So I started watching this Drama that my friend told me that was really good!
Its about a group called F4 and they bully the kids in the school for no reason,(the school they go to is the most RICHEST school) then they find Jan Di, she is the first person to stand up to the leader of F4(Gu Jun Pyo)
He Tries to make her life as miserable as possible then he ends up likeing her. Jan Di Tells him that She hates everything about him when he asks "why dont you like me, everyone does" AND IT CONTINUES WITH MORE DRAMA
And right now im on part 1/5 on episode 3 and im watching it on Mysoju.com(thats a website FULL of korean/Japanese Dramas)
And there is ALOT of drama so far and my friend tells me there is WAYYY more Drama Towards the end...
So Tell Me if you liked it, or didnt like it.. Im Kind of likeing it so far =]
Thanks For visting and or commenting. =]