Here We Go Again (Digimon fanfiction)

Chapter 34: Secrets Out

Jake created two logs and they shot up towards Takuya. He jumped out of the way and grabbed on to one of the logs. He spun around and started sliding down the log. Spikes ripped threw the smooth bark. Takuya jumped from log to log avoiding the spikes. He launched towards the two at a high speed. Forming a long sword out of fire he easily sliced though the wall of water that was separating them creating steam. Jake threw a spike at Takuya, piercing him through the gut. Takuya slipped on some water as he touched the ground and he was hit with another branch tossing him into a wall. He blacked out for a few seconds.

"Takuya, Takuya please get up." Noelle cried.

Takuya slowly got up to his hands and knees but a rock the size of a baseball slammed into his temple knocking him back down.

"Shinya stop this." Noelle pleaded.

"Shut up." He kicked her.

Takuya stretched his hand out towards Noelle 'I have to protect her.'

Everything stopped and Sasuke walked into view.


"Get up. I'm not going to let you die here." Sasuke knelt down and touched Takuya's forehead and disappeared.

Time started again and Takuya lied still.
"I think he's down for the count." Jess stated.

"Good job Shinya." Jake congratulated.

"TAKUYA!" Noelle screamed tears swelling up in the corners of her eyes.

His body pulsed and erupted in flames. He made his way to his feet.

"That shouldn't be possible." Jess gasped.

"Ouch." Jake dropped Takuya's D-tector that went a blaze and digitized.

Crimson wings burst from Takuya's back.

"What the heck?" Shinya was shocked.

The other two were catatonic. Takuya ran over the Noelle and grabbed her. The branches quickly burned away.

"Hang on." He ordered jumping.

His t-shirt and pants turned into his shorts and tank top.

"Takuya." Noelle stated.

"Don't let go." Sasuke ordered squeezing her tighter.

Noelle held on tight as she watched the dark skies quickly disappear into the distance.

Sasuke's grip loosened from around her and he stopped beating his wings. They crashed into trees and with what strength he had left he set Noelle down in front of the doors and hit a branch. He dedigivolved as blood slowly dripped off of his nose from his head and off the branch from his gut. Crimson feathers floated down through the trees. The T-shirt and pants wove back together and he changed back to Takuya.

"TAKUYA, TAKUYA!" Noelle shouted looking down at him. "I can reach him." She stood up and backed up but someone caught her shoulder. "Lady Ophanimon, Lord Seraphimon." She said looking up.

"It will be alright. Takuya has a strong heart he will survive." Ophanimon said as Seraphimon brought Takuya to the castle.

"I will contact the others and tell them to come here. Noelle go and get some rest." Ophanimon ordered as they walked into the castle.

~10 am~

"Where are those two?" Matt sighed as Kiki clung to his arm.

"Maybe they just slept in." Koichi suggested.

"No; Noelle would have gotten Takuya up and drug him here." Kaylee stated.

Tommy pulled out his d-tector and was about to try and get a hold of them when it lit up.

"Digidestens come to the Forest terminal Takuya and Noelle are here waiting for you." Ophanimon ordered.

"I guess we know where they are now." Zoe said.

"That might be our best bet to start searching in the first place." J.P suggested.

"Matt can I help?" Kiki asked looking up at him with puppy eyes.

"I hate it when you us those on me." He groaned "Fine you can come." He sighed.

"Yea." She chirped.

"We're going to have to take the train." Koji mentioned.

It took them about 15 minuets to get to the train station.

"I don't have all day now." The trialmon said.

They ran onto the train and started towards the digital world.

"I never knew the train station went down so deep." Kiki was amazed watching the station fade away.

"Technically this place doesn't even exist to our world. And it's our job to keep it that way." Matt stated.

"Matt why are the lights flickering?" Kiki asked.

"I can answer that one it means we're getting close to the digital world just before we get there the lights will completely go out." Tommy answered.

"That doesn't scare me Tommy." Kiki laughed.

The lights went out and quickly came back on. Soon after the lights came back on they were greeted with open fields.

"This is beautiful." Kiki sighed looking out the window. "So how long will it take to get to the forest terminal?" She asked.

"Not long trailmon actually travel at a faster rate then normal trains." Koji answered.

They came to a screeching halt and the group was tossed from their seats.

J.P got up and looked out side. "Guys I don't think this hill was here a second ago." He mentioned.

"Alright lets start getting down from here. J.P, Zoe can you two get the trailmon down from here?" Koichi questioned opening one of the doors.

"Of course." Zoe replied.

"Just leave it to us." J.P smirked.

"I guess there's only one way to get down from here with out getting hurt." Matt looked at his little brother.

"No there's not, we could always have To…" He was stopped by his brothers' glare. "Never mind forget I said anything." He laughed pulling out his D-tector and creating a fractal code on his opposite hand. "Execute Spirit Evolution." The fractal code formed around him. "Kumamon."

"Matt you're no fun." Kyo pouted in Matt's mind.

'The last thing I need is Kiki finding out about you.'

"She's going to find out sooner or later."

"Awe you're so cute." Kiki squeaked.

"Thank you." He smiled.

"Just get us down from here please Kumamon." Koji sighed.

"Right." Kumamon walked up to the door. "Frozen Tundra." A strip of ice streamed to the bottom. Kumamon was the first on to go so he could make a soft landing for the rest of the group.

Matt and Kiki were the last two to go down the ice slide. Kazumon and Beetlemon gently lowered the trialmon back on to the track.

"Are you sure you don't want a ride the rest of the way there?" It asked.

"No we should be okay thanks anyways." Beetlemon answered.

"Now the question is how did this hill just appear out of no where." Matt pondered.

"Sooo…they let you out again did they?" A teen around 14years old slid down the hill.

He had dirty blonde hair and chestnut brown eyes. "Let me guess headmaster told you to come after Sam, Kiori, and myself."

The group was silent and Matt got in front of Kiki.

"But you should already know that you're too late considering I'm standing right in front of you in a physical form. Takuya found that out last night." Zane smirked.

"Matt what is he talking about?" Kiki whispered.

"It's nothing." Matt replied.

"What happened to Takuya?" Kiki asked Matt.

"I'm not sure."

"Come now don't exclude everyone from your conversation; are you talking about Takuya? I will admit he got away with Noelle, but I believe he didn't make it very far with the injuries he obtained form the little quarrel we had last night."

Koji stepped forward and stuck his sword ten inches away from Zane's face. "You better pray he's alive." Koji snapped.

"Or what you're going to kill his little brother?" Zane smiled evilly.

"Matt get Kiki out of here." Koichi ordered.

Matt took Kiki's hand and started running.

"You're not going anywhere." Sam stated wrapping some roots around Kiki's ankles making her fall.

"Kiki, hold on." Matt started prying away at the root.

"Matt look out!" Kiki shouted pointing behind him.

Two columns of water came rushing at them. Matt dug through his left side pocket and pulled out a little marble sized metal ball. He threw it into the air. It expanded and engulfed Matt and Kiki snapping the roots on Kiki's ankles.

"What is this thing?" Kiki asked knocking on the metal surrounding them.

"Just something I picked up." He laughed sheepishly.

"You can't just pick things like this up."

The sphere let them go and turned back into its little ball.

"Well it's kind of hard to explain where I dot this."

"I have time." Kiki stated.

"No we don't hold on to me." He pulled her in close and waved his right hand in front of them to create a shield.

He started breathing heavily as the rocks pounded on the shield.

"Matt what's wrong?"

"It's nothing. Don't worry about me." He said.

A spear broke his threw one of the many dents on the shield. He wrapped his arms around Kiki and got out of the way of the wooden spikes that were heading towards them. A burst of water knocked them off their feet. The water turned into ice and they slowly came to a stop.

"Are you okay?" He asked.

"Matt what happened to you?" She asked running her fingers threw his blonde hair.

"I…" He looked away from her. 'This wasn't supposed to happen. I kept my guard up.'

"Hey you two." Toshiro came to a stop next to them. "Sorry if that was a ruff landing."

"Oh yea you did great at keeping them at bay as we tried to get away." Matt groaned.

"Who are you? Where's Tommy?" Kiki asked getting closer to Matt.

"You still haven't told her. That's why you glared at Tommy when he was about to mention us." Toshiro stated.

"He was getting around to it." Kyo sighed. "Kiki this is Toshiro, Tommy's partner, and I'm Kyoshiro you can call me Kyo. I'm Matt's partner." He explained.

She pushed away from Kyo "You're lying." She started backing away from the two of them.

"No I'm not. Matt and myself are the same." Kyo stated.

"Just stay away from me." Kiki shouted getting up and tried running away.

"Kiki…" He got up and caught up to her easily. He grabbed her wrist and turned her around.

"Let go." She ordered.


"Let go!"

"Just listen I can prove that I'm Matt."

"Go away!"

"For goodness sakes." He sighed. Then he kissed her.


'Don't worry it's just to get her to shut up.'

She watched in shock at his hair changed back to brown.

"He wasn't lying." Matt said after releasing her.

"Matt." She whispered hugging him.

"Just promise me one thing. You won't tell a soul about this." He whispered.

"Of course."

"So you'll listen to me but not Kyo?" He laughed. "Now that you know I guess there's no harm in telling you that Koji, J.P, Koichi, and Takuya can all do the same thing."

"So I take it she knows?" J.P asked catching up to Toshiro.

"I won't tell." She mentioned.

"Then let's get going to the forest terminal." Koji ordered walking away from the group.


Chapter 35:New Item

"Why is it that we can't win even when it's three on one?" Sam complained lying on the floor. He had orange hair and purple eyes.

"There were just too many of them at once." Kiori suggested. She had umber brown hair and chestnut brown eyes.

"Were we even supposed to win at all?" Zane muttered to himself observing the new cut on his arm.

~Forest Terminal~

The group ran up the cascade of stairs the swirled around the giant tree.

"This sucks why couldn't there be an elevator?" J.P sighed.

"Stop complaining. I thought that you were on the track team?" Kaylee stated watching her feet so she didn't miss a step.

"I am how do you think I lost so much weight? We just never ran up a thousand steps at once." He answered.

Wizardmon greeted them at the door and made the group follow him in.

"Noelle!" Kaylee shouted from the back of the group as her friend walked by.

"Guys you came." She said stopping in her tracks and a look of relief appeared on her face then it quickly vanished.

"What happened? Something's bothering you." Kaylee ran over to her.

"Last night Shinya brought us here but we were in the Dark Continent. I couldn't do anything to help Takuya. He protected me from the three and almost died because of it." She looked down at her feet.

"Well where is he now?" Koji asked.

"I don't know." She answered not looking up at him.

"I will take you to him, if that is what you would like?" Wizardmon offered.

"Yes please." Tommy bowed.

"Follow me then." Wizardmon walked away from the group.

They went into a good sized room that looked like a dining room. Takuya was sitting at the opposite end of the room against the wall looking up at the ceiling.

"Takuya!" Tommy ran over to his older friend.

"Hey Tommy; so you guys did come." Takuya greeted.

Tommy looked at Takuya and noticed his eyes "…Sasuke where's Takuya?"

Sasuke looked away from Tommy "…He's still out…I should be lucky that I'm even able to stand much less be walking around." He stated.

"Why what happened?" Zoe asked looking back and forth between Noelle and Sasuke.

Sasuke placed a hand on his forehead as he recalled the night before and how it was almost his and Takuya's last night.

"Last night…they found their hosts…" He muttered.

"Who?" J.P questioned.

"The three we were supposed to stop." Koji stated almost like a question.

"Yea…what are we going to tell my father now...?" He muttered resting his head back on the wall looking at the ceiling.

"Don't worry about it." Koji sighed starting to walk out of the room.

"What are you going to talk to my father?" Sasuke laughed lightly.

"He's your father I'm not going to talk to him…you were the one that he in trusted you with sending in reports." He stated.

"I know." Sasuke sighed.

"You don't have to report in now do you?" Tommy asked.

"No; not like this." He said smiling at Tommy.

"Are you able to completely stand and walk around?" Koichi asked.

"Not for very long why?" Sasuke answered.

"Then we can start working on getting you back on your feet and moving." Koichi stated.

"But Koichi he got hurt pretty bad." Kaylee mentioned.

"Kaylee it's alright…he's right I should start going again." Tommy got off of Sasuke and he got using the wall for support. "Let's do it."

They made their way to the arena. Once they got there Sasuke leaned against the wall.

"Maybe this isn't such a good idea." Zoe said looking at Sasuke then back at Koichi.

"I already told you I'm not backing out…I've made stupid decisions in my life, but coming here and being allowed to help save the world could make up for all those stupid mistakes…I might be in pain but I don't want any of you going easy on me." He explained.

"But what if you just get into an even worse condition then what you're in now?" Noelle questioned.

"I'll be fine; I'm much stronger then what you think." Sasuke pushed himself off the wall and made his way to the center of the arena.

'Takuya I don't know if you can hear me but I'm going to need your help with this one.' Sasuke took a deep breath and got ready to fight.