- Created By haruhisohma11
Lol, What's My Problem?
Haha I hardly ever post anything anymore, and when I do it's something random like this that doesn't even make any sense *part of this may be due to the fact that it's like 12:15 at night -_-* I've been rp ing a lot lately. I have also been totally blowing off all of my work for class, and then this happens. I'm up all night long, and I don't even do it anyway. So basically I'm listening to Vocaloid and on theO, while I'm supposed to be doing Spanish. I'm a real night person, so staying up doesn't bother me, but it pisses off my mom. Lol, she doesn't even notice it though. And then there is the issue of not submiting a single fan art or fan comic. This has been bothering me a lot lately, so I think that I'm going to try to get that done soon.
Songs That I Love!!!
So I listen to a bunch of stuff... I like t.A.T.u(hope I did that right) and Vocaloid a lot. I absolutely love Malchik Gay. The song makes sense, and if you haven't heard it you should listen. I don't think that I need to explain Vocaloid at all... I have to say that I listen to Vocaloid songs and my dad gets really mad because he doesn't understand what they're saying
. I think that it is actually better that he doesn't know. I love Onii Yuukai and Just be friends the most... I also love Len and Kaito
. I also freaking lurv ON/OFF.
I know that I've probably said all of these things before, but too bad. If I've said this before, I'm sorry. I think that there are a lot of great bands and stuff out there, but if I had to name them all I couldn't. I think that Rainbow Panda would agree with me. If you are emo ... Then I don't even know where I'm going with this anymore.
If I were to eat all of the pie in the world. No, just no. I need to stop now. Okay I am stopping writing... Yeah I still haven't. Okay so I like to listen to Still Doll too. And all that stuff. I wish my dad would let me get all that stuff on my ipod. I am still going on and on. My favourite song of all time would probably be blaaaaaaaaaaahhhhh!
1st Post!!!
This is my first post... Sorry but this is basically going to be really boring. Just wanna say that I'm gonna eventually write some amazing fan fictions and stuff but I'm too lazy to do that right now... I haven't been an otaku for my entire life... just since about sixth grade... so yeah. I don't consider myself an amazing otaku that knows everything, but I do love manga and anime with all my heart! My favourite manga/ anime is Fruits Basket. And my favourite character is Momiji, whom I love. A lot. My favourite colour is green. Rin is my favourite from Vocaloid(as you can probably tell from my avatar). I hate watching anime in English, so I always watch it in Japanese. It sounds better that way and it helps me focus on what is going on better for some reason. I could start telling you all the anime/ manga I've ever watched/ read, but then this post would never end... So- bye for now!!!