Welcome to Turnips, Chickens and Weeds! This is part of TheOtaku.com Worlds!

Here will be provided all features related to Harvest Moon from updates to games, fan works featured on The Otaku, Questions, Speculation and what not! Free to anyone who is an avid fan to this great simulation series!

Credits from updates and information go to Ushi no Tane! Give them a visit for more detailed information on Harvest Moon!

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Harvest Moon Games to Come!

First post and update to the Turnips, Chickens and Weeds (TCW) are the games to come to North America released by Natsume!

The two games most anticipated for the American release would be:
Harvest Moon: Animal Parade and Harvest Moon: Sunshine Islands

If you have not heard of these, let me give you the short break down on what they are about.

Animal Parade (AP) or Bokujyou Monogatari: Wakuwaku Animal March will be released for the Wii and is pretty much ToT (Tree of Tranquility) with a different storyline and more features. For example, you can choose from two different types of "characters" for gender. There are also two more bachelors and bachelorettes and time is slower than ToT. For more information, visit Ushi No Tane's Animal Parade Guide! The release date for AP will be October 20th, 2009.

Sunshine Islands (SI) will be released for the DS, and it's speculated release date will be November 10th, 2009. E3 premiered the game this year, which in hopes will boost up this sequal. Sunshine Islands is almost identical to it's pre release counter part, Island of Happiness (IoH) with added characters to marry, helpful tweaks and added features. For more detailed information, check it out here.

Stay tuned for the soon released Wii Ware Game related to Harvest Moon called: My Little Shop!
