Um, hello. I'm Fujioka Haruhi. I've just joined theotaku and I hope I can keep up...with what someone has told me, there's another Host Club here, and Tamaki-sempai's a part of it...-_-; oh boy...


Today I was dragged along to Kyouya-senpai's family's resort. I can't understand why we couldn't just go to a real beach...--'

Anyway, Honey-senpai got lost. A wave crashed in and washed him away, so we had to go look for him. For some reason, we were sidetracked by crocodiles. - - I still don't understand why they were there if it was a private resort...
I helped Mori-senpai find Honey-senpai...but then Kyouya-senpai's police force caught us...and mistook us for someone kidnapping Honey-senpai. -_-;

I couldn't believe it when Honey-senpai saved us. Yes, HONEY-SENPAI. The twins told me that he was a martial arts master... --' funny how things are kept a secret from me...

At least no one got hurt...and we're back at home. *relieved*

Host Club...

I've just joined theOtaku on this laptop the twins gave me. It's kid of funny how as soon as I arrive... there's word of another Host Club. - -; And I've just realized, all of the Ouran Host Club members are here...I'm sorry for being late. *bows* I hope Kyouya-senpai doesn't add any more to my debt because of it. --' Thank you all for the warm welcome though. ^^ Well, I have homework to do. Arigato.
