Name: Richard
Nickname: Ched, Chad
Age: 22 Years Young
Hair Color: Black
Eye Color: Brown
Race: Filipino; Half Angel & Half Human (My mom said)
Blood Type: Type AB (as in AB-normal)

I love: pink, purple, black, chocolates, butterflies, cats, flowers, plush toys, music, dance, paintings, outspoken humble people, starry night sky, manga, anime, children, sugar, spice & everything nice. (^_^?

I hate: cockroach, racism, backstabbers, discrimination, prejudice & narcissism. (O_o?

Favorite Anime: Naruto, Bleach, Death Note, Sailor Moon, Pokemon, Card Captor Sakura, Yuyu Hakusho, Flame of Recca & Hunter X Hunter

Random thingies about ched:

=> I'm a geek!
=> I'm a faithful fan of Michael Jackson (RIP. 1958 - 2009). Haters, Leave Him Alone!
=> I'm working as Accounting Staff (very related to anime, LOL) (^_^?
=> I'm in a B-boy Dance troupe, & I am prone to bruises & strains during rehearsals. Now, I just want to incorporate only Popping & Locking dance to avoid accidents. (^_^?
=> I'm a frustrated artist who loves colored pencils as medium.
=> I'm a fan of religious arts. But Please don't argue against me with your beliefs if I upload my religious artworks. I just need artist's crits. Not atheist's crits.
=> I'm a bit afraid of rejection so I rather welcome a subscriber then I whole-heartedly subscribe back! I'm a friendly creature, I swear! I just eat live chickens & do a voodoo dance at midnight, but I'm still pretty damn friendly! (^_^?
=> And I accept art requests! (^_^!

I don't upload all of my artworks in my portfolio. Instead, I put my other arts here in homootaku world. Or even more in my DA account. Check them out here at

Hello TheO! I'm Still Alive... (^_^?


I'm really sorry for being inactive, or I guess, dormant(??!) here in TheO.
I still go & log on & try hard to spend my time commenting in fan arts & blog posts.

I'm currently experiencing what we call the "Artist Block" (If I deserve to be called an Artist...) because of these two forces:

Inner forces like frustrations from personal struggles (conflicts with family, friends, etc; & my present condition where I'm seemed to weaken my memory function, like I easily forgot where I placed an object [pencil/ paper/phone/i-pod, etc..] after some minutes. OMG! What's happening to me?! ('_'?

Outside forces; I'm having hard times in my job. Too bad, the superiors give me some tasks that I'm not supppose to do. Yeah. I'm an accounting clerk who perform tasks for Information Tech Department for limited 8 office hours. I'm pissed off! And I'm tired...(O_o?

But I still have my recent arts which I did during these artist block times...

The 1st two are made of ink, pencils, & my weirdness because of the artist block syndrome. Lately, I seemed to enjoy mangafying my fave MJ music videos. I guess, I'm the only one in the planet Earth who loves drawing music video screenshots into manga style. LOL! (^^,?

And a friend asked me to draw their wedding caricature which they need for invitation cards & a tarpaulin. I wish she will like it (It's a WIP, have to put some background colors).

Idunno but I felt I don't want to upload these artworks in my fan art gallery.
Maybe, in DA. (^_^?

Missed y'all, TheO Peepz! (^_^v

*group hugs*
