Before school starts.

I walked the grounds, my umbrella shading me as i walked around in the cloudy conditions of the day. The trees blew in the wind sending leaves and a warm breeze through the courtyard. I stopped in my traks and looked towards the sunset. This was to be my favourite time of night but instead of stalking the streets of Paris, Spain or Greece i was forced to walk these empty halls of a school which i would now be spending a whole year attneding. To be honest i had spent years on end doing less productive things then simply going to school; my life was a record of all those years together but i now had no reason to remain still and complasent.

I saw Sebatian walk towards me from the Dorms.

"The dormitories are as secure as they can be in such a low budget place. However the rooms are beyond satifactory. Barley any larger then your own wardrobe cousin."

"Understood cousin. And the class room situation?"
"Satifactory. We are in all but one class, i shall look into that and get back to you."
"I have heard that James is to attend."
"That is true. What do you wish to be done about that?"
"Leave him be. I shall deal with him later, for now...."

Sebastian fixed the cufflings on his sleeve, a crucifix on one and a bloody dagger on the other. His white gloves came up to the collar of his swallow tailed jacket and adjusted it. He turned his gaze on me as i continued on with my silence. I turned as i heard the gentle step of someone behind me, the trees rustled.

"For now we investigate our soon to be surroundings." i said turning to look at him over my shoulder.

"Understood cousin. I shall attend to the Headmasters office and then continue on to indrotuce myself to our teachers."
"I shall see you again cousin. Until then..." i nodded my head in his direction as he moved like the shadows.

I headed towards the Dorm rooms but as i walked another student came past me in the corridor, bumping my shoulder as she past.

"You would be wise to apolagise for that." i said watching the girl attempt to continue walking. Her black and red hair covered with a cat hat fluttered as she turned around and in her arms she held a vampire cat plushie. She remained silent, she looked up slowly into my eyes hers a bright red reminding me of the soothing taste of blood on my toungue. She began to walk away, but i would not let her get away with bumping into me like that.

"I said, it would be wise of you to apoligise," i felt my fangs become unhidden as i came up behind her and attempted to grab her collar. A hand came out and grabbed a hold of my wrist i looked up and parred my fangs as i looked at the purple haired man infront of me.

"And it would be wise that you don't do that." His eyes were harsh and a bright blue like my own.

I yanked my wrist out of his grasp and looked from him to his girl. A slight smile spread on my face as i started to back away
"My name is Jezabelle, i am a pureblood vampire. We shall meet again i am sure... but don't think i shall be so kind on either on of you. Good night." i walked away and heard a hiss come from the girl as she stood there. I turned my head and saw her look lovingly up at her protecter.

Love... Was it something i would ever acheive... my search so far had proved to be false. Maybe being in a school of those like myself would help in my search....

