- Created By namiso
promised.. but nah later
Avatar was going to be the theme of this post but now I just don't feel like it. I promise I will write my end of the movie soon, just now i don't feel inspired. Even though I'm listening to this SICK Cd. oh well. waiting for dinner.
I ate a 5ft long sub with my friend... but we each bought our own subs? if that made sense.
Oh and one more thing so with these posts I'll also be keeping names confidential. Unless u know me than its kind of obvious. Anyways my friend dropped me off at church and my mom was still at the meeting.
SOOOoooo... I went in search of friend and found nonother than, Kart with his new 50 dolla phone and he was complaining about adding his contacts. Sitting there, I felt awkwardly comfortable. Like when its just me and him, i dunno it just works. I can just open up and talk and talk to him cause i know he's not really paying attention but enough so that I know I'm not just puffing air.
Its kind of funny cause I used to like him for a YEAR! yup, a yearlong crush. OF what did we talk about? hmmm.. stuff. The guy from my sports camp that me and my friend saw at SUbway and how he got fired. He and his friend made two kids makeout... two guys. Gross... he was all like ur friend is weird. I was like "my co-worker". Then we talked about Azn guys hair cuts. Started off with a casual "So have you seen my cousin Lin (not real name.. alibi ^^)?" and then how he doesn't say hi and school cause he's with his fob friends. Of course when you bring up the subject of FOBS you must ALWAYS mention their hair. from that it went to guys with long hair -then we talked about my freshman year failing friend who does drugs- ending with druggies at my school- the race ratios- RICH PRIVATE SCHOOL- and then his dad barges in with "BATHROOM BREAK! Anyone time to use it now."
Kind of just want to remember that. ALso this saturday our church will have a road trip and no kids are going. MY MOM signed me on the waiting list and turns out Kart is leading the worship. Cool.. it would be fun to talk to him but then again... he probably would rather hang out with his friends. I like to think of us as friends but he probably has other opinions. If that happens I'll give the 411 but its not that I like him anymore.. its more like its nice getting to know him.
SICK fact: Our birthdays are 3 days apart and he's a year older.