The Quest Begins

Dark and Green link are flying in the sky unsure of where they are...

Dark: ...We need a map

Green: No, you think

Dark: Don't test me, I can drop you off this bird

Green: I like to see you try, Dark

Dark makes the bird twirl in circles and fly downwards toward the ground


Green tries to hold on tight to the feathers as Dark Link laughs at him

Dark: Come on hero try to hold on tight and not fall!

Green: SHUT UP!!!!!

Green struggles to hang on until he accidently lets go and begins to fall

Green: AHHH!!!!!!!!!! DARK!!! YOU J-

Dark reaches out and grabs Green and helps him back on the bird

Dark: Now what did I say. I can make you fall off this bird.

Green: You jerk...

Dark: Eh lighten up Hero.

Dark makes the bird land in a huge field and both Links hop off

Green: Hm, where are we now?

Dark: My guess were in Hyrule Fields

Dark points to some signs ahead

Dark: Looks like the market is up in that direction, hurry up and go find us a map

Green: I'm not your slave. I can go at anytime I want at my own pace

Dark: Alright I'll make sure Blue link knows that if we save him from Ganondorf on time.

Dark smirks at Green Link who sighs and began to walk

Green: Fine just stay with the bird

Green heads to the market and sees all the different venders who are selling so many items until he stares off a bit

Green: She must be in the castle then, but, I need to find a map first...

Green continues to stare at the castle up ahead but continues searching for a map, after a few hours he returns back to Dark

Dark: Alright, so wheres the map

Green: They didn't have one

Dark stares at Green then shook his head

Dark: Did you ask the Princess if she had one?

Green: What?

Dark: Look I'm not stupid I know that is her castle up there

Green looked down and then shook his head no

Dark: You didn't bother to go ask? She is the Princess she should have a map to this area.

Green: How do you think I can get in to the castle

Dark smirked and gave a chuckle

Dark: Leave that to me, I know how to get in you just got to trust me on this

Green: ...EH?

Random Citizen: WHAT IS THAT!!!??

Dark and Green link fly above the market place towards the castle with the giant bird giving a huge gust of wind hit the market making people run in fear


Dark: I Know but this is what has to be done or you would never get past the guards!

Green: We are disturbing the peace here!

Dark: Look if you had gone to her without me needing to take you this would not have happened

Green: ...What do you mean

Dark: Look you know we need the map but, you also know Ganondorf is after us for the triforce that includes her so wouldn't you want to protect her? Inform her?

Green: ....Dark, were you thinking of her this whole time?

Dark: .....I was thinking you were....

Green just stared at Dark Link and just gave out a sigh

Green: You're right... I should of gone to her before..

Dark makes the bird land closely towards the castle and hops off the Bird with Green Link

Zelda: ....!!!??

Dark: Hello there Princess

Dark says as he drags Green Link into the chambers of the Princess

Zelda: Dark? Green Link...

Green looked at Zelda and gave a chuckle

Green: Hi Zelda...

Zelda: What brings you here?

Green: ...uh well... we...I....

Dark: We need a map. Give us one.

Green: DARK!??? She's the Princess treat her with respect

Dark: Oh Princess of Hyrule we need a map of these parts of Hyrule so we may find the great Master Sword in order to defeat Evil.

Dark stares at Green Link who just shook his head and looked at the Princess

Green: We need a map to find the Sword

Zelda: What for? The sword is hidden. Peace is in Hyrule

Dark: Ganondorf teamed up with Skull Kid and Zant. They want the Triforce parts again. They took Blue Link captive...

Zelda: What? Is this true Green Link?

Green looked to Zelda and nodded

Green: So we need to find the Master Sword quick

Zelda: We have hidden it away in the Forest..with in with the kokiri forest...Inside the Lost Woods.

Green: You hid it there...why?

Zelda: Because that is where you should have most of your memory, right?

Green: Yes, but no one there remembers me...

Dark: Enough, we know where its at now now so we have to hurry up

Zelda: Wait, there is only one master sword

Dark: We got that covered already.

Green: We shall ask the Great Fairy to help us create more Swords

Zelda: And if she can't make them?

Green: Then that means only one can wield the one and only Master Sword.

Dark: One....that means it just be you.

Green: That's a first from you...

Dark: What?

Green: I thought you be all, its going to be me, but you didn't

Dark: I'm not always a bad guy. I know my limits when it comes to winning besides that sword wouldn't suit me, I need a sword that actually fits my character don't you think?

Green: Figured that was the reason

Dark: Either way you are the Hero here...I am only the darker side of you. Don't forget that.

Green: ...Dark, your not evil anymore.

Dark: ...It doesn't matter any ways.

Zelda: Here take this

Zelda hands a map and some Rupees to Green Link

Zelda: In case you need to buy some items

Green: Thanks Zelda.

Green and Zelda stare at each other for a moment when suddenly Dark Link pushes them down

Green: What the-

Dark: STAY DOWN!!!!

Dark covers Green and Zelda as glass began to break and the walls were crumbling down

Zelda: Whats going on!??

The three hear a laugh that echoed out in the room

Dark: Ganondorf....

Dark looks to Green and grabs him and Zelda

Dark: GET OUT!

Green: But Dark

Dark: Look he can catch me and the other Links it wouldn't matter but he need you the true Link and Zelda to complete the Triforce! So get out or its all over for Hyrule!!

Green nods to Dark and grabs Zelda's hand and rushes out the chamber they were in

Zelda: how did he know they would attack?

Green: He was a bad guy so you think he would know how to catch a enemy off guard

Zelda and Green head out the Castle and out in front of the castle gates when they see more of Zant and Ganondorf Minions appear

Green: How could they take over so fast..

Zelda: being taken over.....

Green looks around and begins to pace more

Green: The bird...its not here.....

He was about to rush back into the castle when a gust of wind began to hit Zelda and Green Link

Dark: GET ON!!!!

Green Link and Zelda turn around to see a wounded Dark Link

Dark: GET ON!!!! AND GO!!!!!

Green: Dark, we can't leave you...

Dark: JUST GET OUT!!!!! I can find a way out of here. You two need to find the Sword.

Dark falls to one knee breathing heavily as he looked at Green

Dark: You are the Hero of need to find the Hyrule...and stop this bastard and his new allies.

Green: You can too! You have to Dark! We're a team! I'm not leaving you behind!

Dark: Don't argue with me!!!

Dark whistles at the bird who picks both Zelda and Green up and sat them on its back

Dark: Now... GO!!!

Dark shoots an arrow at the bird and it began to fly up

Green: DARK!!!!!

Dark just smirked and waved his hand up to Zelda and Green

Dark: Time to prove yourself again Hero...

Green and Zelda looked down to see that the people of Hyrule have been captured and placed in prisons and watched as an army of Zant and Ganondorf minion begin to pour into Hyrule and to the Castle

Green: That idiot

Zelda: He only did it...for us....

What is to become of Hyrule and its people? Where shall Green Link and Zelda go to now? Will anything happen with these two???
Why would Dark give his life for his use to be enemy? What of the other Links and their quest to save Blue? Find out next time.