- Created By Hagi girl
Ok...So um Charles is. And tehn He all noked out. And Hagi say "Come wit me if U want 2 live!" But not 2 charles, he say tat 2 Akako. Ok, Wat teh hack happened after tat?! Let me check....
Hagi tooked her 2 his bacholer pad. He sayed" U b safe here Akako tis a place Charles cannot find" But tat didn't stop soloman, did it? So how can Soloman find it but Charles can't? I meen tey work 4 teh sam person...Oh wait! Ignor tat it a spoiler!!!!!!
"How do every 1 no me?" Akako whined She not. sure how every 1 no her. "How do every 1 do me?" She whined. She still don't no how every 1 no her. She only no teh family tat she lived wit shince she a baby. But tat her adopted fmily. I wonder if her dad a dinosaur?
"I wonder how every 1 no me?" Akako whined
Hagi:"Tat boy Charles? He said he no my real parents. HAgi! Do tat meen my reel parents still alive!?"
Hagi sayed this" Prepear Urself Akako, Tis is teh truth. Ur real parents dead. Well, just ur mother, but u don't no tat."
Akako: "Dead!?"
Hagi looked at Akako with a sarcastic grin. "Yeah, dead. Pushin' up daises. Bought the farm. Went to the big coffin in the sky. Kicked the bucket. They ain't gettin' any deader, even if I brought them back and killed them again. Dead. Gone forever. Never to return. YourDadsADinosaur, AndAlive."
Akako:"Wat was tat last part!?"
Akako:"Oh..Ok, continue."
HAgi:"Ok, mary sue, Ur teh true vampire thing queen whatever blah blah, Kill Saya Dive. I stuck 2 Saya, Yadda yadda yaddda. Look.....Just watch the anime. Or read the manga, It makes better since and doesn't take 15 episodes to get to where you think the plot is."
Akako:"I didn't like teh anime...Ur lines in tat musta been easy Hagi....Saya....Saya....U must fite...Saya..."
Hagi:"It beats being in Heart Beat."
"Wait here" say hagi, I "go git ur stu"ff" "Please dont 4git my mak up, my lipstick keep dissapreaing." Akako said.
"oh, By the way" Hagi said pokeing his head around teh cornor."I did ur real father B4 he died....food 4 thought." And he left. WAIT!!! he come back and hug her "Thats all I want 2." He say as Akako is weired out...I mean after wat he say about her dad? Now her all close? Dude! Problem? He start 2 leave but come back again. Tat guy need a planner, He 4Goted 2 give her a sword.
"U sure U shud give tis 2 me after wat U said?" Akako say but hagi leeve 4 real tis time.
But ten he come back 2 tel her tis "If Diva no u alive, she use u 2 kill Saya, how u only tried 2 befriend byt she getted all mad and stomp off" Akako look at hagi wit big eyes. "Do U folow me?" She sayed. And He go "Yes. I gotta piuccy of u eatin' toast tis morining. I meen tat like super kreepy. I sneek into ur room and watch u sleep, and som times I take ur tooth brush and use it after u leave teh bathroom....."
Now Akako officially kreeped out. And Hagi leeve again. Ok....tis time he reallly reallly does leeve."I hoped he cum bak soon....or not.....Uh? I watched TV" Akako said as she fell asleepy.
There was a nois in teh kichin and it waked her up. "Who tat?" She asked "its meeeeee" Said a fruity voice....How cud it b? Don't read teh magna, B/cuz u will find out. And tat wud B a spoiler....
Akako's beginings
in a butiful kingdom undre teh sea lieved king Akako's dad. And his beutiful wife Akako's mom. they had like 12 kids I dont no, and there nams wer Sleepy, Grumpy, Suicidey, Doc, Jim bob, Poster of Justin Timberlake, Hair brush, others, and Akako. They wer very hapy.Teh pareints wer very hapy and in luv. And hapy. All day long tehy wud sing and junk. Then one day, Akako's pareints went to the surface 4 there aniversorry and Akako's mom gave Akako's dad A musick box tat played there sogn. Bringing Sexy back by Justin Timberlake.
Then Akako's mom git hit by boat. She dead. there wer like guts every where. it was gros. I meen realy gros! It was moor gross then kissing Kai. Tat how gros it is.
Akako's dad got real sad then barffed. I just did 2. it tat gros. or it cud b teh flu. B/cuz i mit hav teh flu. Akako's dad was so upset tat he outlawed all music especillay Justin Timerlake frum teh kingdom. Now it 10 years latr and Akako 10 years older. So she like 17 or sumthing. did I mention she was a mermaid? Tats kind important. Ok she a mermaid.
So Akako's dad all like "No singing! and then...oops" and ten he hired dis lady tat gotta be pushing 30 and she has tis fat thing I tink it a manetee but it big and FAT tat 4sure. It in louv wit Akako. Oh yeah, Akako's dad has a little crab thing tat talks funneh. It has a realy bad fake Jamaican accent. And his nam is Sven. Sven who is teh crab guy is a right hand guy. and teh old lady uhhhhhhhh....I tink her nam is Gutentag. it is now. and she dont liek Sven.
So Gutentag cums in 1 day and is liek git up!" " and Akako and Poster of Justin Timberlake were all liek "We dont wanna git up." and she all liek "GIT UP!!!" and they did. Sometimes I dont always draw wit a pencil b/cuz the extra finger make it hard. I have webbed feet. So i dont where sandals.
So tehy went on there swim wit there dad and Akako and Poster of Justin Timberlake were liek horsing around and noked all teh other sisters over. Akako dad git real mad and he ground tem evn tho they didnt do nothing. Supt nok into peeple. He all liek "Grr" and whatever. And Gutentag was all like....you no? I tink I chang her nam 2 teh Fonz. B/cuz of tat piccy I drawed where she all liek "Aaay" liek teh Fonz. I liek the Fonz. Ok ok so The Fonz was all liek "Aaay MR K, uhh... dont b hating. Sven was all like doing stuff 2."
So Akako was grounded but she sneeked out and meeted a fish call Floun...Boxy. Boxy was makined music and she all like "He tat kewl."
And teh sword fish was all liek "Ohh I gunna arrest u 4 making love wit tat pipe." Oh, I forgotted to say tat they were swimin and making music with pipes when tey were cotted by teh gards who r swordfish and Boxy was liek "I aint makin no music! I dont even no tis pipe!" And Akako was all liek "Um. no he wanted makin music! I was here teh hole tim!" and there all liek "Ok." Then Sven kame and he getted mad. He mak Akako go back 1 her room.
Boxy was swimmin and hidin and, but not so gud B/cuz Akako sawed him so she followed him. And he weented 2 a seekrt bar? I dont no wat tat was but he wented their. And their was music plying and fish dancing. And then Sven was all liek singing on stag and Akako was all liek "YOU!" so they let her sign and she hav preeety voice B/cuz every 1 luved it. Sven Siad "U cud b on Amarican Idle! ^^"'' and ten her dad cam B/Cuz the Fonz told on tem! And every 1 was puted in presun Exsepted Akako who got 2 eated cake and wach TV and go 2 bed.
Akako so mad she runed away. And she founed tis spot and every 1 wented 2 sleep. Oh yay, she broked every 1 out of presun. Last nite I watched a movie about a dog. It was funneh but I had a hard tim undersanding the plot teh dog was liek tis scooer player or sumthing and he was all like in teh air and making baskets and seeling tem on ebay and stuff. but teh dog was kewt and i felled asleep halfway tru. And ten teh Fonz Fined tem and she have eelz and she all liek "Aaay! come into my office!" And Akako all liek "Nuuuuu!"
Link comes in stabs Fonz Fonz dies the end. (of chaptear 3)
Chaptear 2 I forgotted where i was
I forgotted were i waz. Hey, have n e of u seed tat avertizmnt on teh O 4 tat storie about the vampire gilr Karin? it looked gud. I hop it a romanced. I luv romanceds. Hold on a sec I gotta open anoter tab adn chek my magna 2 see where i am. I thinked i stop on pag 10....Yesterday i was at skool and tis meen boy was all like, "hey Olive-Usarima, u ugly girl." I hated him he so meen 2 me. He wrong b/cuz my mom say I'm preety. and my mom wuldn't lye.
Oh yeah chaptear 2: Even Charles can be Charles-less
Akako all like in math class and kai all like, "hey Olive u r preety." and Akako all like, "u r gros." and he all like "but i luv u Akako." and she all like "u r 2 gros" and he all like but Akako "lets make out at lunch" and she all like "I FREAKIN TOLD U KAI U R 2 GROS!!" And he all like "i want ur lips against mine" and she all like hitted him. And ten teh bell ringed and she hav 2 run to lit class. My sissy say lit meens literachur and it all about readin books and stuff. I luv 2 reed and I luv 2 rite. I a gud riter and a gud reeder. My mom say i shuld rite when i growed up. My mom say i gud riter. I am a gud riter. My mom say so.
Akako looked outside and seed Hagi. "who tat boy i dont no who he is." b/cuz she don no who Hagi is.
Hagi POV
"I outside."
Akako POV
Akako have sum kinda lump on her neck in tis panel. She better git it checked cuz it mite b cancer. Oh wait. It gone now. Never mind. She run 2 lunch. Hope she pak salad cuz she got tis beer gut thing goin on. She OK now, it gone in next panel. Kai all like "hey baby wanna eat spagettie like tem dogs?" "ug akako thinked" Akako thinked. She hated Kai. But Kai liked Akako. But she think he gros. She told him tat. Akako SERIOUSLY funked up in this panel. She turned her head and tere was tat boy wat she sawed outside tat she did not no who he was and it was Hagi only she didnt no it was Hagi cuz she only sawed him wen he outside. Ther were lites behind him and tat ment she thinked he was Kewt.
does anyone no wat teh little red lines on word mean? Lots of my words hav tat underneith but tey disapear wen I post tis on teh O. If i was a princess frum disney i wud b snow white. she smart and preety. and she live with funny little men. is it insulting to call tem drawfs? i tink is it. it shud b snow white and teh 7 verticly challengeed men. where was i? now i have to reed it all over again. ok i reeded it again, i at the part where Charles comed in. Oops, dont read tat last sentence. it a spoiler.
Hagi puted his hand out to Akako and he sayed "I been lookin 4 u 4 a long tim" He only got 1 leg in tis pic....Akako all like "who who r" but she geted interupted by Charles but she dont no who he is. Not the boy she sawed outside. Cuz tat was Hagi. He comed thru teh roof. He all all laffing like "HAHAHAHAHA." or whatever. I almost give him a pee spot in tis panel. but sissy said not 2. He all like "hey Saya" ten he noticed Akako and he say " Hm? Weel well well it u! (U is underlinded) I came 4 a princess butt i founded a queen! ur a much better prize" He throwed akako over his sholdeer and everyone can see her butt. Tat musta been embreassing like tat time i went 2 skool with no pants. Tat meen boy laffed and he is stupid. I hate him. YAY HEAR TAT GEORGE!!! I HATE U!
Akako all like "Help me!" shed better git a doctor 2 look at tat arm B/cuz it comming out her neck. Now tey all like hoping over roofs and trees and stuff. B/cuz he carry her and ranned away relly kwik and was hoping over tings. "wat do u want frum me?" Akako askededed I 4got 2 metion tat he tooked her 3 his house. He all like "I admit u wernt teh reason i came 2 a public middle skool, but u a much better pize."
How do u no who I am? "Akako said. He laffed again and said " It seems i no mor about u ten u do urself Akako. I noed ur father Akako. Ur realed father Akako. "tat what he sayed. how may time u tink he sayed her name? I meen my god! like 3 rite? Tat was unessary. OK, i was just tinkin tat it wuld b funnie if he suddenly started barking like a dog. 1 of tem little purse dogs what yap relly loud and stuff.
"Wat r u talking about?" Akako sayed and ten he tryed to kissed her! All teh boys luv Akako. "Mmmm baby c/mere!" He sayed!
Ten Hagi come in and he all like "CHARLES!!!" Hagi com thru roof. or window or possibly door, or mayb oggy door. Charles look like he mite hav a dog. Ten he say "Mmm baby c'mere. Oops I lost my spot. Ok Lemme think. mmm baby KARSH charles, oh yeah! Hagi say "Take ur hands off her u dang drity ape!" Ten Charles and Hagi fite. Hagi puch Charles and Charles loos a tooth. and then Charles is all liek This beautiful creature is my hagi u and me no tat she is my hagi frum Diva key freedom. Hagi." Ther he go again saying names so many times! Wat his problem?
End Chapter 32. Oops, i ment 2.
Chaptear 1: Akako get redy 4 skool
Akako is asleep and teh alram goos off. she hit it and turn ovr. she did not wanto get up. im kinda ike tat 2. my mom say it hard 2 get me up in teh morning!
then akako alrm go off agin. tis tim she get up and she yawn B/cuz she still asleepy and her mom yell at her like my mom does.
Akako mom POV
"Akako! Git up! and git dreesed!"
Akako POV
"Ok mom! im awake!"
akako git up. and she walked to the bathroom to brushed her teeth she brush the top teeth and then teh bottem teeth. And then those dificult ones in the back. She got one of them tooth brushed tat mak it eay 2 do tat! ten she flossed.
she is geeting dressed in the closet. She put on teh cloths she wears. She thinking "This is my life." and tats about it.
Ten she brushed her hare. She luv to brush her hair. it was a preety color.
ok ok now i remember what happens! She eat her toats next. and her mom is all like "Hey Akako! eat ur toast fat or u b late 4 skool!"
I was lat 4 skool once. I missed my bus and my sissy had 2 drive me. all teh kids at skool laff at me b/cuz i was late or b/cuz i 4got my pants. Im not shur wich.
Akoko leev 4 skool. and she thinking "my nam Akako. I live wit my adopted family." Tat what she thinked. Now she talked out loud but i dont no to who? "I dont remeber ne thing about me past! i only remember teh family i hav since i was a baby. it not a bad life". I dont rember anyting frum teh age 4 and on. sometims i tink it wud b kewl if i cud fly.
Akako mom POV
"I worred evry day tat Akako will dicover teh truh." She worried tat Akako dicover somting? I wunder wat it is?
Akako POV
She is upset B/cuz she tink noting happen in her twon. Noting happend in my twon either. Not even the murder next door. I wished tat sum ting happened soon.
Akako is at teh bus stop waiting 4 teh bus. "im waiting 4 teh buss she said"
Saya cum up 2 her and Akako says "Oh HI Saya!' and saya is all like "What do u want?" Except she all yelly. and akako say 2 Saya "I have my historie notes if u want 2 boro tem." Akako is all friendly and Saya just scream at her"Y WUD I WANT ANY TING FRUM U!? " I puted an angre face b/cuz saya angry. Akako is sad. she just trying 2 b Saya friend. "I just trying 2 b ur friend Saya" she say. "Y WUD I WANT U 4 A FEIND?" saya is yelling again. Akako sad. She just try to mak friends and sall Saya does is yeel and stomp off. Then Saya get mad and stomp off. Akako realized tat she remembered tat she forgot her history test 2day! She shud hav studied more instead of paying vidieo gams! I do tat 2. I luv my video gams! My fav is harvest moon. I picked Rock B/cuz he kwet. I also liek palying with my miis.
Akako realizes tat teh bus don cum 4 a while so she decides to ream her notes over. She is reading her notse. She is still reading tem. She reading tem still. Teh bus cums b4 she can read tem. OH no!!! Poor Akako. she might faile now!. ten wat will happen 2 teh farm!?.
She on teh bus now. it cam b4 she cud read her notes.
her lipstick dissapear like 7 time now. her shirt change.
"Sam old bus same old ting."She tink.
Now 4 sum razen she talked out loud. She say"I wished i had sum adventure and .....*akako blush* may B alittle romance!" She don't have a boy friend "All teh boys at my skoool R DUMB!"
Saya looking at her with a meen face. Saya dont like her even tho Akako try to b friends. I hope she get to study her notes mor at skool. she did not have tim 2 red tem all. B/cuz the bus came.
End chapter 1