Here We Go Again (Digimon fanfiction)

Chapter 32: Sound

Ryuu shot up from the pillow and started breathing heavily.

"You're awake." Koichi smiled sitting in the desk chair.

"What happened?" He asked holding his forehead.

"Riuuk brought you two back here unconscious. Both of you were beat up pretty bad. How did that happen?" Koichi answered.

"We figured out where the entrance to get back here was, and then we flew there. I told Sasuke to set down, we got hit by ice shards ad we started free falling. The last thing I remember is watching Takuya sink to the bottom of pool." Ryuu responded. "Wait Takuya, Sasuke!" Ryuu tried standing up out of bed but sat back down because of the cut on his leg.

"Ryuu they're fine; they're back here." Koichi stood up.

"Damn why does it hurt so much?" Ryuu groaned clutching his leg. "But I have to go and make sure they're alright." He sucked it up and made his way to the door.

Koichi tackled him. "Don't start just get back in bed."

"Koichi let me go." Ryuu ordered trying to get Koichi off of him.

"No I'm not going to let go until you come to your senses and get back in bed." Koichi closed his eyes.

'Sorry about this Koichi.'

"Koichi please let me go." Koji pleaded.

"K-Koji." Koichi looked up at his older brother his hair was all over the place.

"Please Koichi I'll get back in bed if you just let me go."

"Koichi don't listen to him remember what Riuuk told us? Takuya, Sasuke, Koji, and Ryuu can change there appearances and voice at will."

Koichi moved some of Koji's hair out of his face to see his brothers' eyes. They were orange. Ryuu used the chance to get out of Koichi's grip and run for it.

"NO RYUU STOP." Koichi ran after him.

"Hi Tommy," Ryuu greeted spinning around him.

"Koji is it such a good idea for you to be up and running around already?" Tommy asked.

"I'm fine I'll see you in a bit." He replied.

"Tommy that's not Koji its Ryuu." Koichi stated stopping.

"They're good." Tommy said.

"I give up this is ridiculous. Even with that gash on his leg he still runs faster than me." Koichi stormed off towards Takuya's room.

"Well that was interesting." Tommy laughed.

"You can say that again."

"Takuya!" Ryuu burst into the room.

Takuya was lying in bed asleep. Ryuu fell to his knees. "My leg." He mumbled.

"I finally caught up with you." Koichi grumbled walking into the room.

"Sorry about that." He switched back to himself. "So I'm guessing that Riuuk told you about what we can do." Ryuu muttered looking down at the floor.

"Yea he told us. But you did have me fooled of a second." Koichi accepted.

"That wasn't the first time that we've fooled you like that Koichi. Now can we go down stairs or something I get really bored in that room? I don't understand how Koji can just sit in there."

"You really should go back in the room though." Koichi mentioned.

"Koichi just let him go down stairs." Takuya sighed sitting up in bed.

"Have you been listening the entire time?" Ryuu huffed.

"Of course I have it's my room." Takuya smirked. "You know our test got me thinking."

"Really about what?" Koichi asked moving Ryuu into a chair.

"How much time has gone by while we've been here? If any at all." Takuya muttered.

"That is a good question." Ryuu said.

"You guys Noelle fainted." Tommy stated running into the room.

"WHAT?" The three said in unison.

"Her and J.P were talking and she just fainted." Tommy explained.

Takuya got out of bed and helped Koichi get Ryuu down stairs.

"Come on Noelle wake up." J.P pleaded.

Takuya and Koichi took Ryuu over to Noelle so he could see what was wrong.

"She doesn't have a fever." He checked her pulse. "And her heart rate is normal. Maybe it was just a fainting spell." Ryuu deduced leaning back on the couch.

I high pitched ring started out of no where Takuya, Ryuu, J.P, Zoe, and Kaylee covered there ears.

"Where is that noise coming from?" J.P shouted over

Koichi sat down on the coffee table "I don't feel so good." He groaned rubbing his temples.

"Are you mad? Cover your ears." J.P ordered.

"I'm not feeling so hot either you guys." Matt mentioned leaning against the far wall next to the stairs.

Tommy's knees buckled and he hit the floor.

"Tommy!" Matt shouted trying to stand up off the wall.

Koichi slipped off the table and fell to the floor.

"KOICHI!" Kaylee let go of her ears and went to help Koichi up but J.P stopped her and covered her ears leaving his exposed to the loud pitch.

'What's going on? It feels like I'm being pricked with hundreds of needles.'

"This sound is doing something to us."

'Like what Renji?'

"I don't know."

The noise died down quickly and then came to a complete stop. J.P let go of Kaylee. Koyshiro was leaning against the wall and Toshiro started to slowly get up on to his hands and knees.

"What was that?" Tommy's voice came out in stead of Toshiro's. "What's going on?" He pulled on some of his silver hair. "He started looking around in a panic. "Toshiro help me. I don't know what's going on." He brought his knees up to his chest and rested his head on his knees.

"You're such a baby sometimes Tommy." He heard Toshiro laugh.

'I don't understand.'

"We're going through the same thing that Koji and Takuya went through, just minus the test."

"I still don't like it." He pouted out loud.

"Then let me deal with it."


Toshiro started snickering and rubbed away the tears from his eyes.

"You alright?" Kyo asked looking down at his friend.

"Yea I'm fine. Tommy was the one that was crying." Toshiro laughed standing up. "I just think he's not use to the height and muscle difference between the two of us."

"You two definitely have a height difference." Kyo smirked stating the truth.

"I wonder how much of a height difference." Toshiro ran up stairs to the bathroom.

"Well he seems to be enjoying himself." Takuya stated.

"A little too much if you ask me." Ryuu agreed.

Noelle started to move around.

"So I see you're awake." Ryuu greeted.

"Hello." She greeted sweetly.

"R-Rangiku?!" Ryuu backed up a little.

"I'm so tired." She complained hugging Ryuu.

"Then go up stairs and go to bed." He tried pushing her off.

"Oh Ryuu you're so mean." She pouted.

"Just go to bed." He huffed getting out of her grip.

"Fine I'll go to bed, but after I do this." She tapped his forehead and Koji and him switched places. "Oh you're cute too I can see why Noelle likes you." She chirped. "Well I'm off." She skipped to her room.

"She is so weird." Koji stated watching her close the door.

"Yea you can say that again." Takuya laughed helping Koichi up off the floor.

"How about you?" Koji asked.

"We're okay, just a bit dizzy." He smiled.

"And what about you J.P? Kyo?" Zoe asked them.

"I'm good." Kyoshiro answered.

"What does this mean?" J.P questioned.

"That we're either moving through this connection too quickly or at a normal rate." Takuya told him.

"How do you know that?" Kaylee said curious.

"Sasuke told me that."

"Kyo you're right there is a big height difference between us." Toshiro laughed coming back into the living room.

"So what do we do now?" Kyo asked looking up at the ceiling.