Here We Go Again (Digimon fanfiction)

Chapter 25: The Consequence

Zoe backed away from Sasuke. Sasuke's face was beat red.

"Are you all right?" Toshiro asked trying not to laugh.

"Someone catch him he's gonna." Koji shouted but Sasuke hit the floor. "Faint."

He changed back into Takuya. Even he was passed out.

"I didn't think they were going to react like that." Zoe stated.

"Well what do you expect for kissing him right out of the blue like that?" Toshiro laughed.

"Well I was worried about him is all." Zoe protested.

Takuya Shot up and looked at Zoe. "Did you just… and I just…" His face turned red again.

"Yes Takuya I just kissed you. You two had me so worried."

*Knock* *Knock*

"Coming." Zoe said walking over to the door. "Riuuk."

"May I come in?" He asked.

"Sure." She got out of the way and he walked into the room.

"Takuya why did you run away from the hospital wing?" Riuuk sighed.

"Are you joking I hate hospitals. And having June chase after us didn't help any." Takuya huffed.

"Takuya even though you don't like it I'm going to have to make you go back there." Riuuk stated.

"Why? So they can do tests on us?" Takuya argued.

"You want your shoes back don't you?" Riuuk offered pointing it Takuya's feet.

"Fine." Takuya accepted standing up.

Riuuk started towards the door and Takuya grabbed his shirt and followed. They took a short cut to the hospital wing and they were there in two minutes. They walked into the wing. The beds lined the walls and the color was a pale blue that looked white. Kyle was sitting on one of the beds holding an ice pack on his nose. June pointed to the bed right across from Kyle and said she would be there in a minute. Takuya sat down and smirked at Kyle who was glaring at him. Kyle had light blue hair and black eyes

"I'm not too pleased with the stunt you two pulled earlier Takuya." Riuuk stated disappointed.

"What stunt?" Takuya asked clueless.

"I swear you two are so much like each other it's… the stunt was changing into your digital form." Riuuk answered rubbing his temples.

Takuya took off his shirt and unraveled the bandages that he ripped and were now completely bloody on his back. June came over and cleaned up Takuya's back again and started putting new bandages on.

"Well we wouldn't have done that if June wasn't chasing us like she was going to kill us." Takuya replied.

June pulled his bandages tight and he flinched.

"Give it here." Riuuk ordered holding out his hand. "You're not allowed to use your D-tector until you are completely healed."

"That's not fair." Takuya argued.

"Now Takuya." Riuuk's voice was firm and strict.

"This is just as bad as getting grounded by my parents." Takuya huffed handing over his D-tector.

"Now stay here and finish the testing unless you want me to take away your magic until further notice as well." And with that Riuuk walked out of the room.

"We'll start where we left off. Stand up and touch your toes." June said grabbing her clip board.

Takuya sighed and stood up he bent down and placed his hands flat on the floor. Kyle snickered.

"Good now stand strait up and follow my pen with just your eyes." June ordered moving her pen back and forth in front of Takuya's face.

"So how's that nose of yours treating you?" Takuya asked waiting for his next command.

"Walk ten steps forward and backward in a straight line."

"So your name is Takuya. You're the one that broke my nose." Kyle snapped.

"Well aren't you smart." Takuya chuckled walking backward.

"Don't get on my bad side Takuya." Kyle demanded.

"Yea I'm scared now."

"Just one more thing for today Takuya then I'll give you your shoes and you can go. Have a seat." She said walking to one of the cabinets behind the desk. "I just have to take a blood sample." She came back and grabbed Takuya's arm. His vain was clearly visible threw his skin; she cleaned the spot that she was going to place the needle and stuck the needle in the blood quickly rushed into the vile. "I see you made a new friend today Takuya." June laughed a little like earlier never even happened.

"Oh yea loads." Takuya responded.

June took the needle out and stuck a cotton ball on his arm "Hold that." She closed the vile and threw out the needle. She came back with a bandage. Takuya lifted the cotton ball and she put the bandage on. "If you have any troubles come back. If not I'll see you tomorrow at 12:30." June said grabbing his shoes and handing them to him.

"Alright. I'm sure that Zoe won't let me forget." He muttered putting on his shoes.

"See you tomorrow then." June said walking over to Kyle and taking care of him.

Takuya walked out and took the short cuts that Riuuk showed him.

"Hey guys." Takuya sighed walking into the dorm.

"What's wrong Takuya?" Koichi asked.

"Where's everyone else?"

"They went to lunch I told them I would stay behind and wait for you to get back. Come on every bodies waiting." Koichi stated.

"Can I change my shirt first?" Takuya asked.

"Go for it I can wait." Koichi said leaning against the door.

For some reason He knew exactly where to go and what drawer to look in for shirts. He pulled out a black t-shirt. He took off his red shirt and put the black one on. Then ran back down the stairs. Koichi and Takuya headed towards the Mess Hall.

"How does it feel to have your wizard Koichi?" Takuya asked putting his hands behind his head.

"How did you know that Uryuu showed up?" Koichi said a little shocked.

"Your magic increased that's for sure. I'm not sure how I know that actually I think it's because of Sasuke actually what he can scene I can." Takuya replied.

"Do you think that goes for feelings too?" Koichi asked.

"I don't know, maybe. Do you have a crush on someone Koichi?" Takuya asked curious.

"No; why would you say that?" Koichi looked away blushing.

"You do have a crush on someone. It's Kaylee isn't it?" Takuya smirked.

"Don't tell anyone. Please." Koichi begged.

"Don't worry." Takuya stumbled a little. "I'm okay just a little dizzy." He answered quickly.

"If you say so." Koichi said opening the door.

They sat down at the table.

"So how long do you think they're going to keep us here?" Takuya sighed.

"You looked depressed Takuya what's on your mind?" Noelle asked elbowing her cousin.

"I got my D-tector taken away until I heal." Takuya huffed.

"Well that's a good thing isn't it?" Kaylee questioned about to take a bit out of an apple.

Kyle elbowed Takuya in the back as he walked past. Takuya jerked forward.

"What is your problem?" Noelle shouted at Kyle.

Takuya sat up. "He's just a bad loser is all Noelle; don't pay any attention to him." Takuya smirked.

Kyle drug him off of the bench and threw him down to the floor. Koji, Noelle, Matt, Koichi, and J.P stood up.

"No guys sit back down." Takuya ordered.

"Please." Kyle spat kicking Takuya in the ribs. "Without that device that you handed over to the headmaster you can't do squat. You can't even bring out Sasuke." He went to kicked Takuya again but Takuya caught Kyle's foot.

He grabbed his other foot making Kyle fall flat on his back. Takuya stood up and went to sit back down. Kyle grabbed Takuya's shirt.

"Don't make me fight you Kyle just sit down and give it a rest." Takuya sighed.

"No you won last time because it was a lucky shot." Kyle shouted.

"There's no need to shout I'm standing right here."

"We're going to fight Takuya. In five minutes you better be at the arena." Kyle ordered then stormed out of the mess hall.

"What are you going to do Takuya?" Matt questioned.

"What choice do I have I have to fight." He groaned.

"I guess we're not going to be able to change your mind are we?" Zoe muttered.

"Sorry. If you guys want you can come and watch, I won't blame you if you don't want to though." With that he left for the arena.