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Welcome to the Hetalia Family!

The basic purpose of this world is to gather as many Hetalia fans out there on the Otaku in one world! We mainly roleplaying here with each member as one country. We also share pictures and other Hetalia related media. Please join us in conquering the world the international fun!

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Find out who your REAL fave hetalia chars are!

hey everyone~I found this game while surfing the net one day, it's a game that lists for you who your favorite Hetalia characters are in order, I thought it was kinda fun~ :) it has like ALL the hetalia characters, even including Tony the alien and mochiamerica!
Favortie hetalia character ranking game~

and now a quick doodle of mine for your entertainment lol

External Image

(based off that one joke where N.Italy and America talk about how ppl tell them to read the atmosphere~ XD)


