Here We Go Again (Digimon fanfiction)

Chapter 40: Does he have amnesia?

Takuya sat up on a tree branch with his left leg hanging over one side of the branch and the right propped up on the branch. His back was up against the trunk of the tree and he stared out at the night sky.

"You know you can't stay mad at them forever."

'I'm not mad at them, I'm more worried about my brother, he hasn't woken up yet.'

"He'll wake up soon, but I must say that they did hammer him pretty hard."

'Gee thanks for making me feel a whole lot better.'

"Hey I'm just stating the obvious."

'Which is no help at all, you're just as worried as I am about him.'

"You got me there, honestly I think of him as my little brother too."

'Yea I figured considering how fast you moved to catch him. My ankle is still throbbing from that.'

"It probably doesn't help that you ran from Toshiro on top of it."

'I know, that was my own fault.'

"I wonder how I'm going to explain this to my father."


"Takuya did I ever tell you that we're called elementals?"

'Wait who are elementals?'

"Toshiro, Ryuu, Uryuu, Renji, myself we're called elementals, not wizards."

'I'm confused.'

"I'm not surprised. When I first found out I was really confused too."

"Takuya." Zoe called pulling Takuya away from the conversation that Sasuke and him were having.

Takuya didn't respond he just looked down at her.

"Takuya, I'm sorry I didn't know, please come out." She said looking around.

Takuya stood up and jumped from branch to branch then hooked his hands on the last one and then landed in front of Zoe startling her.

"It's fine I'm not mad at you guys, I understand that you didn't know." Takuya stated standing up straight.

"We thought that you were mad at us we looked every where for you." She responded.

"Not everywhere, try looking up in a tree next time that's where I like to clear my head." He answered motioning up towards the branches.

"Okay I'll remember that." Zoe smiled.

"I'm going to go and check on my brother." Takuya said. To tell the truth he really didn't want to talk to anyone at the moment still. He was fine with talking to Sasuke because he understood what he was going through.

Takuya ran his fingers through his hair as he walked getting some of his bangs out of his face. He took a couple of turns and then went into the infirmary. Wizardmon wasn't in the room. It was really quiet and the dimed lights in the room made it seem a bit lonely in there. The shadows that stretched on the floor made it look like they were black holes that would easily suck you into a new dimension. You couldn't really tell that the walls were a light blue because they looked like a blueish grey in the lighting. All the way on the opposite side of the room was where Shinya was resting. The closer that Takuya got to him the better details he could see. They had wrapped Shinya's arms and there were bandages over his nose one on his cheek and a few on his neck. Once Takuya was right next to the bed he finally got a good look at his brother. Shinya had a slim structure to his face. Takuya smiled a little to see the peaceful look on his face and he brushed some of Shinya's bangs out of his face.

"What am I going to do with you, you just can't seem to stay out of trouble." He muttered. "You just keep making more and more work for Sasuke and I."

Takuya squatted down net to his little brother bed and smiled. "I'm glad that you're still alive, that means that Sasuke got you here in time."

"What you didn't have faith in me?"

'I'm only joking with you.'

"Haha very funny now I'm going to keep you up all night."

'No you won't you'll fall asleep before I do.'

"And what makes you think that?"

'You always do.'

Takuya stuck by his brothers bed and waited for him to wake up. Toshiro and Kyoshiro were practicing in the arena as Koji, Noelle, and J.P were watching them.

"I hope that Takuya isn't mad at us we searched everywhere." J.P stated.

"Do you think he left?" Noelle questioned.

"Na Takuya wouldn't leave because of something like this, his brother is here." Koji replied.

"Which makes you wonder what happened to him." Noelle suggested.

"Yea that last time we saw him he was this tall." J.P Said holding his hand to the spot where Shinya's old height was.

"Maybe Chrubimon did something to him." Koji offered.

"That might make since but when did he get that power?" Koji said.

"Maybe, he tried…"Toshiro started then jumped out of the way of an attack. "TO do something else but because of Shinya having an elemental in him…" Toshiro threw a few shrunken Kyo.

"What are Elementals?" Noelle asked confused.

"Elementals are what we are." Kyo answered dodging the weapons that were thrown at him.

"But Toshiro told us that you guys were called wizards." J.P Said.

"At the point and time I told you that…" Toshiro started and then jumped off of a pillar at Kyo and Kyo blocked Toshiro's punches. "We were kind of in a hurry and that was the first thing that came to mind." Toshiro replied as him and Kyoshiro were breathing heavily so they decided to stop.

"Elementals are like wizards but we can only control one element. Which is how we ended up with you guys." Kyo mentioned.

"Haven't you ever heard the story about the elementals?" Toshiro asked.

All three of them shook their heads. Kyo and Toshiro laughed.

"Okay we'll tell you the stories that were told to us before we found out we were elementals." Kyo stated.

Kaylee and Koichi were walking around in the halls with each other and having a good time just being around each other.

"I feel so bad that we did that to Shinya." Kaylee sighed.

"We didn't know, I think that Sauske told us to hold up but I can't remember." Koichi said trying to comfort her. "Try not to worry about it, Takuya is the kind of person not to hold a grudge."

"But still, it was his little brother, even thought he's not so little anymore." She looked away from him and Koichi placed a hand over her hers.

"I'm sure that we'll figure out what happened soon enough." Koichi smiled.

"Yea, maybe Takuya or Sasuke can talk to him." She said.

They continued walking around and decided to change the subject. Kiki was sleeping in Matt's room that was given to him in the mansion. She woke up to footsteps walking into the room.

"Go back to sleep Kiki I'm just getting clothes to take a shower." Kyo whispered.

Kik didn't protest and laid back down with her back to the door. She waited to here the door shut then she sat up again. She looked around the dark room at all the shapes. There obviously wasn't much in the room but there was still enough in there to trip on if you were really tired. She slowly got up and made her way through the room and over to the door. Opening the door quietly she slipped out of the room and mad her way down some random halls.

"I think…I'm lost." She told her self looking around then she saw a door slightly cracked open so she went in. She ended up in the infirmary. She saw someone down at the other end so she walked down there to see who it was.

"Hey, Takuya." Kiki whispered standing behind him.

Takuya turned around and smiled. "Hey how's it going?" He asked standing up.

"I just felt like wondering is all, so how's he doing?" Kiki motioned towards Shinya.

"I think he's doing better then earlier." Takuya stated.

"Look he's moving around." Kiki said looking at Shinya.

Takuya turned back around and looked at his brother. Shinya started opening his eyes and then shot up off the pillow. He grabbed his right arm in pain and pulled his knees up to his chest. "Ow." He groaned.

"Shinya…" Takuya said and Shinya looked at Takuya and blinked a few times.

"Who's Shinya?" He asked looking at Takuya confused.