Here We Go Again (Digimon fanfiction)

Chapter 30: The Test

Takuya and Koji walked into Riuuk's office.

"You wanted to see us?" Koji stated as they walked to his desk.

"Yes. I find it very interesting how you two have been so close." Riuuk replied shifting a few papers on his desk.

"I don't get it. Is that all you called us in here to tell us?" Takuya asked with a weird look on his face like he knew that wasn't all that they were call in for.

Riuuk held up a file. "I took Ryuu's reports about you and Sasuke. I also took Ryuu's journal." He mentioned holding up a small book.

"What?!" Koji whispered in shock.

"That's stealing!" Takuya shouted.

"It seems that both of you are showing the same rate of change. So I'm wondering just what you two have learned. I'm going to put you guys to a test." He stated setting the file and notebook down and opening one of his desk drawers.

"What's your test?" Koji asked stepping forward.

"It's quite simple all you have to do is get back here. Takuya you and Koji are the only ones allowed to use your d-tectors." Riuuk explained handing the device back to Takuya.

"That doesn't seem too hard." Takuya stated taking the d-tector.

"With out getting caught. You have two days…good luck." Riuuk smiled and Takuya and Koji disappeared.

They landed in Takuya's kitchen.

"Ow…" Takuya groaned.

"Sorry." Koji apologized getting off of Takuya and standing up.

"What do you think he meant by not getting caught?" Takuya asked standing up and cracking his back.

"Do you even realize where we are?" Koji answered looking around.

"Yea we're at my house. But it's quiet that's the problem." Takuya told him. He started out of the kitchen.

"Where are you going?" Koji questioned following Takuya.

"To my room; I'm guessing that they're looking for us in these clothes so it's best if we change clothes."

They went into Takuya's room and there were two bags resting on his bad with a small note attached to it. Takuya picked it up and read it.

These are for you good luck.

Love the girls.

P.S. Riuuk doesn't know we sent these. We're going to try and help you as much as we can.

Takuya smiled and handed the note to Koji to read then he grabbed the bag that had his name on it and went into the closet. He came out wearing a white shirt with black sleeves, dark blue jeans, a black belt that he let rest on his hip, and a black baseball cap that he put on backwards.

"Alright Koji it's your turn." Takuya looked at Koji "Never mind."

Koji got a light blue t-shirt, a jet black vest, black jeans, and a midnight blue hat.

Someone started pounding on the door. "Takuya open up I know you're in there." They heard Shinya's voice on the other side of the door.

"Let's go." Takuya ran over to the window opened it up and jumped.

He did a tumble roll to reduce the impact on his legs. Koji was right behind him. They ran into town and stopped at a McDonalds.

"How fast do you think we got here?" Takuya asked in between breaths.

"My guess is five minutes." Koji replied stretching.

He stuck his hat in his back pocket.
"Do you have the feeling that we're being watched?" Takuya mentioned.

"Yea there are two people that have been following us for a few minutes now. On three will make a break for it." Koji whispered as a couple walked by them.

"Three…" Takuya said and they bolted.

"Get back here!" One of them shouted as they chased after them.

"In here." Koji said and they turned into an ally.

"Where did they go?" The one on the left asked looking around.

"They must have jumped the fence come on." The second person mentioned.

The two jumped over the fence easily.

"That was close." Takuya laughed quietly hanging from a fire escape in Sasuke's form.

"I guess being able to change like this does come in handy." Koji stated pulling out his hat to cover Ryuu's blue hair.

"That sounded like Kyle and one of his friends." Takuya mentioned hopping down because his hands were getting tired.

Koji joined him "We should get moving it's obvious we shouldn't stay in one place for long."

They hopped the fence and continued that way.

"Where do you think the entrance is?" Takuya asked switching voices to sound like Sasuke.

"That's what I'm not sure about. Usually it should be easy to find rips in time but I can't detect anything." Koji answered doing the same thing.

'Ryuu can you sense anything?'

"No I'm at as much of a loss as you two. Sorry."

Someone bumped into Ryuu making him stumble into Takuya

"He watch it." Koji said.

The person turned around and smiled at them.

"Matt?!" Takuya whispered.

'It's got to be one of them. But are they one of the one's that are trying to catch us?'

"Just keep on you toes Takuya, and just sound like me."


"Are you Matt or Kyoshiro?" Koji whispered.

"Which one do you think?" He smirked looking up at them his eyes red.

"Kyo; Are you one of the one's after us?" Takuya asked.

"Sasuke; do you really think that I would be talking to you like this if I was one of the ones after you?" He mentioned annoyed.

"Well…no I guess not." Takuya laughed sheepishly.

"We're here to help you guys as much as we can." Kyo stated.

"Isn't that considered cheating?" Koji sighed.

"Well I wouldn't call it cheating just maneuvering around loop holes is all." He snickered.

"Right whatever you say Kyo." Koji was at disagreeing terms with Kyo but he wasn't going to say no to the help.

"So here's the deal some how Riuuk changed the atmosphere and you two well Koji and Takuya are allowed to use the d-tectors here. I don't know how he did it but he did. But there's one problem they can detect where you are when you use them. So tell them not to use the devices unless it's absolutely necessary." Kyoshiro explained. "You two should go good luck." He said walking away.

"Some help he was." Takuya huffed.

"At least we found out something useful for once." Koji said waving his hand for Takuya to follow.

They walked around for two three hours.

"Doesn't this seem a little weird?" Koji pondered looking around.

"What? It's dusk; there's not going to be a lot of people out here." He said.

"I know but that's the point now they have free rain to catch us because there's no one around to see us." Koji mentioned.

"I'm not feeling too good." Takuya groaned placing a hand on his head.

"I can see why you two haven't had a thing to eat in about a week." Koji laughed placing a hand on Takuya's back. He leaned in "I'm going to transfer some of our energy to you two. What ever you do don't change back." He whispered.

A quick burst of energy went into Takuya's spinal cord. HE fell to his knees and gripped his stomach in pain.

"Don't change, don't change, don't change." He kept telling himself.

"You alright?" Koji asked helping him up.

"Yea he's fine." Sasuke mentioned.

"You two switched?" Koji said. "I didn't even realize it."

"I told him that I would take over from here." Sasuke snickered.

"You just took over there was no asking involved." Koji huffed.

"Stating the situation that we're in can you blame me?"

"I guess not. Let's get something to eat." Koji offered walking away from Sasuke.

They went to a burger king. Amazingly Sasuke didn't eat that much. Of course Koji wouldn't let him. It wasn't good for someone to eat a lot at once after not eating for a week.

"Where haven't we checked yet?" Sasuke groaned taking a drink of his fruit punch.

"Parks and pools, tops of buildings." He replied.

"I guess we're going to be looking all night then." Sasuke sighed leaning back in his chair.

"Then we should get started." Koji picked up the tray and threw out there wrappers.