The Quest Begins

As the Links are still sailing along the Ocean they seem to wonder if they brought food

Dark: HYAA!!?? (How the hell did no one think to bring food??!!!)
Green: HIAY!? (If you knew we had no food you should of told us)
Red: HAIA! (I brought watermelon)
Dark: HYA! (See someone knows when food is needed)

Green Link sighs and continues to steer the boat

Red: HIYA!(Who wants some watermelon!)

Red Link slices open Watermelon and makes smaller pieces

Purple: HYA! (I DO!)
Purple Link holds out hand for watermelon piece

Red: HYA! (Here you go)

Dark Link takes Purple Links slice of Watermelon
Dark: HEYYY! (Its good watermelon)
Purple: HAYI!! (Really, well I wouldn't know!)

Purple Link glares at Dark Link as he receives a new piece of Watermelon

Green: HYA!! (LAND!!!!)
Dark: HIYA!! (Finally!)

Blue, Red and Purple Link continue eating watermelons as the boat hits land

Green: HIYA!! (We're here...but where is here?)
Dark: HIYA! (Not sure myself.)

Green and Dark Link hop off the boat

Red: HYA! (Lets go you two!)

Red, Blue and Purple Link take one last bite from the watermelon and join up with Green and Dark Link

Green:HIYA! ( Looks kind of Twilighty to me....)
Dark: HEYA! (Think we might find Minda then...)

Green Link role his eyes and walks ahead of Dark Link

Dark: HIYA!! (we should split up)

Green Link stops a bit in his track

Green: HEYYY!!?? (Split up?)

Red: HYA!! (It is a huge Forest...)

Dark: HEYAA! (Besides what can go wrong?)

Dark Link pats Green Link back

Dark: HYAA! (Besides you can't freak out now we're the ones with the triforce of courage remember)

Green Link thinks about it then nods to Dark

Green: HEYY!! (Alright then, but we meet up at the boat in an hour)

All links nod there heads and head off into different directions of the forest

Dark: HEYY! (Wonder what I will find-)

Dark stares at a huge treasure chest

Dark: .......
Dark steps forward to the chest and opens it and finds some Bombs

Dark: HEYA!! (This is my lucky day..)

Dark lights up a bomb and throws it up in the air and it explodes making the ground shake


Purple: HEYYA (An advantage to seeing in the tree's)

Purple link is siting on a tree when all of a sudden the tree shakes violently from the explosion

Falls off tree and is knocked out cold

Red: HEYA?? (What the?)

Red feels the ground shake violently from explosion

Green: HYAA!? (What on earth was that? Better head back then)

Green rushes back to the boat and finds only Blue there

Green: HEYA?? (where is everyone else?)
Blue: HEYA?? (I don't know I just thought that explosion would bring everyone here but From how it seems...its only us.)
Green: HEYA!! (Oh no...maybe I should go back and check then. You stay here)

Green dashes back to the Forest while Blue gets taken by some strange creatures who hit him while he was getting back onto the boat


Green finds Purple and helps him up

Purple: EHYA? (My head...I feel pain)*note he is in a daze so italic ^^*

Red: HYAA! (HEY! I Found you two!!)
Red rushes at Green Links side to help pick Purple up on his legs

Green: HEYA! (You seen Dark?)
Red: HEYY!! (I thought he be back at the boat after the explosion)
Green: HYA! (where the hell did he go?)


Dark: HYA!! (hm..I should head back but... maybe I can find a map for this place..)

DArk walks around more and finds another treasure chest


Dark walks over to the chest and opens it to find bow and arrows

Dark: HEYAA! (These guys are going to thank me for finding these things. If only it was easy to find the master sword.)

Loud roar comes from behind Dark, he turns around and sees his enemy

Dark: HYAA!! (Not you again..)

Dark Link dashes off into the forest more

The echo of the roar reaches the other Links

Green: HYAA? (What the hell..)

ground shakes from explosion

Green: HYAA! (What's happening?)
Red:HYA!! ( We should get back to the boat)

Green carries Purple on his back and rushes to the boat with Red Link

Green: HYAA! (we can't leave yet. Dark is still out there)
Red: HYA! ( yeah and Blue is too!)
Green: HYAA! (No he is at the boat right over-)
Points to boat and boat is empty

Green: HYA!! (BLUE??!!)
Red: HYAA! (Looks like someone dragged him off)
Points to tracks that lead into the ocean

Green: HYAA! (what is going on here...who could take Blue?)

Hears more explosions in the distants


Dark appears out of the forest running towards the boat
Dark: HYAA!! (I brought Company!!)

Roars begin to get closer

Green: HYA!! (What did you bring to us??)
Dark: HIYA!! (Nothing we can't beat)

What awaits our heros?
Where did Blue Link disappear to or better yet who took him from the others?
Why is it Purple link gets hurt the most out of all the links??
Will our Links survive this enemy or fall?
These answers may be answered next time...