Hello my name is Iida-Maria, but you can call me Iida-Maria or Iida.. or whatever you want. I am 17 years old, but I'm turning 18 on September.

I live in Finland, it's in the northern part of Europe, in between Sweden and Russia. My native language isn't English, so my grammar isn't the best, but I will try. I speak Finnish (of course), English(as you can see ;D), Swedish and some German. I know a few words in Japanese too but I'd like to learn more. :D

My hobbies are reading, playing video games(Guitar Hero and Final Fantasy-series~<3), I really like watching movies and I'm very much into manga and anime. I also listen music and I like all kinds of bands, but I really don't like Finnish or English rap. :/ At the time my big favourites are The Gazette, Evanescence, Girugamesh and An Cafe.

My favourite books are the Twilight series, Harry Potter series, any books written by Walter Moers and many, many other books. I read A LOT, mostly fantasy and suspense, but I read other books from time to time, too.

The best movies are The Lord of The Rings-trilogi, Final Fantasy VII: Advent Children, Fullmetal Alchemist: Conqueror of Shamballa, Brothers Grimm, Edward Scissorhands, Fast and Furious, Avatar, Twilight and The Nightmare Before Christmas.

~The Background picture is from TheOtaku.com, desinger being aizome who kindly let me use this~

Oh my..

I just noticed that I haven't posted anything in here for over a year o.O Jeebz.. Well I can blame the school for it :D I am a freshman(high schools first year?) now and had to go to a different school, get new friends etc. I drew one nice picture too.. but I forgot to get it back from my teacher and I guess it doesn't exist anymore :/ Maybe I'll draw it again when I have time :D

Thank you for reading this <3

