A mid-storm dream

I heard the rain and looked up from my book; sitting on the window sill the smell of the rain washing engulfing the scent of blood that still hung in my room. The title of Romeo and Juliet played in my mind as i put the ancient book back down onto my pile of books. The titles of the most famous romance novels shining in the limited light. My wrist still held Sebastian's handkercheif wrapped around it. I undid the small bow and placed the handkerchief on my bed side cabnet.

I recalled the scene that had occured here seconds ago. My strength was alluding me. As always Sebastian came and insisted that i drink of his blood, i had always hating drinking his blood. I always felt like i used him. The only one that treated me like i was equal to him, and i treated him the same way. Yet when it came to this... it was always one sided... but i had finally won, repaid him ONCE out of the millions of times that i owed him.

He came and kneeled infront of me. The second he moved i had smelled it. The scent of freashly spilt blood, it came from his hair as it roufled. Intoxicating... and in my weakened state i lost my control. My eyes glazed over and my movements had become that of instinct, beastly instinct. But that was why Sebastian made sure i was fed. In my state.. without a blood partner... i was uncontrolable, if i was starved.

If Sebastain did not protect me, did not control me in my crazed state; even i did not what would happen. There had been a time where.... if my cousin did not stop me... wasn't there for me..... an innocent human would have been ripped to shreds, their blood consumed by my thirst. Instead, that poor innocent girl had seen me in my blind state, something i never wished to encounter again.

I shook my head as i saw more students run into the shelter of the Academy as the rain continued to pour. It was dangerous to mix soo many races together... i could only imagine waht could happen.....

I had heard people whisper about me losing control... I remember Sebastian in the hospital. Grasping the bed as they peeled the gauze off his back. The scabs of his back coming off with the gauze. Blood trickling down, droplets contrasting dramatically with the white of the sheet laied down on the bed. i had ran at that sight. That was why i was now in here.. to learn to control myself... but if blood was to be spilt again.. i was unsure whether i could control myself or not....

I stopped my thoughts and went back to the tragedy of Romeo and Juliet.
But as my story came to it's depressing end, I turned off the light and slid underneth the sheets of my bed. I turned on my side and looked out the window at the rain. Gently my eyes closed.... My dreams truned instantly to nightmares of blood soaked walls and torn limbs. I awoke with a start and sat up again....

It would be a long night. I grabbed out the book of Anothony and Cleopatra, A midsummers night Dream falling from the pile. I grabbed it up and started reading the comedy. The rain continued, falling and refreashing the Earth.

I felt the familar feeling of Sebastian watching over me. I WOULD repay him back... i would... i have to.
