hah, the whole Haddad Family is here. except for little A'ishah though..
anyway... actually, I'm speechless. I can't say anything about this chapter. only that it's really well done. You kept Haru in character, and I'm glad with that.
Really really?! it's not going to take that long is it? cos I was reading it for a long time now, ever since Kari kari went on here... but there was no new chapter ;_; I thought you stopped writing it... *sniffle*
I thought about the kiss, but I couldn't find the right time to write it down, you know? I was afraid I might ruin Hatsuharu's image, so yeah. You should know, Hideki is based off of my oldest brother. I get most of my ideas from him. Hideki is by far my favorite character! He's so stupid, but smart!
Otakuite+ | Posted 10/23/09 | Reply
lol no problem ^_^ I love to comment anyway! and it really is good.
Last edited by Mayora13 at 12:26:28 AM EDT on October 24, 2009.
Otakuite+ | Posted 10/22/09 | Reply
OMG I LOVE YOU GUYS! You've pointed out all of the details, and that makes my eyes fill to the brim with tears!! Of happiness... Yeah. .. :D
But really, thanks a bunch for reading it and actually paying close attention to where the story is going. ;_;
Otakuite+ | Posted 10/22/09 | Reply
hah, the whole Haddad Family is here. except for little A'ishah though..
anyway... actually, I'm speechless. I can't say anything about this chapter. only that it's really well done. You kept Haru in character, and I'm glad with that.
Gintoki Sakata
Otakuite | Posted 10/22/09 | Reply
Really really?! it's not going to take that long is it? cos I was reading it for a long time now, ever since Kari kari went on here... but there was no new chapter ;_; I thought you stopped writing it... *sniffle*
Date Masamune
Otakuite+ | Posted 10/22/09 | Reply
hes what? HES WHAT?!! so.. there really is a guy.. like Hideki..? stupid.. ??? AWESOME!!!! now I really want to continue reading!!! :D
relax, you didn't ruin him at all. That's kind of typical for him, even I know that. Just relaaaaax... ^_^
Otakuite | Posted 10/22/09 | Reply
woah... Hatsu Hatsu actually went that far...
Kyon Kyon is funny!
Otakuite+ | Posted 10/22/09 | Reply
@Date Masamune:
I thought about the kiss, but I couldn't find the right time to write it down, you know? I was afraid I might ruin Hatsuharu's image, so yeah. You should know, Hideki is based off of my oldest brother. I get most of my ideas from him. Hideki is by far my favorite character! He's so stupid, but smart!
Otakuite+ | Posted 10/22/09 | Reply
@Gintoki Sakata:
About time if I do say so myself! I'll be adding the next chapter soon!
Gintoki Sakata
Otakuite | Posted 10/22/09 | Reply
awwwww he finally kissed herrr awwwwww *sniffle* awwww :D great job!! Im looking forward to see more!! ^^
Date Masamune
Otakuite+ | Posted 10/22/09 | Reply
lol, Haru-chan always smashes people with her briefcase. lol xD
... Hatsuharu.. FINALLY!! dude! I was waiting unpatiently when he would finally kiss her!! I like the part where she fainted after that! XD
and Hideki is funny in his own way! lol "But I need some company..." LOL