Hello and welcome to my world!

Oct. 23

Today was my birthday.
Here is how it went:

9:00 - Woke up
9:30 - left home
10:09 Arrived at Park
10:10 - left park to go pay bill
(from park to location approx. 30 mins.)
10:30 - Arrived at destination now go back to park
(drove for 1hr trying to get back to park)
11:30 - Arrived at park after getting lost
11:40 - Go to Starbucks
11:45 - Arrived at Starbucks
11:45 - Booked appointment for hairstylist
12:30 - Arrived at mall Visible Changes
1:00 - Haircut done paid $49 -15 birthday discount= $34
1:30 - At home and shaved my head #8 because I did not like the haircut
2:00 - Showered
3:00 - Rest
4:01 - left home to go back to park
5:00 - Arrived at park
5:38 - Got in car to go back home. By this time traffic was bad!
6:30 - Got home
7:28 - Went to bible study.
9:00 - Finally home
9:01 - REST

Yup, pretty much all the people below are the ones who celebreated my birthday

Dad gave $100 and said, "Happy Birthday."

Mom gave $50 and said, "Happy Birthday."

My brother said, "Happy Birthday, bro!"

Thank you teapartyprincess for the gift and the card ^-^ I really liked it.

MmMm... there was cake just so you'll know `.^

Mizuki95 for remembering my birthday ^^

Finally and not last thank you God for remembering me my birthday.
-Brought Doddie Osteen on KSBJ radio at 4:00 PM
-Arranged a surprised dinner party
-Bible Study Marriage (choose wisely... ahh)

My Bday 23

My birthday is tomorrow. Oct. 23.
-looks down with a deep sigh-

Blessed be anyone who tells me Happy Birthday on my birthday.
-_- I don't really do those belated birthday greetings. Sounds greedy but yea I'm not taking it back. Sorry for the short notice... but yea, too bad.
