Here We Go Again (Digimon fanfiction)

Chapter 41: Explain that to me again

Kiki walked out of the room seeming to leave the two alone so that Takuya could talk to his little brother. After she gently closed the door she ran down the hall and took a sharp turn around the corner. She bumped into someone and stumbled back but he caught her.

"Kiki what's the hurry?" Matt asked stabilizing his girlfriend to make sure she didn't fall.

"Shinya's awake." She said pulling her boyfriend.

"I'm coming, I'm coming." He laughed as she pulled him.

"But…We think that Shinya has amnesia." She said slowing down a bit.

Matt looked down at the floor as they walked. "I'm sorry…we didn't mean too, we were just trying to protect Takuya." He muttered and Kiki stopped pulling him. He looked up from the floor and Kiki kissed him on the cheek.

"I know you didn't mean too, and Takuya doesn't blame you at all." She reassured him and nodded "In fact I'm positive he doesn't blame any of you. He doesn't seem like that type of person to do that."

Kiki could always make Matt smiled no matter the situation.

"Now come on, you should come and see him." She gripped is hand a bit tighter and pulled him along.

In the infirmary Takuya was trying to explain as best as he could to Shinya just who he was.

"So…I'm your little brother?" He repeated back to Takuya.

"Yes." Takuya responded.

"And…where are we again?" Shinya asked still a bit confused.

"We're in the digital world." He answered.

"How old am I?" He blinked.

He seemed to be understanding that he was Shinya.

"You're um well you were 13." Takuya answered.

"I…was…" He said.

Takuya nodded. "You were 13 now you look about my age."

"I'm confused how can I be your age if I was 13, then shouldn't I still be 13?" He commented.

"I don't know." Takuya sighed running his fingers through his hair. "Try not to let it bother you and get some rest." Takuya stood up.

"Okay." Shinya nodded and laid back down and Takuya covered him up.

Takuya walked out of the infirmary and Matt and Kiki just got to him as he shut the door.

"Can we see him?" Kik asked.

"He doesn't remember anything. I haven't told him about the fight so he doesn't know anyone really. It took a while just to convince him that he was my brother and this his name is Shinya." Takuya glanced back at the door "But I don't know if I'll have to do it all over again tomorrow."

"Don't worry about it. I'm sure that he'll remember some time." Kiki reassured him. "Now you go and get some rest too."

"You shouldn't be on that leg." Matt smiled.

"Alright, I'm going." He laughed lightly then walked towards his room.

He avoided everyone and got to his room. The quietly shut the door behind him then slid down the door. His ankle did hurt from walking around do much but he didn't care.

"You know I have to tell my father right?"
Sasuke's voice echoed in Takuya's mind.

"I know." He muttered and let himself relax a bit. "I'm ready to go at any time."

"Would you like to wait a little longer before I take over? Or would you like to get us there?"
He asked.

"No, you can take over, I just want to sleep." Takuya whispered.

"Ok…don't worry about Shinya, he'll be fine for the night. Right now focus on what we have to do now." Sasuke mentioned as he took over.

"I know, I know, I'm trying."
Takuya muttered.

Sasuke stood up and stretched "Why don't you get some rest Takuya I can handle my father by myself."

"I can…" He started then Sasuke interrupted him.

"Takuya, I know you're exhausted." The black haired teen stated pulling out a small bag of teleporting beads and grabbed one of them then crushed it in his hand.

"…Thank you Sasuke."
Takuya said then fell asleep in his subconscious.

"Not a problem." Sasuke answered blowing the dust out in front of him and creating a portal.

He stepped into the dust and was instantly transported to the academy. It was dark there and no one seemed to be up. "It must be pretty late." He muttered to himself looking around at all the dark dorms. He shrugged and moved some of his hair out of his face. "Oh well that means less hassle getting to dad's office." He stuck his hands in his pockets and started walking. "It seems to quiet even for it being late at night." He mumbled.

He kept walking but sharpened his senses. Something was coming but he couldn't tell what. Whatever it was it was dark. The black haired teen turned around quickly and summoned his staff. "I thought that someone was following me." A smirk spread across his face and looked up at the person that blade clashed with his staff. "I didn't think that one of me own class would be the one to be sneaking around the campus at night though." He pushed the kid off and sent the person flying a few feet in the sir before their feet skid across the ground.

"You're good, but I should expect that much from a senior elemental here." The girl said standing up straight.

"I don't think that we've met before." Sasuke smirked placing the staff on his shoulder.

"I'm a first year, Risa Kahana." She said getting into a fighting stance.

"Well you seem to have some skills as a first year, I'm…" He started but she stopped him.

"I know who you are. You're Sasuke Kasai, the head master's son." She spat.

"Oh and what else do you know about me?" He smirked wondering if she's been into the schools records already.

"Not too much." She muttered.

"Well…" He cracked his neck "What a shame for you." He turned and started walking away. "Then I suggest you go back to bed little girl and try again after you've been here for 100 years of the human world time." He waved.

He heard her footsteps racing towards him. He turned again and smacked her away with his staff. But she rebounded and caught his arm.

Everyone was resting in their rooms and Shinya was sleeping soundly in the infirmary. Though he couldn't remember anything he felt like Takuya was his brother and he was telling him the truth.

"Don't you look so sweet and innocent?" A girl snickered coming out of the darkness and walking around Shinya's bed as he slept. The girl had a pale blonde hair and Jade green pupil less eyes. "This should be easy. I hope that sister is having a lot of fun." She said as she raised her hand. Shinya's hand shot up and grabbed onto her wrist.

"You shouldn't talk to yourself out loud when someone's trying to sleep." He stated sitting up.

"Fine then, we'll just have to go else where to fight considering I wanted to kill you silently but it looks like that's not going to happen." She said and then they teleported to some place.

Sasuke landed wrong on his foot and his ankle bent sending searing pain through his leg.

"Looks like you do have a weak point." Risa laughed.

Sasuke stood up but didn't put a lot of pressure on his foot. "I suggest you go to bed Risa." Sasuke mentioned.

"You can't tell me what to do." She spat.

A black orb showed up between them and the blonde haired girl and Shinya came through the hole and the girl tossed Shinya over towards Sasuke.

"Shinya!" Sasuke said stopping Takuya's brother from skidding. "You alright?" He asked.

"Who are you?" He asked.

"I'll explain later." Sasuke stated "Right now we have to stop them." He said motioning over to the two girls.

"Mai you didn't kill him?" Risa questioned with a angry tone.

"I'm sorry Risa he woke up before I could." Mai apologized.

"Fine we'll just have to take both them out at the same time." Risa said turning towards the two.