Here We Go Again (Digimon fanfiction)

Chapter 23: Where They Came From

Takuya and Noelle opened their eyes and saw that they were now in a big room with piles of books scattered all around the room.

"Takuya, Noelle!" Zoë called from across the room.

"Where are we?" Noelle asked in curiosity picking up one of the books of a small pile and opened the book to a random page.

"Takuya did you get taller?" Koji asked measuring himself to Takuya.

"I guess so, that's what Noelle told me anyways." He replied.

"Sorry I'm late; I called you all here so suddenly, then I just leave." The man stated politely walking into the room.

He looked to be in his late 20's to really 30's with red spiky hair and bright green eyes.

"Takuya, Matt, Koji, Koichi, and Tommy can you come here please." He ordered sitting down at his desk.

The five slowly started toward the desk in the middle of the room.

"Come now we do not have all day."

They quickened there pace and stood in a row in front of the desk.

"Now it is to my understanding that you five have met your wizards."

"No I haven't." Koji said abruptly.

"Light can't live with out darkness; look at your brother for that answer." He smiled.

"Umm… who are you?" Matt spoke up raising his hand.

"I am Riuuk, the headmaster at this school. Now I do believe that Matt, you have know Kyoshiro the longest. I'm I correct?"

Matt nodded his head slowly.

"You are all digi distends as well, how interesting." Riuuk said leaning back in his chair.

"Question!" Takuya blurted out "How do you know so much about us?"

"Takuya shut up." Koji muttered smacking Takuya in the back of the head.

"You shut it shorty."

"I am not short; we're the same height idiot."

"This relationship hasn't changed at all." Riuuk sighed rubbing his temples.

"Both of you shut up." Tommy shouted over both of them.

"Tommy?" Takuya whispered in shock.

"Honestly is that all you two can do is fight with each other?" Koichi sighed shaking his head.

"Shall we get back to the situation at hand?" Riuuk asked.

"Yes sir." They said in unison.

"Good now Takuya, I was told that you control fire, am I correct?" Riuuk questioned staring at Takuya in tenthly.

"Yes sir that's correct." Takuya answered a bit afraid.

Takuya couldn't breath.

'Sasuke what are you doing?'

"I'm not doing any thing."

'Then what's going on?'

His hair started to flatten out and turn black; he grew a few more inches and finally his eyes turned blood red. Sasuke started gasping for air.

'Damn bastard.'

"What did he just do?"

'He forced you in and me out. It didn't help that you went catatonic on be either.'


'Don't worry I can handle it.' Sasuke glared at Riuuk.

"Why hello Sasuke and how have you been?"

"Just fine thank you." Sasuke replied gritting his teeth and trying to calm down.

'Kyo does Sasuke have a problem with Riuuk?'

"I guess you could say it like that. Riuuk is actually Sasuke's father."

'He looks nothing like Riuuk.'

"I know I didn't believe it when he told me the first time either. He says he got most of his genes from his mother."

"Sasuke can you do e a favor?" Riuuk asked in a demanding voice.

"That depends on what is it you want me to do?" Sasuke replied in a cocky tone.

"Are you able to change into that digital form that the distends have?"

"Of course I can."

"Well then show me your form."

"No, it won't even work here anyways so why did you even bother asking." Sasuke sighed.

"Did you forget that anything can happen here my son?"

Everyone except Matt was shocked.

"I'm still not going to do it." Sasuke crossed his arms.

Riuuk put his left hand out in front of his and Sasuke's body started moving uncontrollably.

"Sasuke what are you doing?"

'I'm not doing anything; my father is doing it.' Sasuke's hand reached into his pocket and brought out the d-tector. 'A little help would be nice right now Takuya.'

"I can't."

The fractal code appeared around his hand. 'What do you mean you can't?'

"No matter what I try I can't help you, it's like there's a barrier or something."

The fractal code clashed with the d-tector.

"Sasuke don't say it."


"Sasuke stop!"

"Beast spirit evolution." The fractal code spread up his arm 'Damn it.' And over his body as soon as it appeared it disappeared leaving behind the red and black armor from before. 'Not again.'

"Sasuke my back feels like its on fire."

'I know' He dropped to his knees.

"Ahhhh…" He screamed in pain as the wings ripped threw his shirt and launched into the air.

"How did he do that?"

'He's never done that before.' Sasuke stood up. "Damn it I didn't want to do this again." Sasuke groaned. "Are you happy now father?"

Riuuk didn't reply he shifted is gaze to Matt. "Matt why were you not surprised that I am Sasuke's father?"

"Kyoshiro already told me. Why did you do that to him you completely disregarded his answer and made him go against his will."

"Matt I don't need your help. I can handle it just fine."

"Them why won't you speak up for yourself?"

"Shut up!" He shouted easily losing his temper.

'Toshiro help.' Tommy pleaded. Snow quickly engulfed Tommy and elongated. Toshiro's hand rushed out of the snow and stopped Sasuke from moving any further.

"Yo hot head cool down; there's no point in getting worked up over Matt trying to help. Maybe your father had a reason he wanted you out."

"That's interesting Tommy just let you out." Riuuk said.

"He asked for my help sir, honestly I couldn't blame him with standing between these two."

Sasuke pushed Toshiro's hand away and took a step towards his father's desk. "You forced me into this form. I don't like this form at all, and honestly neither does Takuya." Sasuke told his father.

"Sir at the moment there beast form is the only one that we know of which changes there body physically." Koichi explained.

"I hate to do this to you again but Sasuke will you please change back to Takuya." Riuuk apologized.

"Whatever." He huffed de-digivoling.

He knew that this was a bad idea to do considering his was already light headed. But he changed back into Takuya anyways. He instantly felt a throbbing pain in his back and a headache on top of it.

"Takuya are you alright?" Toshiro asked concerned placing a hand on Takuya's shoulder.

"Yea I'm fine just a headache is all."

Toshiro slid his hand down to Takuya's shoulder blades and gently placed pressure on one of the wings. Takuya winced under the pressure. He quickly took his hand off and looked at his hand. Takuya's blood slowly moved its way down his hand. Takuya fell forward.

"TAKUYA!" Zoe screamed running towards him.

'I'm sorry Sasuke.'

"It was my fault we shouldn't of switched back."

He felt his body come to a jerking halt. Toshiro and Koji caught him before he did a face plant on the floor. Riuuk picked Takuya up.

"I'm going to take Takuya to the hospital wing you can stay or come." After that Riuuk disappeared into thin air.

"Come on." Toshiro ordered urgently running out of the room.

"Matt let me out o can run faster than you."

'I'll do just fine keeping up with him.' Matt thought sprinting after Toshiro.

"No you won't Toshiro is much faster than you. I can keep up with him, just let me out."

"…Fine just don't do anything stupid." Matt sighed in defeat.

Instantaneously his hair change to blonde. "Thought that you were going to take over my body."

'I thought so too, but apparently it's not going to work that way this time.'
His eyes turned blue and he slowed down and waited for the others to catch up. Once they were close he did a back flip over them and picked up Zoe.

"I can get you there much faster. Hurry up you guys." Then he raced off.

"What the hell does he mean by that?" Koji asked trying to make sure Noelle was keeping up with him.

"He meant hurry up and let us out so we can get you to the hospital wing faster."

"Who are you?" He muttered under his breath.

"Ryuu, you do know you can talk to me by think when you're in control right?"

'Shut up and tell me where the hospital wing is.'

"What if I really don't feel like showing you."

'Then show me.'

Koji stumbled a little bit. "What the hell is going on?"

"Koji are you alright?" Noelle asked trying to keep up with him. He stopped and so did Noelle. "You guys keep going we'll catch up."

"Just hurry." Kaylee replied as they ran past them.

"Koji are you alright?"

"Noelle get away from me." He gritted his teeth.

"No I'm not going to." She said stomping her foot.

Koji's hair lighten to a pale sky blue shortened and spiked out. He started breathing heavily. He looked at Noelle and his eyes were orange. He stood up strait. He was 5'6". He ran his fingers threw his hair.

"I don't think you had to make that big of a scene Koji, it should have hurt that bad."

"Who are you?"

"I'm Ryuu. Obviously you can't keep up with Koji so would you like me to carry you beautiful?"

Noelle blushed.

"What are you doing? Stop that!"

'I'm just having a little fun don't worry about it. I'll take care of your girl friend.'

"She is not my girlfriend!"


"I'll take that blush as a yes." He picked her up and started running.

"I see you finally caught up Ryuu."

"Shut up Uuryu. Renji when did you get here?"

"Actually J.P couldn't keep up so Uuryu helped J.P out a bit." Renji replied.

"So you let Uuryu carry you Kaylee?" Noelle smirked.

"There was no way I was being carried by my cousin."

"Hey!" Renji stated a bit offended.

~Hospital Wing~

"We have to cut off his shirt."

"Keep pressure on his wounds."

"Get some gauze we have to stop this bleeding."

About a half an hour later everything steeled down. Zoe sat next to Takuya's bed.

"So you're really J.P that means that you're the wizard of thunder?" Kaylee asked.

"Of course, if I wasn't I wouldn't have this tattoo." He replied pulling down his pants a little on the left side to revel the rest of the tattoo on his hip.

"Don't do that?"

"I'm pretty sure J.P doesn't sport a six pack Kaylee."

"It's still weird."

Renji has light brown hair and green eyes with a yellow ring around his pupil.

Ryuu was pacing back a forth.

"Ryuu sit down he'll wake up when he wakes up." Uuryu sighed.

He wasn't paying any attention to his brother. Uuryu also had orange eyes and pale blue hair but it was short in the back and his bangs went just past his chin on the left side of his face. His right ear also it had two studs right next to each other. A nurse walked over to Riuuk and whispered something in his ear. He got up and walked out the door.

"What do you think that was about?" Toshiro asked walking over to Kyoshiro.

"I'm not sure but what ever it is he doesn't seem to happy about it." He replied as they watched the door close.