Mad Dash

James had run so far ahead, it wasn't even funny. But there was no way I was going to run from that beast. I had picked up speed, but if he got NEAR me, it was dead. And then, it blocked my path. A horridly large beast with foul breath I could smell even at this distance, and a huge club in it's right hand. There was a horn atop it's head, and it seemed the beast only had but a single eye. exactly. Some sort of mix breed. The rest of his body didn't follow suit. A large a fat horse...or something...

It reared up and screeched at the top of its lungs. I raised my eyebrow. "You don't say?" I spoke sarcastically. As it came back down, I jumped at it. Landing on the other side, I started to walk off. The beast stood there frozen...just before falling to the ground. Whining in miserable pain as it slowly died. I smirked. I had just broken every single one of his bones at the joints, causing massive internal damage...of which he would bleed to death in no time. After all...I had just shattered several of those bones. Which would in turn, pierce major arteries and perhaps organs.

When I finally started to catch up to James again, I caught a familiar scent. Mei! I ran as fast as I could, coming out just behind James. He had smashed into the pureblood woman, Jezabelle. Standing right beside her was my Mei. "...Mei..." I spoke in a relieved tone.

"Shori!" She exclaimed and embraced me. I held onto her tightly. I had been so worried...



"Oh Shori! I was so worried!" I shouted. "I didn't know what happened to you! I knew you were alright...all I knew to do was to head to the village...I'm so happy..." Tears started to form in my eyes...but knowing that Jezabelle and yet another pureblood were in the room made me force them back in. I wiped the stray tear away quickly.

"I'm glad you're alright too Mei...I knew you would head for the I had faith." Shori spoke calmly, holding me tightly.

We walked over and sat down. Shori acted as my chair, and I clung tightly to him. Not wanting to ever let him go again.

"Have a seat you two...we should get some rest, then leave as soon as the sun starts to set." Shori instructed James and Jezabelle. "It's a pleasure meeting you again, Lady Oread."

"The Pleasure is mine, Sir Benitsuki. I Understand the need to rest. However shouldn't we try going before the sun fully sets?" Jezabelle asked, popping out her umbrella.

"No." Shori stated flatly. "I don't only suggest this course of action because of the journey TO the village. Once there, we are to engage 'DEMONS'. We need all of our strength, therefore, we shouldn't put ourselves out in direct sunlight. Prolonged exposure will result with us in a weakened state. I want to be ready for the battle ahead."

"Well, when you put it that way..." She relinquished taking a seat.

I felt myself getting very drowsy. "Sleep Mei..." I heard Sho's gentle voice urge me as he stroked my hair ever so delicately. "Wait a moment...what happened to your hat?" He whispered.

My eyes shot open for a moment as I remembered Adam holding it. Looking to the side, I replied, "I...lost it..." I couldn't tell Shori about him...I just couldn't...

"Oh...well I'll get you another." He smiled. "Now get some rest."

I felt so bad for lying...I would tell him soon. But I couldn't let him get distracted...slowly I closed my eyes...and before I knew it...I was fast asleep.

It didn't feel like I slept long. Before I knew it, I was being shook awake. I was the last one too...Jezabelle and James were both wide-awake. I sat up straight, wiping a slight drool from my mouth, blushing slightly. "It's time to go." Shori urged.

I stretched, preparing my body for a sprint. My wounds had all healed, I was in top shape now. I gave Jezabelle a mischievous glance. If she had thought I'd moved fast last night...just wait until she saw me now. "We have to be there by dawn right? We have plenty of time." I asked.

"Yes, the teachers informed us that we are all to arrive before dawn, however I intend to be early. Prompt and on time." Jezabelle spoke bluntly.

" would think you were racing or something..." I commented lowly, but coughed and hoped she hadn't heard. "Whatever...let's just go."

After leaving the cave, the sun was still slightly visible, but fading fast. I smiled over at Shori, then looked at Jezabelle and dashed off. She had obviously caught my grin, she was at my side in an instant.

"I see you're moving much quicker, No-...Shimei."

"You've picked up your pace too. Don't tell me you were going light last night because I was wounded." I commented back. "You're so thoughtful." I joked.

"If I wanted to...I could easily leave you in the dust."

"Ditto." I challenged, picking up my speed. I got ahead of her...but only for a bit, before she stepped up her game and caught up to me again.

The rest of the 'journey' was a bit of a blur. I kept side-by-side pace with Jezabelle...and we were at the village in no time. Sho and James far behind us. We smirked at one another.

"Not bad Jezabelle...not bad." I spoke, not even out of breath.

"Not bad yourself...Shimei." She said, with equal vigor.

Suddenly we heard clapping...loud clapping approaching us. "FINALLY Someone gets here!" I went on guard instantly. "And what better than two beautiful little ladies. Ciao Bellas...tell me...did either of you take the BRIDGE?" He commented with a sadistic smirk. It was Makoto the demon...

Okay...I may be turning some of my posts into third person, so I can just combine Sho and Mei. LOLz! But yep, there you go Dark, as requested. teeheehee...grand scheme. >XDD
