Fanfic Part 1: Haruhi's Big Announcement

"I have a huge announcement for all members of the SOS Brigade!" Came Haruhi Suzumiya's voice over the morning announcement's PA.
Kyon rolled his eyes. Whatever this announcement was, it was probably something involving her doing something outrageous, and the rest of them having to play usual.
Even though he liked Haruhi, a lot, she was a little strange. But that was what attracted him to her the most. Even if people ridiculed her, she always stayed the way she was, a never changing star in the ever changing world of their high school. She also looked amazing in a ponytail. She always had a smile on her face. Being with her took his breath away. Mostly because he was choking most of the time, she loved dragging him around by his tie.
When he got to his first class, Itsuki pulled him to the side.
"So," he said. "What do think this surprise is?"
"Probably something criminal." Kyon sighed. Itsuki laughed.
"You crack me up!" Kyon rolled his eyes.
"I'm serious. She hasn't committed a crime that we know of yet, it's about time she went bonkers." Itsuki laughed again. Mikuru skipped over to the pair of them, Yuki trailing closely behind her.
"What's so funny?" Asked Mikuru, with her eyes shining with curiosity. Before either of them could answer, Haruhi waked in and sat at her desk.
Kyon's heart pounded against his ribs. He placed his hand over his chest, and sighed. When would this crush stop? All of the students sat down to begin class.
By the time school was over and club started, the small smile that Haruhi had in first period had become a devil's grin.
"Okay," sighed Yuki, in an emotionless tone. "What's this 'Big Announcement'?" Haruhi laughed like a maniac. Oh no, Kyon thought. This CAN'T be good.
"Well," Haruhi grinned. "We have a break coming up, and I thought we could go on a vacation together. To like, an amusement park and stuff." She smiled shyly, (for the first time,) waiting for a reaction from the other brigade members. Yuki nodded, causing a roar of triumph from Itsuki, and an exited giggle from Mikuru.
The Brigade looked at Kyon, who was leaning back in a chair. Haruhi dashed over and grabbed him by his necktie.
"So, what do you say?!" She growled. Kyon glared at her.
"Fine," he hissed at her through gritted teeth. She released him, and Kyon fell backwards in his chair.
As he sat of the floor, Kyon's heart was pounding even harder.
A Brigade Vacation huh? He thought. I guess I should get used to my heart racing like this.
