Here We Go Again (Digimon fanfiction)

Chapter 36: Getting back into it

Sasuke jumped out of the way of Koichi's attack and did a tumble roll to get back onto his feet. The black haired teen was in plenty of pain at the current moment that he just wanted to lay down and say he was done he gave up. But he pushed that thought aside and kept going. Because of his condition Sasuke couldn't use the detector. He held out his hand and tried to form his staff but it disappeared once the outline of it formed.

"Damn it." He muttered getting out of the way.

"Come on Sasuke I know you can do better." Koichi said.

"Then why don't you come out and fight me yourself Uuryu?" Sasuke shouted at Koichi.

"Fine." Uuryu's voice answered and he changed into his normal form. "And just how did you know it was me?" The blue haired teen questioned.

"Because Koichi not as fast as you are Uuryu. The question now is when you switched places." Sasuke smirked.

"That's for us to know." He stated forming his bow and arrow and drawing it back.

"Ha looks like you're not going to go easy on me then Uuryu." Sasuke said right as Uuryu released his arrow.

Sasuke took a step out of the way and the arrow tip just caught his arm as it passed by.

"I thought so…is this payback for me beating you before?" Sasuke smirked whipping away the blood on his arm.

Uuryu drew back another arrow and let it go. Sasuke moved out of the way again. "I'm going to take that as a yes." He sighed and kept moving out of the way.

Uuryu quickly moved behind him kicked The black haired teen onto the ground. Sasuke caught himself and did a front hand spring to get back to his feet.

"It looks like you're at your limit already Sasuke." Uuryu laughed drawing another arrow and holding it right at Sasuke's head.

"Ha don't count me out yet Uuryu." He said and Uuryu released the arrow.

"SASUKE GET OUT OF THE WAY!" Zoe screamed.

Sasuke stood his ground and the arrow dissolved an inch before his face and shrouded him in darkness. "That's right you don't have to do the incantation to release your spells." Sasuke smirked and looked around. "But I've seen your dark abyss a few times so I'm aware of what you can do in here."

The black haired teen shifted his feet and an arrow landed right where he was standing. He jumped out of the way and then did a few back hand springs getting away from the arrows that were inches away from hitting him.

The group watched as Uuryu jumped from pillar to pillar trying to hit Sasuke with one of his arrows and Sasuke easily dodging them even though Sasuke's senses were under Uuryu's spell.

Tommy looked over at Koji who was in deep thought. "Koji what are you thinking about?" Tommy asked.

"The way that Sasuke's moving seems to be in a pattern. Like Uuryu is forcing him to make something." Koji mentioned.

Sasuke stopped dodging and rested his hands on his knees and breathed in heavily. Uuryu's spell suddenly broke and Sasuke looked around. He was standing right in the middle of an incantation circle. He jumped up in the air but black weirs caught his ankles and pulled him back down to the ground.

'I didn't want to use this but it looks like I have no choice.'
Sasuke thought pulling a small, round, red pill out of his side pocket and popping it in his mouth before the wires could grab his wrists. The wires warped around his legs and arms.

Uuryu landed in front of him and let his bow disappear. He walked up to him "And just what did you stick in your mouth Sasuke?" He questioned grabbing the black haired teen's cheeks.

Sasuke swallowed the pill before Uuryu could get it out of him. Sasuke started laughing quietly at first and started trying to force his arms out of the wires that were holding him down.

Uuryu let go of him and backed up. "Are you mad you could cut off your arms if you try to get out of that." Uuryu shouted.

Flames erupted around Sasuke and the flames were so hot that Uuryu got out of the circle.

"You're such a fool Uuryu did you actually think that I would let you win this?" Sasuke laughed as the wires melted away because of the heat. Sasuke walked out of the flames with ease and they disappeared as he walked towards Uuryu. "Did you forget about the wonderful little seal that my father placed on me so I couldn't use my full power?" He laughed and charged after Uuryu who jumped back onto a pillar and reformed his bow and arrow and shot.

Sasuke formed his staff and blocked the shot with ease. "Don't worry the seal is still completely in tack the little pill I just took just released a bit of that power." He stated.

Uuryu moved his fingers in a star motion then he quickly shot another arrow directly at Sasuke. The black haired man tried to move his hand but he couldn't move his body. The arrow hit him dead on and went right threw him. Sasuke fell to his knees and breathed in and out heavily.

"What did you just do?" He coughed.

"Look behind you?" Uuryu said.

Sasuke did what he was told and his eyes grew wide. Takuya was laying unconscious behind him. "Takuya!" He whispered.

"It's such a sham when you're separated from your host body it's difficult for the other to move." Uuryu mentioned jumping down from the pillar. "And considering that all of our power is lock away in them as well it just makes it all the more worse for you doesn't it Sasuke?" The light blue haired teen smirked.

Sasuke got Takuya onto his back and blocked Uuryu's wire with his staff then he ran.

"Those two don't seem to get along do they?" Kaylee asked.

"They a lot alike they both hate losing and will do anything to win even if it means putting the other in an almost immobile state." Renji stated making Kaylee jump.

"When did you switch with J.P?" She asked.

"A while ago actually. We agreed that it would be better if I got involved if the match got to out of hand." He answered not looking at Kaylee.

"Well don't you think it is getting out of control now?" She questioned.

"Just watch." He smirked "It's about to get interesting."

"Come on Takuya wake up." Sasuke begged hiding behind a pillar. "I can't keep running forever you know." He said to the unconscious Takuya.

An explosion right next to Sasuke's right foot sent him and Takuya in different directions. Takuya rolled across the ground and Sasuke skid across the ground. He fell to his hands and knees and looked up to see Uuryu walking towards him.

"It's almost impossible for you to move now isn't it Sasuke?" Uuryu smirked walking closer.

"Takuya WAKE UP damn it!" Sasuke screamed.

"That kid is out cold there's no way he can here you." Uuryu laughed.

Uuryu felt a strong pain go through his left arm and then he got a ground house to the gut causing him to stumble back a ways.

"Who's out cold?" Takuya huffed leaning on the staff for support.

"It's about time you woke up you bastard." Sasuke smiled.

"Is that how you talk to someone that just saved your life?" He laughed lightly sitting down next to Sasuke.

"I can finish it you just relax." Sasuke said placing a hand on Takuya's shoulder and he faded away. "Sasuke got up off the ground and starched his arms. "Now where were we?" He smirked allowing his arms to be engulfed in flames.