Name: Richard
Nickname: Ched, Chad
Age: 22 Years Young
Hair Color: Black
Eye Color: Brown
Race: Filipino; Half Angel & Half Human (My mom said)
Blood Type: Type AB (as in AB-normal)

I love: pink, purple, black, chocolates, butterflies, cats, flowers, plush toys, music, dance, paintings, outspoken humble people, starry night sky, manga, anime, children, sugar, spice & everything nice. (^_^?

I hate: cockroach, racism, backstabbers, discrimination, prejudice & narcissism. (O_o?

Favorite Anime: Naruto, Bleach, Death Note, Sailor Moon, Pokemon, Card Captor Sakura, Yuyu Hakusho, Flame of Recca & Hunter X Hunter

Random thingies about ched:

=> I'm a geek!
=> I'm a faithful fan of Michael Jackson (RIP. 1958 - 2009). Haters, Leave Him Alone!
=> I'm working as Accounting Staff (very related to anime, LOL) (^_^?
=> I'm in a B-boy Dance troupe, & I am prone to bruises & strains during rehearsals. Now, I just want to incorporate only Popping & Locking dance to avoid accidents. (^_^?
=> I'm a frustrated artist who loves colored pencils as medium.
=> I'm a fan of religious arts. But Please don't argue against me with your beliefs if I upload my religious artworks. I just need artist's crits. Not atheist's crits.
=> I'm a bit afraid of rejection so I rather welcome a subscriber then I whole-heartedly subscribe back! I'm a friendly creature, I swear! I just eat live chickens & do a voodoo dance at midnight, but I'm still pretty damn friendly! (^_^?
=> And I accept art requests! (^_^!

I don't upload all of my artworks in my portfolio. Instead, I put my other arts here in homootaku world. Or even more in my DA account. Check them out here at

Venus Occultation Last May 16, 2010

Yay! Thanks to a friend who suddenly sent a text message to me around 7:00 PM saying,

"Look at the moon, it's so cute beside a star"

At first, I thought she was just kidding around but I still took time to go outside & see the night sky.

I looked up in the sky and... Wow! Interesting scene! I decided to take a camera shot by 7:16 PM (Philippines time).

After some minutes, I went back again outside (7:36 PM) & saw that he star is too close to the moon. I just noticed the star was not twinkling. It must not be a star but a planet.... Ah! It could be Mars or Venus! Possibly, Venus, the only planet that never lost in the evening sky.

(Trivia: If you always see this only one star-like celestial body that never twinkles in the night sky, it's the Planet Venus. )

By 8:00 PM, a news flash reported this celestial phenomenon called Venus Occultation which is only viewable in Southeast Asia that night.

Awww! I'm so lucky to witness this rare splendid scene.
