Grand Entrance...well not so Grand, but an Entrance

Throwing my bag over my shoulder after the long walk up to the school, I gazed upon the crude structure.

"You're kidding..." I spoke with distaste. "THIS place is supposed to have the answer..."

"They said there's a CHANCE master...they aren't exactly SURE."

"Shut up, no one asked you..." I spat then walked inside. I could hear bells chiming...apparently school was already in. That meant, I was fashionably late...wouldn't wanna be ANY other way. I smiled.

A couple of little human girls were all piled up together chatting away. One of the smallest ones went wide-eyed and pointed at me...perhaps my good-looks were just TOO MUCH for her. She started whispering to her quickly irritated me. As I got within a couple feet of them, I suddenly jumped forward, while not leaving my position, "RAAAA!" I shrieked. The entire group scattered away screaming in fear. I bust up into a fierce was just too easy.

"He's not here for 5 minutes...and already he causes trouble..."

"I told you lot to shut up!" I shouted, yelling at my bag as I shook it violently. "One more useless peep, and I'll do to you what I did to Jeremiah! Got it!"

It was quiet....yes...much better. I walked through the front doors, right up to the woman behind the desk. I smiled a bit, and decided to have a little more fun.

"Salve Bella!" I greeted in Italian. "Mi chiamo Makoto Megami." I then proceeded to take her hand, placing the lightest of kisses upon her wrist.

She rolled her eyes and stood up. Walking to her file cabinet, she hastily opened the drawer, grabbed a slip of paper, and all but threw it at me. "We speak English here Mr. Megami. Since you are late in arriving, you'll have to hurry and prepare yourself, you are to attend a Music class in roughly one hour. Your roommate will be Mr. Miruki Iroku in the Demons dorms."

I snickered a bit. "Well, you've all got things totally mapped out now, haven't you?"

She smiled. "Arrivederci Mr. Megami, Buona Giornata."

This cause my eyebrow to raise slightly. "Touché." I commented and started off. "Grazie! Ciao Bella!"

My attempt at throwing her into utter confusion was foiled...she had understood Italian the whole time. I remembered how long it'd taken ME to learn the language. There was only so much you could discern from your dying victims... AIUTO!! AIUTO!!! though anyone would come to HELP.

I suddenly missed Italy...but it hadn't been the same since I'd had that curse put on me. The masquerades just weren't so thrilling...a good party yeah...but what was the party without the big finish?

I got to my dorm room...and was appalled by it's size. I was supposed to SHARE this with someone?! I mean...sure...I'd lived in smaller by myself...but I had acquired quite a few belongings. This room would barely hold all my trophy masks! I heard the annoying bell once more...and quickly realized I should put on the uniform...I was here to gather information...I would have to PLAY my role at least.

"Oh in the world did I get roped into becoming a 'student'. This will NOT turn out well..." I muttered as I changed into the school's uniform.

As I stood in front of the mirror checking my appearance, I could hear a snicker coming from my duffle bag. The rest of my things would be coming soon...but at the moment this was all I'd brought, my most precious...'possessions'. Angrily I was about to grab it when I heard the door to my room open. Standing in the doorway was another demon...this had to be my roommate.

Dark: So now Makoto is on the scene...RUN FOR YOUR LIVES!!!
Makoto: Hey....that's not're supposed to say it louder! I don't think they heard you...come on...I LOVE it when they Run *__*
Dark: O____________O' what have I done.....

You can continue if you want Macaiah(Miruki) haha, if not then I will.
