
He just stood there staring at me...a look of utter disgust on his face. I couldn't be more disgusted either. From the smell of him, he had to be Neko...aside from the unmistakable ears atop his head.

"'re kidding..." I mumbled grabbing my bag. Such a weak demon glaring at me that way...the impudence almost makes me want to name him number 3 today.

"Why the hell did I come to this school...dammit." I heard him growl, his eyes still not leaving me. I could hear as he tightened the grip of his fists.

Instead of bringing my bag, I threw it next to the small dresser in the corner. A sadistic grin began to grow on my face as I approached my new "roomy" on the way out. He opened his mouth, no doubt to spout his disgust...but I cut him off. "Hey listen up, Number 3,...mess with my things...I rip out your guts and feed em to ya. Trust me...I'm not any more enthused by shacking up with a weakling like you than you obviously feel about this school...but I tell ya what...I'll let you live for awhile." I smiled and walked out. "At least until I get bored of you..."

It had taken quite a bit for me NOT to rip out his eyes right there for the way he'd glared at me. I hadn't had a nice pair of tasty eyeballs for awhile...hmm...maybe later. I'd give him a chance to redeem himself.

I sighed. "Man, this is gonna be hell. If the answer wasn't here...I'd just kill everyone, call this a fling and be done with it all. That IS...if I didn't have this accursed LIMIT! I'm down by 2 already today..." I whined. " first period class is with who...some crack Angel. Oh HELL NO...."

Walking into the classroom a couple minutes early, there were very few demons already there. I made my way to the rear of the room, spooked a smaller demon out of the chair I wanted, and slammed down into my seat. Leaning back rudely, I threw my feet up onto the desk in front of me, and crossed my arms behind my head. I snarled at the few demons who dared to stare at me...even IF it was just their curiosity...and then I waited.

"Come on in Mr. Angel...let's see how tough you are..." I snickered. "I'd love to see the inner workings of your wings...was always curious about that..."

Dark: Wow're in a cheery mood.
Makoto: I'm with it or I'll crush you *-*
Dark: Okay -_-' Anyway, Sorry I haven't posted in a while ppl...things are getting kinda....hectic for me >.>
