Meow! Welcome to Haphazard Tirades!
Yeah, so... where to start?

Please excuse any spelling/grammar errors; I know I'm pretty crazy about that stuff sometimes and I'll correct it, or I just won't care...

This is pretty much my crazy, everyday, monotonous, exciting, boring, you-don't-really-care, insane, awesome, pointless, blog thingy where I write stuff! It may or may not contain anything pertaining to manga, anime, or the great mysteries of life...

So, please enjoy and comment if you feel like it!

And don't forget to enjoy the video interlude at this time...

Homecoming = death?

So, as some of you are probably aware, it's around time for homecoming...ew. Ikr? Well, in my school, that means time to put up posters to say "Vote for _insertgenericpreppynamehere_ " Fortunately, this year, some clever kids have come up with the most hilarious posters EVER! I kid you not, if you don't believe me, just see the picture below!

I laughed my butt off when I saw this, so I just had to tear one down to sacn and share with all of you!

See you later! ~gaijin
