Here We Go Again (Digimon fanfiction)

Chapter 38: What have you been up to?

"Happy Birthday Takuya." Kaylee chirped.

They were given a day off well kind of. The group just had to be on toes and make sure that they were ready to go to the digital world if they were called.

"Thanks." He laughed "So how have you, Nicole, and Zoe been doing, I know that you three finally met your wizards."

"Yea, I don't know why you guys are always complaining, their nice." Kaylee stated.

He Shrugged "Sasuke can be annoying sometimes but, eh he's alright." Takuya commented.

"Hey." Sasuke objected in Takuya's mind. "After all we've been through together you say I'm annoying? Who's the older one here?"

"Well I'm going to get going, I have to get home before my parents leave, I'll see everyone in the digital world." He waved and ran off.

"Shinya slow down, you're running to fast." Jess called trying to keep up with her friend.

"Jess, it's summer vacation why aren't you ecstatic." Jake questioned.

"Well you have a point I should be excited, its just I wish we had a day off from going to the digital world." She commented as they walked down the street together.

Shinya ran ahead of his friends and let the wind rush though his hair. He was excited about something but what exactly is he excited about?


"Shinya do you want to beat your brother?" Treubimon questioned in Shinya's mind as he slept.

"I'll do anything to beat him." He said as he fought with his wizard that was now connected to him.

"Very well, after your school lets out come back to the digital world with the others." Treubimon ordered.

"Yes sir." Shinya and his wizard answered with a bow and then they carried on with training.

~End Flashback~

"Mom, dad I'm home." Shinya called walking into the house and taking off his shoes.

"Mom and dad's anniversary is today, they told me that once they get off work they were going to Hawaii for a few days." Takuya stated walking into the hall.

"So they're going to be back later?" Shinya questioned his older brother.

"Yea in about an hour, so if you were planning on going to Jake's or something it can wait for an hour." Takuya waved his hand aimlessly at his younger brother.

"I will beat you and take your digital spirit Takuya." Shinya glared.

Takuya sighed and walked over to his little brother. Since the last time that Shinya has seen his brother, Takuya has gotten taller and has gained muscle mass to him, he wasn't a thin weak looking older brother any more. Takuya placed a hand on his brothers' head and messed up his hair "Maybe when you get older." Takuya responded then walked away from his brother.

"The next time we fight in the digital world I will beat you Takuya." He shouted.

"Keep dreaming Shinya." Takuya replied from the other room.

Shinya waited for his parents to get home then said bye to them and went up to his room then went to the digital world.

"Chrubimon!" Shinya shouted walking around. "I came here alone like you told me to."

"Very good now we can begin." Chrubimon laughed and everything about Shinya went pitch black.

After Takuya's parents left Takuya headed towards the computer in his room then held his d-tector up to the screen and went to the digital world. He ended up close to the forest terminal so he decided to walk the rest of the way. Takuya got lost in thought as he walked. Well it was really lost in thought it was more like he was lost in a conversation with Sasuke.

'But what if I tell her and she doesn't answer?'

"Then she's thinking about it."

'But what if she says no.'

"Than I don't know."

'You're the older one, you should know these things.'

"Shut up and keep walking up the steps or your not going to get to the top."

"Fine, fine." Takuya sighed out loud and started running up the steps two at a time.

"Takuya, what took you so long?" Noelle stated placing her hands on her hips.

"Sorry I had to wait for my parents to leave." He stated walking past his cousin.

"Well that's understandable." She replied pulling him into the mansion faster.

"Where are we going?" Takuya questioned but his purple haired cousin didn't answer him she just kept pulling him along.

They entered one of the dinning halls and all the digi destines and Matt's girlfriend was there. They had set up a small birthday party for him.

"Thanks guys." Takuya smiled at his friends. He didn't want his parents to have to worry about his birthday considering he was born on their anniversary.

They spent hours just goofing around and having a fun time. Like none of this that was going on was happening to them.

"Hey Zoe could I talk to you for a minuet?" Takuya questioned tapping Zoe lightly on the shoulder to get her attention.

"Sure." She answered and they walked out of the room and out into the twilight. "So what did you want to talk about?"

"Well…actually I wanted to ask you something." Takuya stated shutting the door.

"What is it?" She asked turning around to face him.

"I-I've always wanted to tell you something. T-that I like you." He stuttered rubbing his arm.

"Takuya…" Zoe blushed.

"I mean…I understand if you don't feel the same way, I just wanted to say it." He said looking down.

"Takuya, I like you too." She muttered that made Takuya look up.

"D-Do you want to go out with me?" He asked shyly.

"Yes." She smiled.

He smiled and hugged her. "Thank you." He whispered.

She hugged him back.

"Takuya someone's coming."

'It's probably just Koichi or someone.'

"No the presence is coming from out here and coming fast."

Takuya picked up Zoe and jumped out of the way. The person slammed into the place where the two were just standing a moment ago.

"Who are you?" Takuya glared getting in front of Zoe.

The person had brown flat hair, his bangs stopped at the bridge of his nose and some what covered his chocolate brown eyes. He stood about 5' 10" and he had a muscle toned body. He wore black jeans and a plain grey t-shirt. The teen looked to be around 17 years old.

"Come now you don't know who I am?" The teen commented with a smirk plastered across his face.

"No, I've never met you before in my life." Takuya responded forming his staff. "Now I'll say it again who are you? And just what are you doing here?"

The teen formed a sword in his hand out of nothing and then disappeared and reappeared in front of Takuya and they clashed weapons. "Well isn't the reasoning for me being here obvious, to take your digi spirits of course." The brown haired teen laughed pushing harder against Takuya's staff.

"Zoe get out of here." Takuya ordered.

"But Takuya…" She stated.

"Get back in side now!" He demanded.

Zoe reluctantly ran back inside of the fortress.

"Why aren't you brave fighting all by yourself. As usual you're too stubborn to let anyone help." The teen commented pushing away from Takuya. "Of course maybe it was a good thing that you sent her inside, it means less distractions, and once I'm done with you Takuya and take your digi spirit's I'll erase your memory that way you'll never remember any of this."

"Ha like you can do that, heck I highly doubt you can even beat me." Takuya stated with confidence.

"You shouldn't be making assumptions that you can beat me, I'm much stronger then you think." They clashed again.

The two kept at a quick pace with each other. Takuya was figuring out his movements.

"This is kind of disappointing Takuya you still haven't figured out who I am. I figured it would be obvious by now."

"Takuya!" Koji shouted as the doors burst open and Koji and Koichi came running out.

"Don't interfere." The teen growled quickly teleporting over to them and knocking them both down because he caught them off guard.

He grabbed Koichi by his shirt collar and kicked Koji into the wall with a large amount of force to create a creator into the wall then he threw Koichi into the adjacent wall causing Koichi to bash his head against the hard stonewall. Before The twins started transforming into their wizard selves the brown haired teen put a barrier up between them and him and Takuya.

"No way he just took both Koji and Koichi out in less then a minuet. Who the hell is this kid?"

'I don't know at first I was thinking he was a wizard but even you don't know him, but he wields magic just like a wizard.'

"I bet you're wondering how I'm able to do that aren't you Takuya?" The kid smirked walking back towards Takuya.

"Takuya switch with me."