Here We Go Again (Digimon fanfiction)

Chapter 39: What happened?

"I thought that Shinya was going to meet us here." Jake stated walking around the cave that was their hide out.

"Maybe he got caught up at home with something like his parents are still there. They are heading to Hawaii for a few days. So maybe they're still packing." Jess guessed with a shrug.

"But it's not like him to be late." Jake objected.

"You have a point." Jess agreed.

"Do you think we should go out and look for him?" Jake questioned.

"The answer is quite simple really it's because I've already completely merged with my Wizard. Do you get it now Takuya?" He continued.


The teen disappeared and reappeared behind Takuya. The staff was moved just in time to block the attack. Takuya grew and his hair darkened then flattened out and grew in the front to the emo hair style where his bangs were over his left eye. Finally the red streaks appeared in his hair and his eyes brightened to crimson red. "Sorry to break it to you but now you're my opponent…" Sasuke pushed him away and quickly turned around "…Shinya!"

"How did you figure that one out?" Shinya asked running towards Sauke.

Sasuke jumped over him and landed behind Shinya with ease. "It was actually a complete guess and you fell for it." Sasuke smirked.

Shinya's face got bet red. "You damn bastard!" He yelled and sprinted towards him.

"Don't trip it's a long way down." Sasuke stated moving out of the way and Shinya stumbled. "I don't' know how the process was accelerated for you but you're just lucky that you ended up being the one in control. Or is it that some how you aged and with it the Merging process sped up as well." Sasuke kept dodging Shinya's attacks. "So many questions, but you're not going to answer me are you?"

"SHUT UP!" Shinya screamed.''

They clashed. The sword and the Staff sent sparks flying in all different directions. "Ha you're still the same kid I've known you as." Sasuke laughed not letting up.

"I…will not…let you win." Shinya mentioned.

They parted and it looked like blurs and sparks where they were as they clashed. Sasuke landed and his left ankle bent under him and he toppled over. "Damn it." Sasuke growled clutching onto his ankle.

It was throbbing and it hurt to even pt a lot of weight on it.

"Ha now I've got you." Shinya said raising his sword and about to slash down on Sasuke when a loud crack was heard and they both looked over to the barrier. Ryuu, Beetlemon, and Zephyrmon created a hug crack in the barrier. Then Uryuu shot it with an arrow and the barrier shattered.

"Frozen Tundra!" Toshiro shouted Slamming his hand down on the ground and making it turn into a solid sheet of ice.

Then Uryuu shot another arrow at Shinya and Shinya ducked but slipped on the ice a bit but managed to stay on his feet. Matt came running up and kicked above Sasuke's head and landed a blow against Shinya's blade. Shinya skid across the icey floor but managed to stand his ground.

"I don't know who you are, but you better leave because now you have us to deal with." Kaylee stated pulling out her d-tector.

"Ha try me, I'll take on all of you." Shinya smirked raising his sword and getting in a fighting stance.

"Fine it's your funeral." Toshiro stated and formed an ice dagger then running towards him,

"No guys wait." Sasuke interjected but no one listened to him and they just went after Shinya.

Shinya knocked away Toshiro and Matt into Beetlemon knocking all of them over and skidding across the ice.

"Hurricane Gale." Zephyrmon called out and two pink blades of energy went screeching towards Shinya.

He jumped out of the way of one of them and knocked the second one into the air slicing through a few trees branches that came crashing down. One almost landed on Sasuke and he got out of the way just in time.

"Come on, come on." Sasuke muttered to himself slowly putting weight on his ankle and getting the pain to go away.

The attacks were getting faster and more fluent. Shinya was having a harder time blocking them one after another. His sword was blasted into pieces by a plasma palm and all he could do now was keep dodging. He would block the barrage of kicks and punches that Ryuu was throwing then move out of the way as ice shrunken would come flying towards him. Shinys landed on a tree branch and then used the force to launch himself at the group. He round housed Ryuu into the wall of the castle and then skid across the ice to a stop.

"It's time to end this." Uryuu stated and shot an arrow at Shinya it dissolved in front of his face. And every thing went black around him.

"WHAT IS THIS?" Shinya yelled looking around and seeing nothing.

Uryuu dashed back and forth cutting Shinya everywhere. Once he stopped Shinya was still barely standing.

"Shock Wave." Harmonemon called slamming her staff into the ice and knocked Shinya into the air.

"Lightning Blitz." Beetlemon said and he rammed into Shinya sending electricity rocketing through him.

"AHHHH!" Shinya screamed.

Then Matt slammed his fist into Shinya's stomach and he went flying towards the edge.

"Blizard Blaster." Toshiro hollard and a snowball nailed him right in the head and every thing started to get fuzzy on him and he fell over the edge of the tree free falling towards the ground from hundreds of feet up.

"NO!" Sasuke screamed running towards the edge and jumping off.

"Sasuke are you insane?" Ryuu yelled after him.

Sasuke pulled out the d-tector. "Beast spirit evolution." The fractal code engulfed him one second and the next second he was tucking in his wings and dropping even faster then. He caught up with Shinya and caught him then opened his wings to keep them from slamming onto the ground.

"Ta…kuya?" Shinya whispered then passed out.

"You'll be alright Shinya." Sasuke stated and beat his wings to get them back up to the castle.

"You're nuts for going after him, you both could have gotten killed." Ryuu stated as Sasuke landed and dedigivolved then walked past everyone clutching onto Shinya.

Sasuke went to the infirmary and found Wizardmon there.

"What is it Sasuke?" Wizardmon questioned then he looked over his shoulder and saw someone unconscious in his arms. "Bring him over here."

Sasuke didn't say a word and did what he was told. He slowly set Shinya down then left the room with blood slowly making it's way down his arms from his younger brothers wounds. Takuya and Sasuke switched places and tears started to form in his eyes.

"Takuya, Takuya are you alright?" Toshiro asked as he ran over to him.

"That's my little brother." He muttered so low that Toshiro couldn't hear it.

"What did you say Takuya?" Toshiro questioned placing a hand on Takuya's shoulder.

"THAT'S MY LITTLE BROTHER! YOU GUYS ALMOST KILLED MY LITTLE BROTHER!" He screamed and then ran from Toshiro leaving him there shocked and in a daze.