Yeah so this is just me talking about my life and stuff. If ya don't wanna' know, then go away. It's not like I care, I'm just required to do this. So if ya care then keep readin', if not, the get outta' here.



Hm, haven't updated this thingy in a while. I keep getting busy. Uh, not much else new has happened since my last update, but I gotta' write something or else I'll get in trouble. Not that I'm afraid of anyone, but I'd just rather avoid getting yelled at. Well, I dunno, I guess if you wanna' talk, we can talk, but I ain't gonna' start the conversation, you gotta' come to me, 'cuz I'm usually too busy to start talkin' to you guys. Once the summer is over, I can be on again more.

Stupid Photo

I'm a little pissed right now, 'cuz I was hangin' out in town the other day, all by myself, when this group of kids came to the spot I was hangin' at. I was ignorin' them at first, but they started talkin' and I was listenin' to 'em. One of 'em said this joke, it was pretty funny. It went:
"The advantages of being a woman:

1. We got off Titanic first." I have no idea what that means, but it sounded funny.

2. "We can be groupies. Male groupies are stalkers.

3. We can cry and get off speeding fines.

4. Taxis stop for us.

5. Men die earlier, so we get to cash in on the life insurance.

6. Free drinks, Free dinners, Free movies ... (you get the point).

7. We can hug our friends without wondering if she thinks we're gay.

8. We can hug our friends without wondering if WE'RE gay.

9. We don't have to fart to amuse ourselves.

10. If we're dumb, some people will find it cute.

11. We can talk to people of the opposite sex without having to picture them naked.

12. We know which glass was ours by the lipstick mark.

13. We have enough sense to realize that the easiest way to get out of being lost is to ask for directions."

Anyway, I thought that was pretty funny, especially 'cuz it looked like it was this guy's girlfriend telling it to her boyfriend. But what pissed me off was that there was one of their friends, takin' pictures, probably 'cuz he was visitin' from out of town or somethin'. I didn't care at first, but then he took a picture of ME! I think it was an accident, but he took it right as I was laughin' at the joke. I forced him to give me the camera, and when I looked at the picture, I decided I might as well use it as my introduction picture on this blog-journal thingy. It's not that I really like the picture or anything, but at least it was one of me just doin' nothin', unlike all the others I've seen, where I'm like fightin' or have my mask on. I mean, those pictures of me are better, but it's not like I'm doin' that stuff all day everyday, y'know?

Anyway, this week was also pretty uneventful. I've been hangin' around town lately, which is how that picture was taken. Oh yeah, I almost forgot. After I took the picture from that dopey lookin' kid, the boyfriend decides to tell a joke himself. It was what they call a 'blonde joke'. I'm blonde, so I was listenin' again, and he was basically saying all blondes are stupid!! Stupid baldy doesn't know what he's talkin' about. I chased them out of the alley I was in. Stupid humans have no common sense. They take random pictures, and they insult people that are a few feet away from them! *Sigh*

Wow, this is my longest entry yet. I seem to write a lot when I'm mad about somethin'. Whatever. I guess I'm just gettin' used to actually writin' my feelings online. But I swear, if anyone makes fun o' me fer doin' it, I'm gonna' kick yer butt!!

Hm, what else? Nah, I guess that's about it. I dunno what else to say. Come talk if yer bored, but only if you actually wanna' talk to me, don't do it to screw with me.


Yeeeah, so let's see. Guess I gotta' make a new post 'cuz it's a new week. Well, what I do this week? Hell, I can't even remember. I saw this little girl down the street learnin' how to ride a bike. I'm glad I don't have kids, I'd stink as a parent. Anyway, the girl was ridin' up and down the street. It was cute, if you think little kids are cute. I don't. They just scream and run around.
It used to be really weird livin' with humans, but after a hundred years or so, ya get used to it. I decided to walk around the park yesterday too. It's been rainin' lately so there was mud. I got my damned foot stuck. That ticked me off. Man, I'm not too good at this life-blog-thing. I don't know what else to say, I don't usually talk about my life. if ya wanna' know more, then ask.


Yeah so, since this is mandatory, I guess I'd better start. Well, if you all are here, then I guess you wanna' know a little bit about who I am. My name is Hiyori Sarugaki. I'm a Vizard. Um....let's see...I like spicy food and fighting. Um...I used to be a Soul Reaper. 'Till I got kicked out...which wasn't my fault!! Hm...what else...oh yeah, people are thinkin' that I could end up with all these different people, you know, like a relationship or somethin'. Well, I got news for ya', I'm single, and I'm lovin' it! Besides, even if I did like someone, I wouldn't tell any of YOU!
Okay, well, I guess you probably want to know a bit more of what I do...let's see...well, I live among the humans, which is weird. Y'know, I have this's like a Pesp or something. Oh wait, no, no, it's an acronym. It's PSP. I have no idea what it stands for, but it's a strange entertainment system for humans. I hate the damn thing. Can't win at anything. So I threw it. The darn thing was so fragile, it broke at 50 miles an hour! Well, I guess that's enough feels weird to start yelling at my computer....without Shinji's face to kick in...yeah, so if ya' want to know me better, talk to me. If not, then leave me alone!
