threatening people?"
"That's Makoto, Shemei is a girl."
"Ohhh right.... she's a human right?'
"No," he said shaking his head getting frustrated, "She's a vamprie."
"RIGHT...... So what are you doing here?"
"I'm on the MISSION... with you"
"Really??" i said tilting my head trying to look at him better in the dark of the night.
"GAH, your hopeless."
"No i'm James.Nice to meet you" i held out my hand for a shake the widest grin on my face as possible; his gaze threatened to kill me for my answer
"Now your a smart-ass."
"Why thank-you, yes i am. Glad we FINALLY have something to talk about."
he walked past me onto the caves.
"So you like the dark? i always thought humans were a little scared of the dark... you know all those VAMPIRE stories."
"Really?? You an angel then?"
he remained silent and continued walking. I tried continueously to get him onto conversation but he seemed evident not to continue with my chose of subjects... guess he didn't like bunny rabbits, flowers, the colour pink, teddy bears, faires......