Here We Go Again (Digimon fanfiction)

Chapter 33: Quest

Koichi was sitting in his room alone and in the dark. "What happens now?" He asked no one at all. "Takuya and my brother are the only ones who can really control this."

"Koichi are you alright?" Koji asked threw the door.

He didn't respond.

"I'm sorry if I've made you mad."


"If you're confused you're not alone Koichi."


"This would be so much easier if you let me talk to you instead of the door." Koji watched as the door knob slowly turned and opened.

Koichi walked back to the chair he was sitting in on the farthest part of his bedroom. Koji flipped the switch and turned on the lights. Koichi snapped his fingers and turned the lights back off.

"Okay." He mumbled walking over to the bed where the light hit and sat down.

Koichi waved his hand and the door slammed shut.

"Koichi if you're mad at me just tell me. Don't sit here and sulk." Koji ordered.

Koichi didn't look at him.

"I'm turning on the lights it's way to dark in here. I can't even see your face." Koji got up and went for the light switch.

"Keep them off." Koichi said stopping his older brother.

"No Koichi it's not good to sit in the dark like this." He brushed past his brother.

Koichi grabbed his brothers' shirt stopping him short of the switch. "I said keep them off."

Koji glowed a faint blue.

"Oh look you make your own flash light." Koichi commented.

"What is your problem?" Koji smacked Koichi's hand away.

"I don't have a problem."

"Obviously you do. You never act like this." Koji glowed brighter.

"Who are you to tell me how I can and can't act?" The darkness seemed to get heavier.

"I am your older brother damn it respect me."

"I don't have to."

Koji slammed Koichi up against a wall and grabbed his wrists. "Now tell the truth. You're not the only one who can make people tell the truth Koichi."

Koichi's head lowered as the light blue went around him.

"I can't control it Koji. I can't control the second stage I don't know how."

"You'll figure it out. You're a quick learner."

"But what if I change without knowing it and mom or someone catches me?"

"It hasn't even been a day. Don't worry about it so much." He let go. "Now let's go down stairs."

"Yea you'll look like that in a million years J.P." Kaylee laughed playfully hitting her cousin in the gut.

"Come on Takuya just one sparring match." Matt pleaded.

"No way I've had my share of fights. Ask J.P or your brother, they need more training then I do." Takuya threw a pillow at Matt.

"There's no way I'm going against J.P."

"Then how about me?" Renji stated.

"Not happening. Metals a conductor, I'll get my ass kicked."

"Kyo wasn't afraid to go against me." Renji smirked. "OR has Kyo just gotten soft?"

He chucked the pillow at Renji hitting him in the face. "Who are you calling soft? Let's not forget I've kicked your ass before and I can do it again." Kyoshiro snapped.

"Oh boy here we go again." Toshiro laughed watching the two.

The two stopped fighting when they heard the door click. They quickly switched to J.P and Matt's forms.

"Calm down it's only me." Riuuk greeted walking into the dorm. "So I see it worked."

"What worked?" Everyone asked.

"Didn't you notice that the ones what entered the second stage were the ones that didn't cover their ears? Excluding Noelle of course." Riuuk mentioned.

"So "dad" can I ask you a question?" Takuya said sarcastically.

"Ask away."

"Are we just a science experiment gone wrong or is there actually a purpose to why we were the ones this happened too?" Takuya asked being completely serious.

"There is a purpose to why you were chosen, but we can discuss that later right now I have a quest for you nine."

"What's it about?" Kyo asked forgetting the fight he was currently in.

"Three of our students have gone missing. You have to find them before they find someone they are compatible with."

"Well that sounds easy enough." Renji stated.

"Even though you have been here a week a month has passed in your world. The three you are looking for are Sam, Kiori, and Zane. Good luck." He sent them to there world.

~Digital World~

"I don't get it? How can they just disappear like that without even leaving a trace?" Jake sighed.

"It's like our parents have been brainwashed our something. They think that Takuya went to America to spend a month there then come back with Noelle for the rest of the summer." Shinya complained.

"Ow Jake, why did you pinch me?" Jess pouted rubbing her arm.

"How could I pinch you if…" He was in the middle of the room one second and next to Jess the next. "…I'm not even near you?"

"How did you do that?" She asked shocked.

"I don't know, but that was so cool." He stopped talking for a minuet. "Hey Jess are you hearing a voice in your head?"

"Now it all makes since Takuya and Sasuke are the same person." Shinya stated looking up at the rock ceiling.

"Who's Sasuke?" Jess questioned.

"Now we have that same power. With Zane, Sam, and Kiori's help we can finally accomplish our goal." Shinya continued.

~With the group~

"It's late I don't think we should search tonight. Let's start tomorrow morning." Noelle mentioned looking at her watch.

"She has a point." Matt agreed.

"We'll meet back here at ten tomorrow morning." Koji suggested.

Everyone agreed with that and went there separate ways.

~Takuya's House~

"Takuya did you have a good time in America?" His mother asked.

"Yea loads." He laughed. 'I have no idea what she's talking about.'

"You know my mom always keeps him in line aunt Yuriko." Noelle said.

"We'll talk more in the morning. I think they want get to bed it's a long flight from America to here. Also they're probably not use to the time change." His father stated as a matter of fact.

"Oh yea I'm beat." Noelle acted.

"Okay just be quiet Shinya's sleeping." Yuriko mentioned.

Noelle and Takuya made there way up to his bedroom. They thought it would be best if they slept in the same room for the night. Noelle was really tired she fell asleep once her head hit the pillow on her make shift bed they made on the floor because she didn't want to sleep on the bed. Takuya was having a hard time falling asleep. He heard his bedroom door open and didn't move. The light from before engulfed him and Noelle. He sat up and branches quickly wrapped around him.

"Noelle, Noelle damn it wake up." Takuya ordered.

A Branch wrapped around his D-tector and pulled it out of his pocket.

"Hey give that back." Takuya shouted.

"Why so you can escape?" Jake laughed.

Takuya started getting pissed and the branches started to burn. Water bubbled around Takuya.

"TAKUYA!" Noelle shouted watching her cousin be swallowed by a blob of water.

"Scream all you want her can't here you Noelle." Shinya smirked kneeling down next to her.

"Shinya why are you doing this? All of you are so young." Noelle stated trying to break free.

"Because this means I can finally get back at Takuya for all the pranks he's pulled on me over the years." He snickered. "Now where's your D-tector Noelle?"

"Not with me." She answered

'Damn it I can't breathe. Sasuke what should I do?'

"Get out of this."

'Obviously but if you haven't noticed I'm a bit tied up at the moment.'

"I'm thinking."

'This really pisses me off. I can't do shit in here.' He started glowing red again. The branches around him started to darken.

"What the hell?" Shinya watched the wood burn in amazement.

The bubble of water burst and Takuya fell to the floor coughing. His clothes dried quickly and his eyes turned blood red; he rippled away from where he was on the floor.

"Not this again." Jake and Jess watched the flower petals spin around them.

"Now give back my D-tector or I'll suck the life out of you." Takuya's voice echoed.

"NO I WON"T LET YOU!" Jess screamed making water erupt dispersing the flower petals.

Takuya landed on the ceiling above them. "You won't win not against me." He looked down at them his eye's still blood red.

"How is he… doing that?" Shinya whispered.

Takuya shot a barrage of fire at the two. Jess knocked them away.

"Are we already too late?" Noelle whispered watching the battle in front of her.