
Disclamer: I don't own kindom hearts
chapter 1 Xai

Axel never had much to do. Mostly he did the same thing every day. He went to work at the gas station down the street, and came home to work on his writing. His hair would stick to his face as he walked home with a cancer stick hanging gently from his thin lips the toxic smoke streaming into the air as he passed. Axel had recently run out of insperation. Roxas had tried to get his best friend into his thoughts again but it just wasn't working.

"Its just no use Rox, nothing spikes my intrest anymore." The bright red mane of hair seemed to sag and droop under the weight of the saddness the red-head was feeling.

"C'mon Ax theres gotta be something out there that is better than the rest." Roxas tried to cheer up the lanky red-head but gave up. "Why don't you go take a walk the park is empty and anyway I need to get going sora is going to get our cousin at the airport but knowing him and her she'll run off and we'll have to go looking for her." Roxas laughed and stood. The red-head laughed and stood from his couch grabbing his black hoodie and pack of cigarettes.

"Yeah sure good luck with that" Axel said as they parted ways. By what Roxas had told him of the girl she was a trouble maker who loved the out doors.

"Man he's gonna have his hands full." Axel sighed to himself as he reached the small park near his apartment. He pulled out a cancer stick and placed it to his lips and lighting it. He inhaled filling his lungs with the fumes and exhaled the smoke mixing with his breath in the chilly night air.

"You know that can give you cancer right?" the girlish voice seemed to pop out of nowhere. Axel jumped and looked to the girl standing to his right. She was about a foot shorter than him and had long silver hair. Her eyes were dark purple and a frown was plastered on her face.

Axel sighed taking another drag the cherry glowing bright red. "An what does it matter to you kid?" Axel asked flicking burnt ash off the end of the cigarette. The girl put her hands on her hips and scowled.

"My name is Xhia not 'kid' get it right. and it matters because you are important to someone I know" she stated matter-of-factly. Axel looked at the girl and stamped out his spent filter.

"Who in gaia's name are you?" he muttered. The girl growled.

"Your with my cousin all the time and still don't know me...But I know you" Xhia said.

Axel's eyes widened.

"Xai, is that really you. Hah you haven't grown an inch. Last time I saw you, you were like 14 and now how old are you 17?"

Xai grimiced and flicked him on the head.

"I did too grow you just got taller too and looks like you got girlier and I'm 19 dumbass"

Axel laughed and ruffled the girl's silver hair.

"XAI, XAI WHERE ARE YOU?" Sora's voice boomed in the night air. Xai giggled and looked back.

"Looks like I'm off gotta go befor they get their hands on me laters 'girley'" Xai laughed and took off into the forest again. Axel had a thought to stop her but let her go.

"Looks like my inspreation returns" He smiled and headed off towards home.
